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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. No big problems with a simulated 2 step stair case today and going to try a full stair case tomorrow to see if she's able to do our 17 steps at home. Walked the length of the 11th floor on crutches. Surgeon is speechless! In and out of bed/chair/bathroom on her own, only hurdle right now is she can't roll over without that mechanical connection to her leg. Someone has to hold it. Tomorrow she's gonna try a velcro style strap that will lash one leg to the other to see if she can roll. Glad now that I didn't jump the gun and buy that stair lift I had scouted on kijji
  2. Dang... I thought you got video of the Jamacian Bobsled team coming down Bay St !! Looked at litte gay to me.. not that there was anything wrong with that... Tomorrow...yah.. tomorrow !
  3. Come'on Joe... it's not that bad out there. I just walked Sinai, down Gerrard, down Yonge to the Eaton Centre and back. The scenery was astounding...... and the oxygen tank they have me on now is great!!
  4. Wheeled her over to Toronto General for food court supper at Hero Burger tonight. Then one of her Chemo unit nurses brought her in a celebration cake tonight that she was to share with another lad 3 doors down on the floor. So I carried the cake and Jen crutched her way over to his room. One tired cookie... she'll sleep well tonight. Learns stairs tomorrow...
  5. Anything within 5 miles of a forest fire automatically becomes a no fly zone by Transport Canada regulations. Terry, I hope there's nothing burning where you're going...
  6. Surgeon just left.. the 100% cancer free statement the Oncologist made on Monday night wasn't just a feel good blurb, the pathologist cut the removed bone in slices/squares/slides and everything they put under the microscope is dead. Generally they are shooting for above 80% dead being satisfactory, 90% is great, 100% is never heard of ! Discharging Sunday and to save her a trip back to the city they are also going to remove her 100+ staples before she goes. Also okayed for Beerfest with her girlfriends if she uses a wheel chair... she's happy as a fat kid in a smarty factory !
  7. It was expected that she'd use a wheel chair for the first 3 months. Probably will somewhat around the house for awhile. She'll be going home with us so she can roam the first floor and will take over our bedroom and we'll go upstairs and use hers.
  8. This morning she has progressed to using crutches!! and finds them easier than the walker. Suspect she'll switch back and forth to both modes of transportation. Walker = Sore arms... Crutches = sore arm pits. Gets her last antibotic bag today at 2pm and then the IV to her port will be removed. They were talking Friday discharge but she stalled that by stating she's planned a birthday party for her bf in the floor lounge for Saturday. Looks like she's gonna be going home Sunday to the amazement of those signing the requisitions!
  9. Have fun and be well my friend!
  10. Looks like she'll be doing that one as well Albert!!! Sinai Sarcoma has asked her to be their motivational speaker!
  11. These should make even the toughest of men smile.... Don't worry if you shed a tear, I sure did! <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CpsaXQt3vXo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Qa7QJLiw2To" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4__uZxNugMc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Thanks guys.. Simon, wait 'till I finish uploading her "first steps" videos shortly. That'll make you cry or smile no matter who you are!
  13. Sorry Mike, you asked a question and are getting lots of great advise.. you just don't appear to be taking any of it. If your boat ethics match the current balking to take any advise offered (from you asking a question) I dont' think any would find a day on the water enjoyable with you. I know feelings are hard to type, so I may be right off base there....
  14. Okay... if you can't pick the answers out of all the great replies you received... if you took 2 people out for Muskie you don't have to boat any if you are truly doing your darndest to put them on fish, with the main interest doing so and not making money. .. unless I'm on Scugog you may as well be fishing pike !
  15. 10 posts here and you're calling someone out.. NICE !
  16. I've watched you... there's not much chance of that.
  17. Grew built the building we're in specifically for themselves as they had to get off the waterfront and needed "our" building to do the larger boats. Full overhead rail system throughout the entire facility to move moulds/hulls/finished boats.
  18. Can't patent it now.. it's been discussed in a public forum !
  19. Come'on.. who'd drink that crap... El Dorado Silver Deluxe here.
  20. Not sure Geoff... our 26,000 sq ft building was Grew's last presence in town, with a nice fancy 32' ceiling, board room, offices etc. They went into receivership and the guy that was shot and killed over in Owen Sounds last year had bought the rights and was making Grew's along with something else, maybe it was Northstar?
  21. I have factory space and a town full of glass experts if they want to locate in Penetanguishene. Our factory is currently in the old Grew building, but we have room in our old facilities down the street!
  22. I'll second that.. 8 days with Thorpe and I convinced him to make a total of 3 casts while we ate our lunches and that took a lot of demanding that he do so on my part. And the one year we were on a weed bed that put many MANY +48" fish in the boat a couple of those days. We made the Mania "Best Days" video look tame.... and he still wouldn't pick up a rod no matter how much I tried to get him to do so. The secret of guiding is you need to love the thrill of the hunt, the skill required to be successful and seeing other people happy to boat some of their best fish of their lives. Willing to share tips and tricks and also the unfortunate side of needing to be able to put up with some real while still smiling.
  23. And they wonder why Goldie Locks found three bears in her beds!! Wait 'till you get back up there....
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