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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Congrat's! (Man, what I would give if my wife would get excited over an OFAH award )
  2. Any other season besides summer it's no problem getting a cottage for 2 nights up there. Summer as you've already noticed, they all want a 7 day minimum.... If it was me I'd get on the phone and call every single camp that interested me directly. While they might say they have a 7 day minimum on their website it's pretty doubtful any of them would turn down the business if they have an open slot. Never know 'till you try. Beyond that I've stayed at this place a bunch of times for ice fishing. It may not be your cup of tea, but it is a place to stay and right across from the government docks in Callander... http://www.innonthebay.ca/ cheers, Mike
  3. Great report bud, beauty spot and it looks like your daughter had a blast! Very inspiring 'cause mines about the same age and I'm hoping she has the same enthusiasm when I bring her north in a couple weeks.... cheers
  4. They're both about the same as far as stability goes. The other one had more comfortable seats and is virtually indestructable, but the Sportspal is 50lb's lighter. Beyond spending 2-3K on a kevlar squareback of some kind, it's the lightest squareback canoe available. So yeah, I like the Sportspal better. You've just got to be careful with it as it's not quite as tough as other boats.
  5. Hey Tony, didn't realise you and Louis knew each other....small world! If the opportunity presents itself you're more than welcome to come up for a fishin' trip!
  6. Next time let's try and get on the same page, plan something well in advance, and all head up together. It would be a blast!
  7. Hey Dave, nice to see you chime in bud, hope things are going well with you! Actually, that Sportspal is pretty stable. If it wasn't for the high wind everything would have been fine. In any case if you ever get a free pass for 4 days off let me know and we'll plan something.
  8. Headed north last Wednesday with a buddy for a few days of fishin'. Most of these trips it's nothing but work, so I was really looking forward to this one! On the way up I stopped in at the Sportspal factory in North Bay and picked up a 16' transom model for fishing the back lakes around my place. They installed a carrying yoke for me while I waited, (free of charge!) Managed to get it on the Honda with no problems and we were off! After arriving late Wed. afternoon, we downed a few drinks, had dinner and managed to get out fishing right at dusk. I managed 1 decent walleye before fatigue set in... The next day we decided to take it easy and fish my lake. It was a good choice, we hammered the walleye! That night we had a huge fish fry, decided to try beer batter and it was really good! The next day we headed to one of my favourite back lakes for the day. You actually have to navigate up a little creek to access the lake... Once we arrived we were somewhat hampered by the high winds. My bud Andrew is a massive guy, and he wasn't overly comfortable in the canoe especially with the high winds so we were pretty much stuck fishing sheltered spots like the backside of islands in the lee of the wind. We did okay anyway Andrew had this very nice walleye in the 5lb class right up to the canoe and ended up losing it, it spit the hooks. At one point the wind became too much so we beached the canoe and walked around one of the islands casting from shore. That was a blast actually as we caught a pile of decent sized smallmouth. Here's Andrew fighting one.. We weren't really targeting pike, but man, you wouldn't believe the numbers we caught! None were huge (3-5lb's), but they were hitting like crazy! Numerous multiple double headers were had, so it was definitely a lot of fun. Here's Andrew with the only pike shot I took, typical size of the maybe 60 we landed (although he's trying real hard to make it look bigger LOL!) That evening while relaxing on the deck I snapped a pic of this floatplane landing right in front of my place. Thought it was kinda cool... The next day we fished my lake again, we just didn't have it in us to possibly battle the high winds again in the canoe. Anyhow, it was a great day with a bunch of quality fish caught. Had a great bbq Sat night to cap off a perfect day. Sunday we packed up early to head home as we were both anxious to spend some time with our families, so no fishing. It was a fantastic trip, although the weather was extremely unstable and cool (actually had frost Friday night!). Next up is the family vacation up there in 2 weeks, can't wait! cheers, Mike
  9. Hey you guys did great, some nice fish there!
  10. You're a lucky man, looks like a great little spot!
  11. Unreal, nice fish, even better report, thank's!
  12. WTG Cliff, congrat's on the SM amd Musky, looks like a great trip!
  13. Headed north for 5 days to fish some back lakes, hope to have a decent report for you next week . To those of you heading up to Lakair, have a great time and stay safe! I'm thinking next year I'll try to join you... cheers, Mike
  14. Hey cool!. that's pretty darn close to my lake. Yes, it's great fishing up there!
  15. WTG Steve, nice fish! Good luck in July...
  16. Nice read Mike, another great trip with your son! That really is a bizarre little aluminum boat, I've never seen one like it either....
  17. Great report, love the smile on your daughters face . Have fun at Lakair!
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