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Everything posted by Raf

  1. get the elite 7 if you don't need to network units.
  2. what Roy said. They are out in hepworth, just past Owen Sound for you. I'm sure they operate out of their garage/basement but maybe if you really want to touch & feely they would let you drive out there and do so?
  3. Man, that's a lot of gas. Apples and Oranges since my boat/trailer/motor is propably 1000-1200 lbs and your package I'd estimate at 3000-3500 with fuel but I got a hand calculated 22.5 us mpg or 10.5 L / 100 towing mine to sudbury and back to orangeville in my 08 Grand Cherokee 3.0L Diesel. That same trip unloaded, I would be scratching 25mpg.
  4. Fisherman, he's talking US gallons, you're talking UK gallons. In the end you're getting identical mileage 24 uk mpg = 20 us mpg. my older diesel GC gets 24 US mpg or nearly 29 on your scale.
  5. soap and water around the usual areas usuallly finds it
  6. Wouldnt take my car to CT unless they were the only game in town. Dealer only if warranty work. I'd go with a private garage. Pretty common car, they'll have done many in the past.
  7. If the DPF goes, it is a very expensive part to replace -- fairly certain it is made of unobtainium. Fortunately, they are usually made to last the life of the vehicle provided you run the correct oil. Also fortunately, there will likely be a tune available at some point in the future that will allow you to eliminate the DPF as there is for the older Mercedes 3.0L diesel in the previous generation GCs. Passing emissions should not be an issue as the tune will not trigger a CEL (and we no longer have a pipe test), besides by the time these new RAMs/GCs become eligible for drive clean, let's hope drive clean has gone the way of the dodo.
  8. I think you meant DEF - Diesel Exhaust Fluid, not DPF - Diesel Particulate Filter . So many acronyms easy to get them mixed up. They share the same motor so I'd assume the engine maintenance costs on the GC will be the same as the RAM.\ Try this forum/thread for some info related to the WK2 diesels: http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f309/diesels-2438921/
  9. this is how boat horsepower wars got started need a bigger motor brian. get to the toon launch first.
  10. turnover occurs usually around canadian thanksgiving in the sudbury area. i would not expect much difference in NWO. maybe a week or so earlier. dont fret, go fish.
  11. That is gross slowpoke. How big is your boat? Last time I was at chrysler dealer they said they were looking for\paying a premium (whatever that means) for late model rams along with gcs for trade. Might be something to look at as long it makes sense economically.
  12. i think sinker's right, try shifting weight around, first to the front. even temporarily have your full grown ballast sit right up there..
  13. the biggest adjustment, i think, is if you have the 'channel flipper' mentality. you just can't do that after cutting the cable. you have to know what it is you want to watch. the wife had a problem with this at first.
  14. an OTA antenna will work decently for live sports if you're close to the cn tower (CBC/CTV/Global). not sure where Jays games are broadcast these days but you have HNIC covered. hint: if you 'trick' nhl gamecenter into thinking you're from outside north america, the subscription is $99 / year. you will need the same to get around blackouts related to region.
  15. ps3 browser wont work. it's very outdated. plug-in through HDMI, one of these android devices (what we use) or some people use chromecast? for stuff life projectfreetv. live sports can still be hit and miss for cable cutters (it is improving though). if you have no desire to frack around in order to watch them, a $ubscription may be the way to go (I get NHL Gamecenter which I can watch on the PS3, WDTV or any PC/Mobile Device). If you are into multiple sports, this could potentailly chew into any savings you achieved by cutting cable significantly.
  16. ps3 works great. it's what we use on the 'big' tv along with an android box downstairs and a 'just' a wdtv upstairs. you may need to install ps3 media server on a machine within your network to stream TO the ps3 in order to watch 'cinavia' protected movies. otherwise, it'll play local & networked content through DLNA easily and has lots of apps (ie. netflix, hulu, nhl gamecenter, nfl, etc etc.)
  17. IMO the WDTV plays the most content right out of the box. It will play any format movie you throw at it in addition to all the typical apps (netflix, hulu, etc). The same cannot be said for the others. If you are tech savvy, have the time to fiddle around with it, buy/configure additional software/hardware ie. Plex Server, yes the others may have a leg up. The AppleTV UI is nicer but it's Apple. just my 0.02c.
  18. Id look at the WDTV live over the Roku. It will also play local content (stuff stored on your hardrive/memory stick) in addition to Netflix, youtube, etc.
  19. not unless they are breaking the law.
  20. that's imperial MPG not US MPG but still nice considering the load. about 20 US MPG.
  21. I hear ya, I guess I'm just spoiled by the convenience.
  22. We use adfreetime. 1.99 / month -- for the cost of an extra large double double, I don't have to worry about the free ones going down and the aggravation of finding a new one. I'm worth more than 2 bucks for 5 minutes. LOL In addition to Netflix region picker, it also lets me get around the NHL Gamecenter blackouts and stream Pandora There's a host of other services they support but we dont use them.
  23. we use a PS3 on one TV and a WDTV box on the other. Both play content stored on my NAS as well.
  24. either upgrade your internet service to a higher limit or, if not possible, with a 30GB monthly limit, i wouldnt bother. you'll chew through your alotment in a week. we pay about $47/month for 300gb with teksavvy
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