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Everything posted by Entropy

  1. I was in the area last Sunday, did some tobogganing on a hill with the kids, so there was enough snow. Heading up to check on a family cottage. Can't drive in, so I'm walking in. Taking the kids, should I drag them in on a toboggan or are they walking too? thanks, Entropy
  2. I don't think anyone would take it the wrong way Cliff. No worries.
  3. Thanks for doing that. I don't have a problem following a drunk while on the phone with the cops, and even stop to see if they are OK, after they ditch their vehicle. I have spent some time in court, ensuring they don't kill myself or my family the next time they do something stupid. One guy is currently spending his weekends in Lindsay, and has no hope of getting a license again. Be good out there. Entropy
  4. I was hoping to get a pair of snow shoes this winter. Last winter saw too much snow to go trekking into a family cottage, looking for grouse on some family land, or even looking for rabbit along fence rows in fields. I have only used a set once before ... I think they were Fabers. I have line on a set from TSC ...make is ... I think Yanes. I might get to use them 3 or 5 times each winter and likely not much more than 1 to 3 hours at a time. Anyone do much snow shoeing? Any insight as to what to look for? Entropy
  5. Sorry, what river are you leaving? RRFN = rainy river first nation RRFN = red river farm network
  6. stop paying those companies and put up a digital antenna. Free TV. Worth a try, some people in the city get 35 channels, all HD.
  7. maybe go from load range D to E, or the similar.
  8. Is the tire rated for the right load?
  9. perhaps a bit of air in the system?
  10. Port Perry Auto Glass and Trim. They do a lot of boat work and do a great job. There is also a guy on hwy 35 near Fenlon Falls, and also a guy on hwy 48 north end of Balsam lake.
  11. I have seen this before, for some species of frog, when they thaw out, they hop away. Very cool to watch. Saw one do this during an ice storm a couple of years back.
  12. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/3902089912001 http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/featured/straight-talk-and-hard-news/868018287001/ontariorsquos-new-carbon-tax/3904072590001 We are so screwed. Entropy
  13. If you do build, don't put a regular roof truss on, but rather a vertically stretched out attic truss, that will give your lots of head room and another 'storage' room on what essentially becomes a second floor. I had my trusses designed for free at Scugog Lumber, bought them there, was a great way to do it. You just stand the on top of the walls, and they become the walls, roof, and floor for the loft. Entropy
  14. Hmmm, wish I could 'paste' the url onto this page, but no can do. not even cntrlV works... Why? The 'Home Sitter' on the Home H website is the one I have, I was $70 a few years ago, might be $100 now. Works great! you plug it into a phone line and an electrical outlet.
  15. LOL, when I get the call from my house and race home to fire up the genny, I have often asked myself .... "What happens when this genny quits?". Buy a good auto start up one, and a small cheap one. Two are better than one, but you have to run them every 2 to 4 weeks, to ensure they will perform when needed. The first time it works, it saves THOUSANDS in damage and a big pain in the butt. Entropy
  16. I put up an 18 x 24 garage with loft for $21000 about 3 years ago. I had someone do the eng slab, $5000, and someone put on the shingles, the rest was me. Cost includes electrical permit ( I got this), health permit (I got this), drawings of the eng pad and structure (I drew them and got permit), underground electrical service from house to garage 100 amp panel, all the wire, not heated nor insulated. I think insulation alone is going to run me $1000, and still no heat. If someone building it for me I'd expect $50 000, around here. Entropy
  17. We have a Home Sitter (monitors hot cold water and power outage). I bought it at TSC for $70, it calls my cell when any of the bad stuff happens. We pump lots of water in the spring. I have a "low" pump and a "high" pump. If the low one quits the high one will take over, or if the low one is overwhelmed, the higher one would help out. Both pumps are on different circuits, and both have separate discharge lines. The low one is burried outside, the high one is above ground. Both discharge lines will totally drain by gravity. Reason for two separate lines is if one freezes solid and is totally screwed, the other one will work and can be heated with an outside heat line, or heater. My neighbour has a battery backup, and it dies way too soon. It is pointless. A backup generator is the way to go. Entropy
  18. The region rebuilt one set of these curves, and now the ditches are a lot deeper. Before cars would skid gently off into the shallow ditch, or off into the corn. From what I saw last night, now the front right corner of the car is catching the far side of the ditch and flipping them. So many ditches have been dug down deep over the last few years, I understand drainage is good, but things seemed to drain well before? Maybe someone's 'friend' needs some free fill? Entropy
  19. fire crews were putting them out. I had to shake my head at where one fireguy put one ..... no no, you need one way around the blind curve in the road ... Let people know to slow down before they start skidding into the scene. Tossed me a couple to run around the corner, ... common sense, eh. Sadly lives are lost every year on the curves I drive, ... and to think the region just re-constructed one this summer to make it safer.
  20. Thanks again to my employer for the First Aid and CPR training. I put it to use again tonight. Also, if you are north of "The Ridges" stay home. There are more than a few vehicles in the ditch upside down, and lots of ice on the roads in the open sections. Wal-Mart Chinese winter tires performed very well again this eve. LOL Buy the way, where can I pick up a few more road flares at a reasonable price? Be safe, Entropy
  21. You guys and your T.V.'s. I have two in the house, both were free off the side of the road, work great. LOL..... I still can't believe I PAID for a new couch last summer. Entropy Might be time to get a big one soon, can't deprive the wife and kids too long, eh.
  22. Hey, $320 cheaper for a set of four and I can't tell the difference, why not. Salun, Triangle, Nexgen, Rovello all Chinese, but better than summer tires IMO. Seems like there are a lot of people that have a lot of money, but me. Trip to town today $450, 2 hair cuts, groceries, gas, and a few things at Canadian Tire. Entropy
  23. Try W%lmart's Rovello, or Weathermate winter. Cheap, and work, they are round.
  24. or this • Large or across the board increases to existing licence fees to cover the cost of the fish and wildlife program
  25. This sounds like fun. A surcharge across Canada on outdoor equipment, to fund fish and wildlife conservation programs
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