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Everything posted by Crazyhook

  1. its quotes like that that get me excited to move!
  2. not sure what company it is Cliff but my friend used to sell meat for a company like that and the steaks were excellent...
  3. My condolances to you Dan, thoughts and prayers are sent
  4. Dude we will have to hit the carp right after I get back from my Florida trip...
  5. Wayne, thats crazy!!! should keep you tocked up for a while!! nice job Dave!
  6. have a buddy fighting trying tog et down... but FLorida is two weeks later. getting a week in FLorida pass was hard enough
  7. would love to try that down south on the cudas!! nice looking baits Ric
  8. Did I mention the second one that you bought does not work.. ok well maybe once
  9. Lew even converted me this season after 6 years of bashing the pieces of hockey stick!
  10. What Lew Said... and the one in the middle realyl does not work! :) :) :)
  11. actually I think he just signed with Strikeforce...
  12. LOL @ Mir not trash talking... I hope Brock Wins, Mir has been really unimpressive in his last few fights.
  13. thanks everyone! with the addition of the new one and all the open seats in the boats looks like 08 is booked for me really looking forward to it!
  14. All the best man!!! Carp + B day and a wife who lands the fish... you got it made bro
  15. good morning Lew!
  16. FLorida keys for me!
  17. on a good note the deposit and flight was already booked for my shark and tarpon trip in late April report to follow!
  18. thanks Lew, I was going to call you today! its a real good thing I figure I can now mount 2 extra down easterns when the time comes... and I would like to fish with you again in 08!
  19. what time is dinner?! great fish
  20. you got your moneies worth eh!! nice job on the new ride...
  21. Well twice a lucky man, each time I get the ok to purchase a new boat I get the little positive sign on the strip! Going to be a dad once again ( and I did not need map quest!)! really excited about it... so fish hard in the early season and change diapers in the fall
  22. Thanks everyone!
  23. bring a rod for some DYI fishing!... you can catch snapper and cudas from shore
  24. I spoke to a guy at basspro and he booked right with the hotel. It was about 9 bucks for 6 hours, he ended up catching a 200 pound white marlin, he said the fishing was excellent.
  25. Dude thats Bad ass!!!! wish I would of stuck it out... they stopped for me in Oactober..
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