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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. I went to the walk-in Dr with a cold and sore chest from coughing, and got some wicked narcotic cough syrup, mouth wash stuff, and 112 Tylenol 3's with codeine. Went to my family Dr. with a pulled muscle in my back and got some back stuff and 10 Tylenol 3's with codeine. I'm almost certain the 112 was to be 12. Heck I only took 1, and 112 is a heck of a lot! I think typo's must make up a part of med mistakes. Entropy
  2. I just checked the ice on Scugog today. There was 19 inches in total. 7" of white soft ice on top and 12" of good solid ice under that.
  3. Just a heads up. Canadian Tire has their 2w LED bulbs on sale for $8.99, and the OPA has a $5 in store instant rebate, which brings the cost down to $4 a bulb. They don't give off as much light as a 9w or 13w CFL that many people are using now, but might be worth the try. Entropy
  4. Well it looks like our penalty is higher than the savings would be, at this time. As it stands the best thing to do is renew 120 days early on Dec 27 of 2014, and in the mean time hope rates don't go up, and spend some money on improving our house. Siding, windows and roof are all very needed. After looking at the numbers, it was more than clear what to do. Thanks. Entropy
  5. good stuff guys. I talked to my $$$ guy at manulife and he suggested the one account, but not sure of that. They said go for 3.1% and offered to hold my mortgage for 3.1% and/or even call my bank and negociate on my behalf, even without getting my business. Entropy
  6. I'm thinking of breaking my current mortgage at 4.23%, paying the penalty for breaking a year early, and then signing a 5 year fixed rate at 3.35%. Any insight on this or mortgage rates in general? What are you doing with yours? Entropy
  7. Just an FYI. Lambert Oil is back up and running. I stopped in today and bought about 9 L of Kerosene for about $15. That's about half of what it costs to buy it from a store. Entropy
  8. you have my vote for the box trailer with the racks. you will use it more than you can imagine.
  9. At $30 a tire I was going to buy an extra. I had a set of walmart tires and at the time they included their warranty in the price. I took them in to be rotated every 10 000 kms, and hat 5 or 6 repairs done to them (I used the vehicle off road often, but recall most were screws and nails). Good point about the date code. When I bought tires off kijiji, I'd checked the date code against what the seller was telling me. Also, remember to check the date on batteries when buying them off the shelf too. Thanks, Entropy
  10. Hmmm, seems most stores are out of stock, that solves that problem. $30 a tire dream, has just been crushed, lol. [$30 was the clearance price, the reg price was $89] Guess I might end up putting some crap $100 Motomasters on, and if I'm going to do that I might as well splurge and spend a bit more and put a proper tire on. Thanks. Entropy
  11. The Rovello's are Chinese made. So are the winter tires the dealership wanted to sell me. I will not be putting our previous set of summers back on, they are now dangerous and should not have been used all of last summer. I think this brand at least has tread on them. Heck, my whole car was made in Korea.
  12. Lol, some great comments on that link above though, fun to read at least. Same comments were written about the Rovello winter tires I put on my car. Real happy with them and have put ... about 18 000 km on them this winter, so far, heck if I swap them out at the end of 4 years, I'm still ahead. Entropy
  13. I have read a lot of stuff on the internet about these tires and other inexpensive tires in general. There is the "There are only 4 tiny spots connecting you to the road, buy American or nothing" comment, to the "if they are round and hold air and work for you, use them" comment. But, I'd be interested if anyone here as used them of knows of a close friend or family that uses them. Thanks, Entropy
  14. The family van needs a new set of summer tires. I'm thinking about buying a set of Autoguard tires from Walmart and having my mechanic put them on. It is an '06 Grand Caravan with 210 000km, and the rust is just starting to spread. It is well maintained and I hope it will last another 4 years (with the help of some TremClad and rust proofing), which is when my commuter car will be paid for. The van gets driven by my wife daily, about 100 km a day, and we run winter tires Nov to April. I have been keeping an eye our for a set on kijiji, but there is very few out there. For the price of the Autoguards (about $40 on sale, reg $80), I'm not even going to look into a set of used tires at a used tire place. The van might make it the full 4 years and more, or could go this month, and for that reason, I'm not interested in spending $500 to $1000 on tires. Has anyone here had a set of Autoguards on a vehicle? And what was your experience with them? FYI Last fall I bought a set of Rovello winter tires, for my small commuter car, from Wallmart for $50 a piece and have had no problems, and plan to buy another set when these are done. Thanks, Entropy
  15. Never had much luck for walleye or 'ski on the river, even in spring summer or fall. It does not live up to it's name. Not joking on this comment. 15 years ago things were much better, but now days your lucky to catch a walleye. I don't think I have personally seen a 'ski come out of the water in the last ... 25 years, pike yes, but not 'ski. just my 2 cents. Entropy
  16. smells like spring
  17. Don't you hate when that happens.
  18. yep, it dries up, lol, better delete this thread before it offends someone, eh. Entropy
  19. horrible place, stay away, no fish there. Shhhhhhh!
  20. Good point Art. So fishnguy how much do you want for that Sienna?
  21. lol that is some drawing.
  22. My truck was better at pulling, but my van was better at breaking. I have towed with both vehicles packed front to back and top to bottom, plus 2 adults and 2 kids. For a family, the van was the only option I had and it worked great, just changed the trany fluid an extra time, and it is still going strong, hauling fire wood and canoes and kayaks now. My truck would over heat the breaks with the boat on, even had front pads fall off while on a 5 hr drive with my baby boy beside me and my wife, towing the boat up and down hills. My boat pushed the tuck though an intersection on wet pavement one day too, but that never happened with the van, but it has ABS, so ..... Give it a try and see how it goes, put a trany cooler in and change the oil and trany fluid a bit sooner than normal and don't drive crazy. Or spend a bunch of money and go buy a 4wd truck, if you have the money to switch vehicles and extra gas. Entropy
  23. 17 ft boat (decks and windshield and live wells, ect) I think the tow capacity as stated in the manual is 3500 lbs.
  24. I have been there and done that with my 06 Grand Caravan with no problems. Have also done it with a 2wd 1/2 ton pick up. You know it is there with the van, but don't feel it much with the truck. I never got stuck at a ramp with either, but also choose and used them with good judgement. Entropy
  25. well done, now just hose it out.
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