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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. There is!but hes thrown his tools down for retirement. Hes done the sales at future shop and walk out! Hes not an insurance salesman! Not
  2. Updates will be posted this friday, so if you have something to share, post it if you like. Dead line is this friday 6pm. The winner will be announced on monday night. The partial prize was posted, the rest of the prize will be posted by the winning member when he/she receives it. Good luck Folks Good Vinnimon
  3. Thanks to loonietoon, im hooked on OFC He has shown me first hand, as a newbie to the board, as to what this community is all about. There is no emotionicon to show how we feel at the vinnimon house. So in that, I decided to return the thank you, this year. Another special thank you to spincast and frankie65 As to who I fished with through hook ups hmmm?some I didnt and will mention as well. Spincast, frankie65, fishhunter,tributaryhunter,bigugli,robd and his bud joey,hthm,tb4me,aaron shirley,slowpoke,skinny,miiler(just met a few weeks back on the ice), my neighbour(just met and fished with),fishnlips, all from the fishing for tyler and the fish a thon, Gave a lake trout to fisherpetes bro(kinda counts),loonietoon(still to fish with).greg1983s bro, thejay, and a few others.
  4. Montreal smoked meats deli There may be another whitey in the forcast in exchange
  5. A peak 1 backpacking stove as well, extremely light, including the fuel. Fits in your pocket. Thats what I used and still do at times. And no need for a lighter/match.
  6. Ive got the catalogue from transaxle, buddy heater 129.95, the big buddy heater 189.95. # to call toll free 1 800 940 7733 cambridge store # 519 740 7213 100 sheldon drive unit 38 &39 cambridge Promotional catalogue page #21 on the top right. I will post a pick shortly about stock on this heater.
  7. Great job T J, see ya there
  8. Now if I can find that beno that Im looking for, and a rod to go with them.
  9. I will double check in the am, transaxle(cambridge or guelph) dropped a catalogue off on friday. It was in there for a buck and change. As for stock, Im not sure. They may have to order it in. Let me call a friend in the hammer area.
  10. Congrats Dan bring an auger and bait instead Make a tip up out of his hockey stick
  11. A few more days to go folks! Updates will be posted this friday. So if you have anymore or would like to post a pic, by all means, do so. Thanks again Folks
  12. Try Transaxle mobile power in your area. The salesman dropped off a catalogue, they are in there! Ill take a looksy in the am.
  13. Probably not worth much at all, like you said dan. Its what I recalled and how tough they really are. My friend dad used his all the time with out issues. I paid xx$ for this reel, fair enough. How much are you selling yours for wayne? j/k And wayne I know where theres another one for free.Just have to find it. Its in puslinch lake somewhere in the deep end A friend used the same reel(while icefishing) and a pike took the whole rig up into the drink, ten years back. What a dufus! His granfathers reel I may add! I was going to buy it from him.
  14. As usuall I hit the local tackle shop for some bait and supplies this am. Something told me to bring a timmies for tim, why not. While chatting I seen this reel, all in perfect order for sale. The price was good, so I knabbed it . For many years I searched for one in excelent condition and at a fair price. Same as my friends dad reel that I always wanted. Todays the day Im curious as to what its worth to a collecter. Not for sale btw
  15. Welcome aboard
  16. Elisa, my youngest agreed last night to help you guys out, as well as my oldest. I knew they would. Talk soon
  17. Dang Paul, I was trying to get jaques to reply on the 39nth Never mind Jacques
  18. Will do Lew I will update tomorow night with changes in standings, due to some honest folks . One week to go folks, post your funniest pics of 2010 ice fishing ventures. Whether it was your bud, gal pal,kids, or someone in line sight of your camera. No matter! Thanks folks
  19. Hey leechman, have ? to ask you.
  20. Unbeleivably lucky for the truck/trailer and the camera man. Not for the other. I remind our drivers on a daily basis, be careful out there. And I ask them about their kids after. 2 thank yous already Dont ask, it works!
  21. My dad was born on 03,13,1939 Passed away 30 days before his 69nth bday #13 was his lucky(favorite lotto) number Ordered a dozen minnows yesterday, and received a bakers dozen. the other day we were chatting about the nudist resort in flamborough, a driver came in half way through the conversation. Asked us where it was exactly, we told him it was on the 13nth conc and 6. Its actually on the 14nth. No, 13 conc there. Drove him nuts for a day or two, looking for it.
  22. Unfortunitely Beans had to drop out of the race. Standings are still the same numerically. Thanks Beans For participating
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