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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Anyone know if you can get a boat up the creek/river from Red Cedar into O-Pee-Chee? Gerry?? Thanks !
  2. Great stuff Matt !! I'd cover a Styx fans face as well ! lol
  3. Always make sure that the trailering cover (roof) matches the carpet before you get tooo far into a deal !
  4. LOL... I saw them in the 70's.. that was enough... Shannan Tweed... I think I still have her under the bed though...
  5. that might actually be what it is.. the little forage minnow... it's only about an inch long.
  6. Is it 4 wheel drive?? If not.. it's not gonna plow ! Do you plan to launch/retrieve all year long.. not just in perfect weather.. it's not gonna get you up the ramp. If it has 4 wheel drive.. another story.. but you'd be putting a plastic plow on it and even they you may not have enough power to push wet heavy snow. Even my '98 Sierra with the rebound rubbers doesn't like the 7' Western I have on it that much and at times the snow load can be a task for the 350/5.7 litre in her.
  7. LOL Ron.. I just kept clicking on the striped topped life preservers and couldn't get them to open.. How fast will it go.. COMFORTABLY... ie can you keep up with guys on sleds? Was considering something like that last year... and also when you did bury it in the slush... how hard was it to get out???
  8. Your Silent Night is better... when's that going up? And I do mean the song you recorded.. not like "far far away"...
  9. It will stop it dead in it's, or should I say your, tracks.... unless it pushed the ice down and the water has flooded the snow.
  10. I think you'll find a few guys here that own one and don't have much good to say about the dealer on the 400 in Barrie, or stuff that broke and how it was(n't) fixed by them properly (or at all).. but they seem happy with the boat itself overall. Their packages are generally underpowered though, with some not even being able to surpass "hull" speed when loaded up.
  11. Sand and salt University Avenue... quick...
  12. I think it's more the video speaks for it's self Brian. Pass the hanky..
  13. NO.. bare.. hammered it so hard almost lost my rod.
  14. I've got my venison steaks and pepperettes in the freezer already..... what's takin ya Brian??
  15. ...or a tiny gold buckshot spoon.
  16. Hope you have 3 or 4 million already Vinnimon.. to take a few thousand of us fishing for 2 weeks ! Unless it's just a wall spot on a Lake O pier somewhere and tents... that you're offering ! lol
  17. It means Laughs at the lake aren't toooo far off !!
  18. Just pay them to leave the doors open on Parliment Hill.. should do it !
  19. I think we had this argument.. errr..discussion back here... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...8&hl=salary
  20. Yep.. a great windfall for local businsses I bet ! Whomever can build them first, advertise well and keep people happy and on fish is gonna be king.
  21. A nice fish diner and a musical with the wife.. and then invest the rest at a guaranteed 5% or more and sit back and relax. Sounds like many here would be broke again by weeks end !
  22. For an example.. this is a survival suit. Delays hypothermia etc. http://www.mustangsurvival.com/products/category.php?t=4 http://www.mustangsurvival.com/professiona...t_01Apr2009.pdf ..and even they aren't without issues. http://www.williamsandcompany.ca/Articles/...val%20Myths.pdf
  23. And remember... it's only a floater suit ! It's not a survival suit... You're still going to have to find heat FAST if you take a swim!
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