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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Nice fish Roy. Must be great living so close to such a good fishery...
  2. Congratulations Dutch, very nice!
  3. Great report Phil! Looking forward to seeing some big gators in part 2 .
  4. Can highly recommend this outfit, located just past Huntsville near Algonquin Park http://www.limberlostlodges.com/accomodati...e_Fishing_Lodge It's a private reserve, cabins are excellent and the lakes are loaded with brook and rainbow trout.
  5. Thanks everyone. I've got to admit for a while there I felt gut-shot. The dream had nothing to do with gaining any notoriety and everthing to do with making a better life for my family......and the fact is there's plenty of other ways to do that. It's certainly not the end of the world, and in the grand scheme of things really is small potatos compared to a real issue like Lew and his family are going through.
  6. After all the build-up, it's with a huge amount of regret that I have to admit that at least for the moment, our television show, Northern Explorers will be put on hold. It's a big let down for me personally, but hey life goes on. Nobody ever got anywhere without trying, and I can honestly say I tried my best. The project is not completely dead yet, but I'm going to refrain from making anymore statements or predictions until a deal is signed sealed and delivered. Ah well, it's off to the cabin again this weekend to dig another hole and drown my sorrows in some more walleye!
  7. Sorry 'bout that Wayne, I removed the pic's from photobucket.... Things aren't looking good at the moment for Northern Explorers, doesn't look like it's going to happen (at least not right now). I think I need to create another post and make an announcement....
  8. Holy moly Wayne you're right! What threw me off was that Bass are definitely not open year round in that part of Quebec where most of my fishing is done. Ontario is fine though, thank's for pointing that out!
  9. Good Lord, I'm so sorry Lew! Thoughts and prayers are with Ed's family and yours.
  10. Right on! It should be prime time up there now, not surprised you did well.
  11. Nice report! It's funny you mentioned the mayflies, 'cause every fish I cleaned last weekend was stuffed full of the nymphs. That's bizarre to me as the hex hatch doesn't normally occur 'till mid to late June up there. And it's not like we've had an overly warm or early spring.... Just goes to show that nature is unpredictable.
  12. Not really, IMO it was freezing! Not sure on the temp., but I could only stay in for a couple minutes before it became uncomfortable. My daughter was splashing around in it all afternoon though, so if you asked her there'd likely be a different answer .
  13. Great trip guys. The picture of the cabin at night is really cool, I like it. Good job on the spec's as well, I'll just bet they were incredible eating, the meat on them looks bright red!
  14. Funny you should mention that, in the middle of the night when my back was killing me I almost made her switch (hers has an attached air mattress)
  15. Well, yesterday morning I made a spur of the moment decision to pull my 31/2 year old out of pre-school and take her camping to Turkey Point. She's never camped before, so it was a pretty big deal for her. Also, she's never been overnight anywhere without mom around, so I wasn't sure how it would go. Nothing to worry about, everything went fine . Arrived there around mid-day and set up camp.....she enjoyed that. Being a Thursday we had the place to ourselves which I enjoyed . Mind you it was so hot it was like setting up in the Gobi desert! My daughter took this pic As fast as we could we hit the beach She also took this pic of me Roasted some hot dogs, then some marshmallows around the fire She was so filthy, covered with ketchup, sand, dirt, soot, woodsmoke and miscellaneous goo I had to hose her off when I got home today . It never ceases to amaze me how filthy kids can get . This picture with the yogourt and grapes is for my wifes benefit. Proof that I fed her healthy food . (Actually, we pigged out on ice cream, popsicles and cookies, but that's our secret ). Got her all nice and cosy last night and she slept great. Me?, not so good . Stopped at Port Dover on the way home this morning and she caught a million little Gobies. Kids that age, a fish is a fish right? She loved it! Messed around on the beach for a bit and came home She had a great time (so did I!), and the best part is she can't wait to go camping again . cheers, Mike
  16. Awesome report, that's a heckuva walleye your dad caught!
  17. Murphy's law strikes again! Remember Wayne, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!
  18. Too bad about the garbage. Gorgeous looking spot though!
  19. Actually, it's not that big a deal in my experience. Simple matter of upgrading the carb, exhaust, and some gaskets, and presto 9.9 becomes a 15hp. If you're not sure call the closest Merc dealer to you ask about the conversion kit, cost, etc.
  20. No, there's actually quite a few, although they're all water access and located in the south end closer to the marina. The lake goes for another 10km north of my place and there's not much activity up that way. Thank's again everyone, cheers, Mike
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