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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Thanks for the report gentlemen! One of these days I'll try the moon.
  2. Forever and ever, amen.
  3. .KAP is a mapinfo file. http://www.mapinfo.com/
  4. :D That's a great spin. Thanks for posting that. Spectacular shots. Ohh and your 401 traffic report any time, any day: "401 east lanes are barely moving from Pearson to beyond Yonge St, alternating core and collectors"
  5. You bet Jef. We will be out there on the bay. I am in some kinda fall funk, haven't caught a fish since mid-late sept. Hope this weekend is the one!
  6. That's because I was in Pete's boat and my luck runs out somewhere around september. Go get'em guys. There's been some nice fish coming out of the river this fall.
  7. Raf


    up-river and that sounds about right. no need to leave the river though!
  8. Thanks Mike. Rick's a busy guy and I don't want to take up his time. Hoping there are others with the skill set as well. Me, I am just a hack.
  9. Having trouble with IE vs FF compatibility, essentially the way IE handles tables. (yes I know IE sucks). Please PM me.
  10. d'oh. but I like it. much less clutter and simpler.
  11. dont forget, you have the default skin to worry about.
  12. Absolutely correct. An Admin cannot read PMs, at least very easily with IPB - there is no PM "reader" available for PMs. However, e-mails sent through the IPB can be easily read. There is propably a warning that tells you of this fact when you try to e-mail through the board.
  13. LOL Rick. There is hope though. It wasn't a resounding, shut yer trap, I don't wanna hear about it "NO".
  14. Good stuff Pooch! Thanks for posting.
  15. Well I just wanted to make sure this is still a fish'n site. JP's doing good Joey.
  16. I doubt it. but I 2nd that motion. Even if it's just NF and F.
  17. Is there no access to SQL on this and the old forum? Be pretty easy to transfer provided user names are the same.
  18. Nothing unusual here but after a mild week, the weekend brought another cooling trend. Saturday featured high winds with light rain turning to light snow in the afternoon. Sunday was cool as well but we stayed dry and the winds had died down to only about 5km/hr. In fact, with very little boat traffic, it was a very nice cool November day on the water. Water temps were in the mid 40s. The game plan was to cover a ton of water, find some activity and fish it hard. That meant a lot of trolling with a little bit of casting thrown in. We ran our baits in 10' and we ran them in 100'. Covered miles and were finally rewarded with a nice pike. Remember this guy?? Nice goin' bud. I'll let him tell you about the lure right here (click me). 36" and a little chubby, the fish made a good account of itself. Judging by the head shakes when it was first hooked, we though we had a 'ski.
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