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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Yep the Canadian Judicial system.... but sure better than Saudi Arabia where they just cut your hand off...
  2. What year Focus's does this recall cover??? Son is driving a 2005...
  3. I got the banana earlier... but now it's the spoon. Hoping for icecream and cherries before midnight...
  4. 1. Fish caught and retained may be gilled and gutted but fish length must be readily measurable at all times for fish taken from waterbodies where size limits are in effect, unless the fish: are being prepared for immediate consumption; are prepared at an overnight accommodation for storage; are being transported on the water from a temporary overnight accommodation to that person's primary residence and that person is NOT engaged in sport fishing; or; are being transported overland. 2. In addition, when packaging all fish for transport or storage, anglers must ensure that a Conservation Officer can determine: the number of fish that you have; the species that you have in your possession. When Packaging Fish, Anglers Should: Leave a large patch of the skin on all fillets for identification; Pack or freeze fish separately and flat so that they can be counted and identified (clear plastic bags or clear plastic wrap is preferred). Conservation Officers Conservation Officers have powers of inspection, arrest, search and seizure under the various statutes they enforce, including the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act and the Fisheries Act. When carrying out their duties Conservation Officers may do the following: Stop and inspect a vehicle, boat or aircraft; Ask questions relevant to the inspection; Inspect buildings or other places; Search with a warrant; Search without a warrant in circumstances requiring immediate action; Seize items related to an offence; Arrest anyone the Conservation Officer believes has committed, is committing, or is about to commit an offence. Conservation Officers operate random "Fish Check Stations" throughout the year. At these stations, Conservation Officers collect information on fish caught by anglers and make sure the regulations are obeyed in order to manage and protect Ontario's fisheries resources. Police Officers appointed under the Police Services Act, RCMP Officers, National Wildlife Officers, National Park Wardens and Conservation Officers of all border states and provinces are designated Conservation Officers in Ontario.
  5. Also remember if there is a slot size on the lake you are fishing that you have to retain the whole thing gutted to prove it's not a slot fish... As for confusion... I said yes because if they wanna go in they're gonna and I haven't bothered to look for the actual Ontario Regs but it was at least at one time a no warrant issue to come in and check a freezer or garage for illegal hunted deer/etc. You shouldn't have anything to hide anyhow and keep in mind they are trying to protect YOUR fishery. I don't see Wil (fishnsled) too bent out of shape about it and he's the one with the fine. Probably worth looking into though as he wasn't transporting... but someone in his group might have said "we've kept a couple to take home" !
  6. Not... unless he's got a 24V charger...
  7. Here's the first one I found without wasting much time on it. They are supposed to have a warrant to search a building.. but most figure they haven't done anything wrong and just let them in as I figure was the case with fishnsled.
  8. Well Jack.. life is never boring for sure !!
  9. Maybe City Hall sells their marriage chapel list... lol
  10. I use to lay up in the back window of the '64 Fury Sport on our trips from SFalls to Peterborough.
  11. ...mind you the issue might be.. can your properly anchor a car seat to current regs in said seat. Suspect a 6 year old only = booster seat. How did we ever get our kids home from the hospital safely in the 80's.....
  12. After trying to find my neighbours outboard this spring with an AquaView in 30 FOW, for almost three weeks.... with the two of us in a paddle boat no less... I'm glad I never bothered to buy an underwater camera. Can't see a good use for it while seriously fishing.. other than taking up your day staring at the screen.
  13. Most trucks without a full back seat have a key switch to turn off the passenger side airbag... that's why it's there.
  14. What's missing from the picture is the bikini clad gals on the pier that he was staring at as he drove up to the launch...
  15. Glad you enjoyed your stay there Tony !
  16. Ya I know ADB... just razin Terry ! I've never had any bad experiences at LB's on Dundas. Still have my Berkley lightning rods and Mag III ABU baitcaster I bought there in 1983 !
  17. Man you're getting lax Terry... 4 years ago you would have screamed SPAM !
  18. Man you seem awfully steamed !!! Just what exactly did the call interrupt.....
  19. At 47 years of age...I've only broke two rods in my life.. one a car door on my 6'6" Berkley Lightning rod that I still use 26 years later as a 6' 3" ! And a Loomis Musky rod that got shortened 1.5" by a bridge at 30 MPH. Just how hard are you setting the hook on those Rock Bass ???
  20. CO has the authority now to lay liquor charges and you're darn tootin that those yellow Beavers gets around...
  21. Kinda looks like a Hearse for dwarfs...
  22. Sorry Mark.. boxed all mine along with my flying magazines and sent them to the boys in Afghanistan to read. Which mag in particular to help the guys locate what you want.
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