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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. ahaha best phaneuf description http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJH-CMnA7PI
  2. understanding politics is a lot more than reading a platform or understanding a stance on some sort of issue. Look at the US, supposed to be the american dream but that is not the reality. You can argue about all of this or really concern yourself with whats attainable and what is not. As a citizen we can guilt you into voting and say that is the problem, but realistically that is not the issue. Everyone wants to pretend like they know better. Conservative, Liberals and NDP are all pawns. If you think McGuinty is responsible for everything thats going on than you are very niave. Look into the condo boom of Toronto and why the crime rate is so low of a 2.5million population. The stretch of money goes far beyond the politics that the average individual believes.
  3. if only responsibility meant the same thing to everyone..
  4. of course we will
  5. its like voting for the best of the worst and you don't know what they're capable of until they're in power because they use all these smoke screens and false promises to get themselves there. Not to mention how complex the whole system is, in a such a multicultural place its hard to keep everyone happy as people have conflicting views. Politics is far to aggravating and this thread is going to get out of hand haha.
  6. a shootout makes the 3 periods essentially a waste of time, the game is resorting to a talent show. You could have a team full of fancy players getting out played by a bunch of 3rd liners to keep in the game then it gets decided by a shootout! I don't mind a tie, I'd prefer OT until someone wins but the TV networks can't handle that and I'm sure many of the viewers that are not avid fans will stop watching at a certain point.
  7. nice pictures! a buddy of mine almost got mauled by a massive bull in jasper less than a month ago, just came charging out of the darkness
  8. its all projected numbers. What do you expect? Trying to put the plant in a neighbourhood of 1%ers who already live in an area with poor air quality due to the Petro Canada refinery. Money talks.
  9. i'm sure he wouldn't have tried it if it was a close game
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMw4nksG7UQ Hertl's 4th goal of the game...
  11. Matt created the thread and the mods changed the title haha, if i recall correctly
  12. that is graphic... kraft single?!
  13. nice fish!
  14. http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=685304&navid=nhl:topheads uhhh? haha (way to early for this but still funny)
  15. holy! nice fish!
  16. and now he makes more than tavares and stamkos.. haha
  17. as a hockey fan in general, the entire thing was pathetic, hard to place blame or defend individuals actions, not so black and white
  18. thats amazing
  19. woah woah woah.. matt... didn't you get the memo? after those off season pickups the leafs are cup bound!
  20. He was holding out for too much not really having played enough games... although I will say atleast watching Kadri can be interesting, not like the pylon Phaneuf who couldn't hit the net if his life depended on it and turn down potential momentum shifting fights... or Kessel stepping over the blueline and taking a wrister from the top of the circle... ugggh
  21. bahahahaha
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