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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. OH And I never shave during openers!LOL.
  2. well I ventured off with an OFC member Ive never met before,nicest guy and very gracious,a few laughs and good stories on the outing.We hit long point bay on sunday.The bite was on but soft.The host did better than I.He showed me a few areas that were promising that I had no idea that they existed.I know where Im going to try next time!LOL.Any way here is a pic of my ugly mug and the little one that bit. Thank you sir for a great day out!
  3. Jedimaster do what I did!Send it in a cardboard shipping tube very well marked,VERY VERY WELL MARKED,FRAGILE.Through canada post.Insure for twice the cost of the rod and all fees.If the tube comes back damaged.In that shimano says it was and they cant warranty it due to damages.You got your self a legit claim.I usually deal with the shops but the first time I ventured that route.SHOOT I POSTED IT!OH WELL!
  4. Thank you.I never get a true reply when filling the boat up.Ill stick with prem for now on.Boat seemed to run like it had water in it,Iknow it doesnt for a fact.Thanks
  5. Ive pulled aluminum ones off once,too recoat the canoe,a mistake for me and I sold it. Rizzo there is a place under the skyway in the hammer ,cant miss it.Thats all they do,make and fix canoes,rent as well.Cnt recall the name but they are very freindly and helpful.
  6. Sorry shades mill as well in cambridge.
  7. Last time out in sicily,sorry not trying to bump the thread,we used to go to a local resevoir and catch carp with snails.The carp were small 2 to 3 lbs at best.My grandmother would sun dry,salt and freeze a few for a meal the next week.They were great,not as good as what my cousins would bring in from fishing,but close. When I get the pics on the puter Ill post. Tuna,sea urchants,snails,octopus(yum)tuna still kicking(yum).Gotta find the pics of tuna swimming in the inlet at santo vito.Nicest beach ive seen in my life.
  8. Does it need to be resewed TYBO?Or is it trashed?
  9. If not, there are afew guys in the st creek area.I waiting for my buds father in law to make one for me as well.
  10. When my motors up and runnin your more than welcome,CC.
  11. Chio signore!Tutte le carp si abidano in dutti laggi e fume in ontario.Qeulle grande si sta in laggo E.io pecsa con verme eh qeulle cosi gello.Babalussi buro!Chio e bon venuto signori pescaloro! Vicenzo
  12. I kept snappin pics,i just got the in betweens,these were the best ones.
  13. Holy cow!Headed out to a local spot for a few casts after hitting lpb, and I thought it was going to hit hard.The fest started up the fireworks in daylight.
  14. YOU SAID IT RIGHT THERE!I was fishing along side of other guy all day,didnt know at the time but we had great laughs,good chats and a few fish as well.Then found out he was on a forum im on.It transpired to be a good fishing friend,trading off,sharing,buying,etc. I consider him as a friend as well as his buds.NOTHING BUT TOP NOTCH in my opinion.
  15. congrats
  16. Contimplated whether to head out,so I did.Shore fished all day and left the canoe on the roof.Weather pattern didnt look promising.Found a nice muskie area in the niagara region,close to shore Had a follower from shore,Pike or ski .It was one of them for sure.
  17. Was just out there today as well,a few smallies caught,perch and blue gill following the baits.Nothing impressive but nice.Great jog guys
  18. Awsesome job guys!
  19. Nice fishies guys!
  20. Everytime the same Bull!Every summit meeting! Throw your opinion out peacefully !Theres no need to put the general public or the enforcement in any danger!Geeze these so called radicicals,when this is all done and they are in need of assistance by the police force.They will still help!Its their job to do so!And im sure they want to go home to their wives and kids!
  21. I will call them on monday.
  22. HMMMMM!!!!!!Why not!Whoes button do I push?Someone thats will stand behind us and many others that are not on this community! Btw landry had some issues there as well.Poachers,but not now!His post is on the board.
  23. I spoke to a few guys at work that live in the area.Nothing but horror stories and B S about this lake.More so about the individuals that are sending a message to us joe blows,in a dangerous and in an unethical manner.
  24. Great report
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