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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I know that spot.... and that one.. and that one... lol
  2. Yep winds 25 to 35 K fella... hold your hat! You'll have to get up EARLY to catch Lloyd (fishhunter) at the dock!
  3. LOL... only if he had 4 guys with him, which has not been confirmed for you to make that statement. Although I do suspect that is the case.. and Lake O is a put and take fishery on the species caught. Unfortunate that it was posted in the maner it was simply to stir the pot... otherwise Matt would have started with "4 buddies and I hit the blue zone today"...
  4. Oh... I think they're in there Mike ! Others are doing well... Good luck FFarmer... play safe out there !
  5. Well then you could come.. now couldn't you !
  6. I'll call his boss and tell him that he's been slandering me using his work computer. That should get him a day or two off !!
  7. 5 guys on board correct.... Nothing like a good stir post on a Thursday afternoon...
  8. It won't charge it in any stellar way... but it will buy him some time on the water.... unless Whopper gets in his boat ! Sorry Phil.. couldn't resist!
  9. Just watch out for the car in front of you lads...
  10. Well I changed all the oils and filters in both motors this morning.... maybe I should get out and mist that new stuff around! "North".. I have to go south to get to the ramp !
  11. As Goran states ! I put UHMW on my Frabill last year... the same stuff I put on airplane skis that land at 70 MPH or so. I had the plastic and the fasteners here so there was no expense and there wouldn't be to do it again. However, I've had the same plastic on aircraft skis last 10 or more winters.... I busted all my UHMW strips off TWICE this winter on the hut... and that was only 3 x four or five day trips last winter. Really gets hammered behind a sled... so I even bit the bullet and ordered the Hyfax kit to install for this winter.
  12. Don't give us that Bull Brian... honestly.. I'm pretty sure they won't give you much worse of an initiation than we gave Joe this winter!
  13. Yah typo on my part... flying boat.. submarine.. lol.. Yes Supermarine.
  14. Define toooo many... I think 46 is reasonable for that period of time!
  15. Yah,,, I hit post and realized my "allowance" is up... currently deleting some stuff..
  16. Here's one I picked up in Wales last week...
  17. Here's a couple I took of her from the other side 2 weeks ago.. what's the chances of that Jocko.. lol Younger daughter needed a day out with her Dad.. and that's where she wanted to take me! BTW .. Shagbat is a Supermarine Walrus ..
  18. Thanks Jocko ! Great mid morning break material there !.. now back to the hangar I go..
  19. Darn.. do you think I'd better blur the backgrounds of my latest trout stream..... Fish are even visible ..
  20. Hey .. like they say Andy.. what ever presentation you are comfortable with and have faith in... go for it!
  21. Mike, it's what happens when you get older and have to get up at 3am to pee..... and can't remember the way back to the bedroom!
  22. Read your deed dear. Do you own to the water... or is there the usually Northern Ontario 66' (one chain) crown shore reserve?.. that is there to use for vessels in distress and public passage. If the Crown Shore Reserve exists you can apply to buy this from the MNR (at fair market value now, I may add). Just google purchasing a crown shore reserve in ontario... and I hope yours isn't a natural reproducing lake trout lake. Also if it's truely vacant land and has no buildings on it.. you are covered for liability under your house property with no need for it to be listed on the policy.
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