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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. Nice shots Lew!
  2. I gave my Jackpot away one day in the boat to a buddy after I had my 20th hit on it with no hook ups! I have had lucky with the Musky Mania Doc and I love the Hughes River top prey. Its expensive but it sure works well...
  3. Dave Happy Birthday!
  4. Pete all the best in 08!
  5. Muskies aside... There is nothing wrong with keeping fish for the table. I would rather go and kill a lake trout, spec, walleye for a fresh meal. Its alot better then eating the farm raised steroid crap they have in the grocery stores. There is alot at stake with the resource, we are very lucky to be able to catch the fish we do. I agree we need to protect it
  6. morning Lew! everyone be careful out there, perfect day to stay home and watch some football
  7. I think they have to start really looking at everything they approve. 5.1" for bait fish? not sure I get that reasoning at all. Isn't a big bait harder for a fish to shallow and get injured. I understand the whole invasive species thing... as for the CO's. I think they need a better reporting system
  8. How is BArrie to raise a family, fishing and overall? thanks
  9. where in Cuba you going? drop me a PM and I will help you out
  10. and people had doubts about Jose Cansecos book! it was a great read and really opened my eyes like it or not steriods in sports are huge. The risks are worth it for the amount of money they make.... ( see ARODs new contract
  11. Mike as a non icefisherman you are killing me!!! awesome report man, I am so jealous!
  12. Lew awesome pics! sad to see its over! working on getting closer to you next season!
  13. ok someone please post the Rainy lake pike too!
  14. been to Daytona twice... its awesome!!! enjoy yourself!
  15. nice fish everyone!! I am sorry team 1... had that carp beat by 1 inch
  16. Kevin My condolances for your loss bro, aweful news
  17. great report Mike!
  18. Kev killer year bro! nice shots and report!~
  19. BBBWAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. you mean everyone on the internet is not who they say they are??? honestly, there are many people out there who like to scam people, you have to watch out on line or in the real world
  21. 92 correct up 55
  22. what a beauty year Moose! always great to read your stories and see you photos.. great job as always, can't wait for 08!
  23. NIce fish and one real handsome man you got there SP!
  24. 15th is my only chance being from out of town
  25. I would call some people and get it weighed on a certified scale... as for the carp I would donk it
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