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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. If I could live anywhere in Ont., it would be Thunder Bay.
  2. I used to guide there .
  3. Just got back from Picton about an hour ago. Yesterday during the day we primarily spent our time jigging and did quite well. Almost all the fish were caught on large heavy jigging spoons. Primarily Buckshot jigs, but we also got fish on Swedish Pimples. Same kinda stuff guys use ice fishing. We were running them clean, not tipped with anything, and were fishing a variety of locations (mostly points) in deep water, from 35-50'. To fish this way effectively you need a fairly stiff spinning rod and a reel loaded with some type of braid. I was using 10lb PowerPro and tying the spoon directly to it with no tippet. You have to keep your presentation as vertical as possible. Easy to do if there's little wind. If there is wind you'll need to use an electric (or a drift sock or bucket) to keep your drift slow. Jig exactly as you would in the winter...you'll get lots of fish, although these aren't generally the big mommas, they're smaller resident fish from 1-3lb's mostly.... Pump up the sensitivity on your graph and spend some time sifting through likely areas to pinpoint pods of fish near the bottom before you start to fish. If you can find 'em you'll catch 'em.
  4. Thanks Cliff, and as far as the steelheading goes the real season is just starting, there'll be tons of opportunities.
  5. I've been steelheading hardcore for 28 years now, and I never fail to get excited on the eve of a trip. No matter how many times I do it there's still that rush, that sense of anticipation when you KNOW it's going to be a good day. That's the feeling I had this morning on my way to the river...a bonus day to begin with as I took todays afternoon shift off to take the kids out trick-or-treating tonight. It was supposed to be a solo trip today, but then right at the eleventh hour my uncle who's officially retired as of last month called and said he wanted to join me. Perfect! Now, this day will be memorable for another reason besides all the fish... We arrived at our chosen drift this morning around 7am. My uncle who's 70 now sat on a log, rested and smoked a cigar while I rigged up. "Let's see a fish on the first drift" he yells over.. Okaaay, I carefully slip a roe bag onto my hook, lob my rig into the water in front of me. The float rights itself, drifts downstream maybe 5 feet and BANG! fish on! Then moments later SNAP my 3 piece $700 float rod snaps at the top ferrule, LOL! Needless to say I lost that first fish. However I quickly regrouped, strung my line through the bottom 2 sections and re-rigged. I'll tell ya, without that tip section it was literally like fishing a float reel on a 2X4, LOL! Absolutely ZERO give.... I've always claimed I could catch just as many fish with a $30 7' Ugly Stik , well I think an unbroken Ugly Stik would have been better . I persevered though and both my uncle and myself put an ungodly amount of steelhead on the bank.(I'm not going to say the number, but it was a lot ) Here's a shot of me fishing with my busted float rod Now, I'm just going to throw up a few pic's from today and let them speak for themselves. (to those who care, terribly sorry if I took more than 1 pic of each fish ) Man what a rush!! For those of you who remember my posts last month about my friend Kareem (he's dying of cancer), he's still hanging in there, but suffering immensely, and he told me last week that he wanted to try and fish Picton this week. Have to admit my hopes weren't high....he's a shadow of the man he was even a month ago, BUT he just called me and said it's game on tomorrow! I have mixed feelings about it, but if there's any possible way he can tough it out then it'll be worth it. Leaving tomorrow and hope to have a positive report in a couple days . Cheers, Mike
  6. This damn disease is really starting to get me down, it's great to read something positive like this! Very glad to hear you had the strength of will to fight and pulled through .
  7. I brought a busted Avid in to the retailer where I bought it last week. He happened to have the same rod in his racks, so he just gave it to me. I'd try and get it replaced before I jerry rigged it... Another route would be to deal direct with the St. Croix rep here in Ontario, Bob Mckenzie I believe.
  8. Hey I still have mine . Also have "The Fishin' Magician" another amazing Popeil product that I just had to have when I was 10 years old .
  9. Let's start an online petition to get Cronzy nominated for the position . (and that's not tongue in cheek, I really mean it).
  10. I'll wager dollars to doughnuts you were wearing stocking foot neoprenes...infinitely harder to get on and off than bootfoot neoprenes. Hey, as mentioned I'm a fan of breathables myself, BUT if you're strictly talking winter fishing, if money is tight and the longevity of the waders are important, then nothing will keep you warmer or last longer than bootfoot breathables... That's bootfoot, not stockingfoot (just to emphasize the point )
  11. What kills me is the guy who's using it in what appears to be a west coast steelhead river . http://www.fishpen.com/index.html?directLo...5F50C8EB547A825
  12. I dunno, I kind of like your current boat .
  13. Nice report bud. Did you drag that frog out there with you? LOL!
  14. Most guys will likely tell you to buy a pair of stockingfoot breathables and layer up underneath with fleece for warmth. (that's what I wear myself) Best bang for your buck as far as years of durability and sheer warmth are a pair of bootfoot neoprenes, either 3 or 31/2 mm. Can't go wrong with ordering them from Cabelas either especially with the dollar being so strong. Shipped right to your door in less than a week... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true or http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&id=0044494 For sheer warmth bootfoot breathables are also a great choice (bootfoot for warmth, layer up with fleece underneath), but they won't last as long as neoprenes. They are however a superior option if you're going to be doing any amount of walking (sweating). http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  15. Yeah I've heard some negative feedback about that place before... but that is totally unreal. Nice report though and it sounds like you made the best of a bad situation!
  16. Nice report Joey, looks like a beautiful spot and a fun weekend, although you both look freezing in every pic .
  17. I've found that Fantastic works pretty good at cleaning up cork handles and roe goop.
  18. Okay well, if you've got improper drainage then that may be why the walkway didn't last. Generally speaking you need about 2" of fall for every 12'. You can check this with a transit, or the old fashioned way with a 2X4 that's as long as your walkway. Use a 2X4 by laying it on the walkway and putting a level on top. Raise the 2X4 'till the board is level, then measure the drop. If your drainage is inadequate, then yes you'll likely have to bust up the concrete and start from scratch. I'm not a big fan of patching an existing concrete base to fix drainage problems. If your drainage is okay then the stone wasn't laid properly. You need a minimum of 1/2" of portland cement to do this job properly. If the wrong cement was used or not enough cement was used that could've been the cause of your problems. Assuming everything is done properly and the drainage is okay an installation like that should last forever. Good luck
  19. I'm personally not a huge fan of running hi-vis under my float. Based on that alone I wouldn't use it. Can't go wrong with 8lb Maxima Ultrageen. I'm also a fan of 12lb Raven mainline in dark green (about the same diameter as 8lb Maxima), and tried, tested and true: Ande.
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