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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. 4-1
  2. Thanks guys, I will get them ordered, and replace them all.
  3. Great Idea,and I can use them flat lining for pike in the spring.I had some spoons rigged up like that for pike years back, frog patterned.
  4. And for a quality product, why did they go cheap on 2 measly hooks?
  5. Its almost like a hook you would buy from a dollar store.
  6. Oh their dried for sure,and the the corrosion looks like corrosion that you would find on aluminum,not the brown rust you see on steel.
  7. I was brought to my attention on saturday that the double hooks break very easily.I checked all my spoons and what I found was corrosion.I bent one of the hooks and it broke.My question is, Is there a replacement hook available for the williams spoons?Ive never, ever seen then in all the baitshops ive been in.Do they make them and where can I purchase them?The double hook that slips on the middle of the spoon.Thanks in advance.V
  8. Word to the wise,If you see catfish, move on.They really make a mess when feeding.Stirring up sediment and what ever else.
  9. I searched and and searched,anyway,who was the gent that wanted to carpool from london to IBP yesterday for the tyler tourney? I beleive hes a moderator or something here.Thanks in advance.V
  10. FWI im first generation here in the great white southern north.Secondly Im not mad at all.Thirdly it gets pretty darn hot hear in Hamilton,ontario.And lastly my friend thanks for the inspiration on our team mascot nickname.Cheers
  11. HAHAHAHA.When in doubt,ah you know.Come by and youll see exactly what im getting at on this post.Ill show another ofner and get his thoughts on it.Darn youngins not seeing the whole picture here.As to what I have in mind.
  12. Ok,use whatever lures.
  13. I forgot,make sure there is a center cutting bit(starting bit) between the blades.Makes a huge difference.
  14. Strikemaster lazer mag, 2hp tecumpseh with 8" blades(make sure blades were made in sweden,and not china).No factory issues with it,Ive had it for a few years now and still using the factory plugs and blade.Light weight also.Remember to check the stamping on the blades before you buy one.Sweden yes,china no.
  15. It was just a thought running threw my mind,would be interesting dont you think?Turnout would be extremely low indeed.A pro/am would be awesome.And to make it more interesting the pros have to fish out of the ams boat.Oh and im sure there will be issues with that also.Like I said I just a thought running threw my mind for now.
  16. So true ,and may I add that we are already on top of them and bigger than them.
  17. You guys buy up the canucks to play hockey?Why not!We will still celebrate, cause it will be the canucks that won it for yous.EH! JUst razzen ya up.
  18. I was brainstorming today and thought about having a little tourney on lake simcoe in the spring or summer.The requirements are that no sonars,riggers,or any electronics to find fish or depth can be used.And on top of that you are required to use rods and reels prior to 1970.I know it sounds off beat but I was looking at an old rod that a friend gave me with the reel and steel line(his grandfathers).Well his grandfather used it specifically for simcoe fishing for lake trout.And im determined to do the same.OH and the lures applies too, pre 1970.Handheld gps and emergency radios allowed or safety reasons.Its just a thought and obviously a good portion of the money will go to some charity,maybe like saturdays tourney Any opinions would be great.I know its a little different but man wouldnt it be interesting.
  19. Ya why not,it counts.Its a type of fishing in a way.By any chance was that in Owen sound at the place upstairs?(shhhh).
  20. Thats one happy girl indeed on her first b-day.My two girls were the same, happy as can be.Or maybe it was all the sugar in the cake. Take her to a trout farm a couple of times and she will be hooked on fishing.Oh and a word of advice, If she is hooked on fishing, make sure you look where your walking,she may be sleeping at the front door so she wouldnt be forgotten, for a day out with Dad.
  21. yup, thats for sure,ahem, dem u s guys gonna get it for shoo,EH!They will be at our mercy by tee tird period,yup,EH.Canada US,EH GO
  22. What are you waiting for,christmass?.You bring the beer and ill take care of the rest.
  23. What are you waiting for,christmass?.You bring the beer and ill take care of the rest.
  24. On pickerel over a camp fire even better.I bring salt and vinegar and all dressed chips with me when camping,just for that purpose and a snack too.Come to think of it,next time im out camping Ill bring some Bud lime and pancake mix.That would be interesting on a fillet.
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