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Everything posted by fishhunter

  1. great job!!
  2. 100% worth every cent!! I have used them for the last two years on my charter with lots of fish taken on them. If I had to pick 5 baits for walleye, they would be one of them.
  4. Hell Terry, they know if they check you they will not have to touch any fish lol )
  5. did they find all our Temagami fish in your freezer lol Oh ya we let them swim away
  6. Who ever you choose make sure they are Transport Canada inspected and approved and also have all the certificates needed to be a guide/charter. Myself and also Fishfinder Charters are.
  7. the test is a cake walk. make sure you also get the dsc part too. all new radios have it and its worth it.It could save your life one day.
  8. Great pics!! Looks like you guys had a blast. Nothing better then a weekend away.
  9. lmao!!!!
  10. 22 keep it going.
  11. 15th is yours. see you guys all soon. any questions pm me
  12. Hey Roy
  13. your so bad Wayne!!! lol
  14. Roy the dates I still have open are 8,15, 22,23,24 open and its all trolling
  15. lol
  16. Here is a tid bit you may want to try and onces you do you will never use real meat again. I have been working the last 10 years with all kinds of things other then meat to put into the head and see what happens. I have run tests with same flashers and same heads with one of them with meat and one with fake stuff. The action is so good with fake that 80% of fish came off of fake. Try it yourself. leather belt, thin rubber,old boat bumber, mouse pads, the list is endless. just cut up into strips same shape as cut bait. the best part of it it you can take hit after hit and never have to change your bait. I have one bait I have used now for the last 9 years and its stil working today and that bait has well over 200 salmon on it. Like i said once you get the bait you feel works good for you, you will find yourself never using real again.I charter and have not used real in 9 years now and trust me when I tell you it works just fine. the other little trick is get away from tooth pics. I use a small screw and screw it into the head and the bait then I paint the head of the screw to look like an eye. Hope this help. if you need any help Pm me
  17. Terry Your not off the hook that easy lol
  18. Wayne you have way to much free time on your hands lol
  19. I could Tell last weekend that was going to happen . The ice road did not look good at all. We stayed off the ice road when we went up the lake. It was black and wet
  20. I'll second that lol
  21. Sorry to tell you thats a Chinook!
  22. I hope I see your sorry ass up this weekend. Stop working and come fishing lol Beer will be waiting for you Wayne Oh ya he is called a fish aholic lol
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