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Everything posted by mikeseb

  1. Hey Yall, Its been a long time since Ive posted a report so I thought Id post one on how my 2012 winter steelheading season has gone so far. Its been a great few weeks with lots of hook ups and a few real nice fish landed including my new PB! I have also managed to get a buddy of mine hooked on steelheadin which has made for more fun on the water! Im really getting the hang of this type of fishing and am becoming verrrry addicted lol. Now for the fish porn!! http://s1063.photobu...fridaysteel.jpg http://s1063.photobu...rrent=steel.jpg My new PB chromer, 29 inches long!! http://s1063.photobu...urrent%3Dpb.jpg http://s1063.photobu...120131-1317.jpg My buddys first steelhead! http://s1063.photobu...120107-1157.jpg By far the smallest steelhead ive ever seen http://s1063.photobu...rent=lilguy.jpg Good luck to everyone and have a very successful 2012 fishing season !!!!!
  2. Nice fish!!! Ive been lucky to get out a handful of times so far in 2012 with decent success including a new PB at 29 inches long!! Haven't been able to post any reports though it says the files are to big im not sure how to make them smaller? Can anyone help me with this?
  3. sounds like my kinda fishing. No pain no gain !!
  4. Nice fish!! Im gonna try and get out tomorrow weathers gonna be nice.
  5. Yea? i was thinking it might have been a brown aswell which would be sweet as ive never landed one before. Either way it was a great way to end the year!
  6. Wow i had no idea the rules out there were so strict! If and when atlantics are successively established in lake o, will we be seeing these outrageous fees to fish for them aswell?
  7. Way to go! Those are some nice fish
  8. Hey yall, Went down to the creek today for a few hours and had my best day yet!! I went 3 for 3 including a fair sized hen that hammered my pink worm!! I cannot wait for april as i am soo hooked on steelheading! Hope everyone else had a good closer . I also wanna thank all you guys again for all the advice youve given me, you guys are great! Mike
  9. i cant stand touch screens!! go with a blackberry, bold or curve
  10. Thanks!
  11. Was out today for a few hours. Went 1 for 1 and didnt see anyone else gettin anything, very slow day. Hope tommorows a good one, Aprils a loooong ways away.
  12. Nice pics!! I wanna get me one of those waterproof cameras for some release and underwater shots
  13. Thanks for the advice lol. I actually just picked up a new pair. I went out today and that boot completely fell apart and ended my day very quickly.
  14. Yea these waders were pretty cheap and have been used quite a bit in the last 5 years but this is the first problem Ive had with them. Im defiantly going to be upgrading some point this winter and am thinking about going with the hiking boot style but have noticed there almost double in price. Are they really worth it? Thanks, Mike
  15. Thats what I did today! haha I think im gonna just settle with that and then try the shoe goo sunday
  16. Hey yall, Ive come across a slight problem with the bottom of my rubber boots on my chest waders. Its seems the rubber has split open and is allowing quite a bit of water through. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and knows of a good fix. Even a temporary fix will do as I am only going to need them untill the 31st and i am going to upgrade this winter. What do you guys think?? Ive been thinking of trying shoe goo? Thanks Mike
  17. haha yea its defiantly treated me the best out of all the spots on that stretch of river. Went out again today and only got 1, nice size though around the size of the one I lost that 1 day.
  18. right on guys those are some beasts!
  19. haha dont be jealous im sure youve got wayy better fishing up in north bay than down here
  20. Amazing report those are some giants!! Its posts like this that inspired my to get into steelheading this fall and after some recent success Im hooked!!
  21. x2. Theres a website www.pissedconsumer.com thats exactly for this. Post a nice report on how these lazy buttholes run what seems to be a very greasy company.
  22. Hey yall, So I decided to hit the creek today and had some decent success (for a newbie ) lol. I went 2 for 3 loosing what would have been my first brown. All fish were released
  23. Hey yall, Hope everyone had a fun and safe christmas! So I got a few bass pro shop gift cards for xmas and decided to invest in a good quality noodle rod for steelheading as I am hooked! I headed up there today to check out some rods and ended up buying the okuma aventa 15.6 foot rod for 109.99. I got back at around 1 and thought id head down to the creek to play with my new toy. After a few drifts my float goes down and im into a fish. A nice fat bellied fresh hen with plenty of fight in her, taking to the air a few times, is on the end of my line. After a 10 minute struggle with a 3# leader she was in the net of a fellow angler, and I was able to finally get a pic of these magnificent fish after the only other one I landed broke off my leader and swam away before i could get the hook out and snap a pic. After a quick pic she was back in the water and darted back into the deep water in seconds. I lost another fish due to a birds nest in my reel and decided to call it a day after that as it was getting dark. All in all a great few hours on the water Im hoping to get out every day until closer and will hopefully have much more fish porn to share!! lol thanks for reading, Mike
  24. im with bill, who needs ice when youve got steel?
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