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Everything posted by TroutSlayer

  1. Probably, I'm on thousands of sites, all using the same handle. I don't hide!
  2. Nice to meet you all. Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. I fished a few lakes south of Shining Tree and did very well with Specks in Pat Lake, but that was in 1968.
  4. I feel the same Sinker.
  5. I've owned and used both Marcum and Vex over the years. I only use the Marcum LX5 now. The movable zoom is important for me when fishing suspended Specks.
  6. Ask the Reel Doctor http://www.reeldr.com/ Tell him TroutSlayer sent you.
  7. I'm good buddy! Hope you are well.
  8. I've always admired the way this forum is managed. I forget how long I've been lurking around here.
  9. The "wedding cake" Mitchell was built for tournament casting. I still have a fair number of Cardinal 3 and 4 models:
  10. Great shots Mercman! Here's a few of mine old clunkers. Some are my "go to" reels still today. I thought I posted these already, but can't find them. [
  11. Next fall pal. I've got the rod, just need to find a used reel now.
  12. That's good info. Thanks pal.
  13. Very nice report pal! Some good looking chrome played to hand. Are you not concerned about grit or sand getting into your reel in this shot?
  14. Super photo pal. Nothing wrong with catching and taking photos of that fish at all.
  15. That was a fun read guys! Thanks. I think what we have happening here is that many anglers who spend big bucks on gear, feel the need to have that gear included in the photos they take. Which means laying the rod and reel in the water or on the sand. Heck, some even go to the extreme of holding the rod and reel in their teeth! I find this makes for a real funny photo, and would sooner release the fish without a photo, than to be caught on camera eating a rod! LMAO! I try to get my old Cardinals in all my photos, but never ate one yet.
  16. There are many lakes and rivers in Ontario where there is no closed season on these things. Who really cares if you take a picture of them or not. I don't even target them, but like to see the photos.
  17. All valid points people. I stopped going to trade shows years ago when ticket and parking costs increased to a certain point. I will never line up and pay money to have the chance to spend money on anything. If I needed to look at boats to make a decision, I would let the dealers know I was interested and expect free admittance as well as a cab ride to and from the event looked after by whoever wanted my business. I see a lot of free tickets being thrown around now, so I guess some dealers are feeling the pinch. They need to stop charging all together and make it easy for people to spend money.
  18. For me it was the adjustable zoom function of the Marcum LX5. I used to own a Vex, but gave it away when Marcum came along. IceFisherman and I purchased the first available units together a few years back. I found rainbows suspended and was able to zoom right in with the LX5.
  19. Rest assured it doesn't just disappear. Some gets to the ocean, some settles to the bottom of Lake Ontario. The further you can get upstream, the less polution. I agree, there is polution in all waters to some degree. A fish from the north shore of Huron, has not seen the polution floating downstream from Windsor, Detroit, Buffalo, Sarnia, Hamilton, Toronto etc. Think about the Don River, at its many headwater sources, it is fairly clean. After getting through Toronto and with all the drains and sewers emptying into it, it's not so clean at the mouth on lakeshore. If a piece of human crap (commonly seen in Lake Ontario) does make it to the ocean, at least it's worn down to bait size and gobbled up by a fish.
  20. When you think about it, Lake Ontario is the catch basin for all the other great lakes. All the toxic runoff, human waste and stuff we don't even know about from all the major cities (Can and US) end up in Lake Ontario. Sure, some of it is treated, if it's not raining. Tons and Tons of raw crap end up in Lake O on a regular basis, along with the many toxic chemicals you can't see. Would I eat any fish from Lake Ontario (warts or not)? Not a chance.
  21. Yes, that was the last weekend of specks for this year, in that area.
  22. Who put that thought in your head? Take a good look at the country between Chapleau and Gogama. Read the stocking lists as well.
  23. A funny story about those falls Billy. When we were kids my parents parked there for the day and we played and explored. My younger brother "Scurve" (probably 10 years old at the time) caught a little 3 inch speck in the small feeder creek at the base of the falls. Instead of taking it off his hook, he cast it into the main pool below the falls. Well didn't a 3 pound pike grab the thing! He landed the pike and built a little holding pool in the feeder creek and put the pike in it. Near the end of the day he went back to let the pike go. I guess someone was watching through binoculars from the lookoff and saw Scurve bend down and grab the pike. The guy worked his way over to us and said to Scurve "I never would have believed it if I hadn't see it with my own eyes! you caught that fish with your bare hands! That's fantastic" Well, it was funny at the time.
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