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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. 33 years of, legally, being on the streets.. A good few years before that driving as well... I couldn't possibly count how many brake lightless vehicles I've driven behind in that time frame. As for I'm pretty certain Cliff knows I was asking in HIS best interest after surgery. I have a few friends without depth perception, yet with vigilance they drive and I even have one buddy that flies with only one eye.
  2. I will follow anything I need at times. Ask DanC how I got to Marathon sometime...
  3. How did you know it was gonna be such a nice sunny day....
  4. LOL.. I have GPS in the plane, I still fly cross country with a map on my lap and compass for headings. It's called stayin alive when crap happens..... same works in a boat.
  5. Always in my back pack Paul ! As well as one on the Lund's dash when I'm in it.
  6. With Dara stating that.. Cliff, didn't you recently have laser surgery for cats or was that someone else. Did they check your depth perception afterwards??
  7. You never leave home without a compass do you Paul????
  8. If it was bypass work Darren.. I'd tell you to run into Trillium in Missisauga complaining of chest pains. Brother had his quint done there last July.. and he's back to healthier than he has been in over 20 years. He did have micro surgery for his hand a ways back, after getting it crushed in a garage door spring.. I think surgery was a St. Mikes.. but I'll ask him when I see him on Wednesday.
  9. Much appreciated Geoff, but not necessary. If you go back and read the vote thread it was about keeping her mind occupied to get her through... to today at least... without having to give much thought to her protocol. There have been three VERY generous offers already that I've turned down. Now if you happen to come crashing into her room on the 11th floor one day... well you know that I'm not gonna stop you. THANKS! Wayne
  10. On behalf of Jennifer.. thanks for all the effort folks!! She placed third after they removed the, leading, auto vote cheater. Tried to get her to post up another picture for this weeks contest... seeing we're in a holding pattern here thanks to a 2 day scheduling screw up at Sinai... but she's saying that she's not going to. Will see what tomorrow brings...
  11. Careless for you Cliff.. nothing for him. He'd just tell them he had his arm out the window.. hand down. Still a legal means of showing he's stopping (if he was that smart at least). Only requirement, unfortuntely, is one white light front.. one red light (rear) after sunset, or to pass a safety check.
  12. I believe all that subscribing does.. is it sends you an email everytime someone responds to that thread. At least that's what it's for on an airplane forum I belong to.
  13. What ever you want to tell yourself Cram... here's just the very first story google brought up.... http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/251232/Al_Gore_Purchases_Carbon_Credits_From_A_Company_He_Himself_Owns He may have been an environmentalist earlier in life.. but he conceived a plan somewhere in his travels to pad his wallet. Especially interesting how things were set up prior to his global warming push...
  14. What.. you never wondered how M & M's etc make every piece of meat fit their preformed packaging!!
  15. I even joined FB just to vote everyday bud!! (well I actually joined to vote for someone else.. somewhere else.. but .. LOL)
  16. Here's me pulling my tackle box behind the Glastron...
  17. Again I don't think he's pointing any fingers.. just laying out all the other possibilities that need to be considered in the grand scheme of things. Of course I have the advantage of many hours of conversation with Lloyd, on the water, road, air, to know that's what he's getting at. Whether it conveys in the way he types or not is another thing...
  18. Read all Fishhunters replies again Lucas.. and you'll see he has no issues going to a 2 fish limit from his boat and is only asking everyone to consider the entire situation to sustain the population, before jumping on any one bandwagon. For those that don't believe what a "PITA" Lloyd can be with his "man over board" treatment for a fish... watch this turn the volume up full and watch his concern for the (non-netted) release floater while I start turning the boat around as my f-in-law keeps it in sight (and Terry adds his usual humour) <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1cOMdrheD98" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Carbon Credits weren't about the money for Al Gore either......
  20. Yah.. 'till midnight Sunday Geoff. They removed one of the "auto vote" cheats... still one there. She's not gonna make it unfortunately.
  21. You get the same limits as a sport licence Erik.
  22. Depends how many escape E's you can find...
  23. I knew there was something I liked about you Gord !!
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