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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Well done, you look happier in that pic than Summer.
  2. Thanks, that was a good read!
  3. Wicked! It seems Yesterday has trophy walleye potential. When I flew in there a couple years back in Sept the numbers weren't that high but my buddy caught a 10-11lb walleye as well. Looking forward to the pic's!
  4. Perhaps I can add some insight into the male psyche. The attributes an angler needs above all others, if he is to be consistently successful, are skill, and know-how, and it is these that every angler thinks he possesses from the day he commences to fish. No amount of logic will ever convince him that he is not a master angler, even though he returns from the stream for days on end without having caught, or even seen, a decent fish. He has all the excuses of a thousand generations of other non-anglers to fall back on. The weather was too hot, or too cold, the stream too high, or low. The wind was from the wrong direction. The barometric pressure was at fault, or the water wasn't warm enough or cold enough. He forgot his solunar tables. The flies he bought at Pollack's were lousy; next time he'll get his flies from Wilson's. A man may admit he's a poor talker, that his social graces are few or absent, that he cannot dance as well as an uncoordinated giraffe. He will cheerfully agree that, as an athlete, his best event is the standing broad grin. Most will admit to being poor poker players and that checkers and chess baffle them. But NO man will admit to being a lousy lover or a poor fisherman. Why is this? Because man, in order to survive, has to be incurably optimistic in these two areas. It's like the story told in the army in World War 2. If an officer lined up 10 men, went the tale, and told them that he had to send them on adangerous mission in which nine of the ten would be killed, each man would look at the others and say to themselves, "Well I'm sure gonna miss those guys." The only anglers who will admit to not being all they should be as fishermen, oddly, are the ones who are actually very good, and who study and work to continually improve as well as broaden their horizons and seek out new experiences. Yea, verily, the fisherman is a strange creature, and not like other men.
  5. Okay I can help you out here although it's been a while so the info may be outdated. There were 2 small sites at the entrance to Loon bay on Red Cedar and one excellent one at the mouth of the Marten River in the narrows. It's a level grassy site on a high bank accessible by a plank ladder. (or at least it was ). That said I still think you'd have a much better trip in the north end of Kipawa. Also not mentioned earlier but I'd consider Ramsey lake right beside Biscotasing. It has a rough but okay boat launch, tons of great campsites and fantastic walleye fishing. (Infinitely better than Red Cedar and almost no people).
  6. It's always about finding them isn't it? They're usually easy fish to catch.. Speaking of minnows have you tried the Gulp Alive yet head to head with the real deal?
  7. Looking forward to the full report, good luck.
  8. Fantastic my friend. I've already seen the pic's and heard the story but it's still nice to see you post something for public consumption. A truly great trip and well deserved. (I may be hitting you up for some of the info you gathered from the mnr guy. )
  9. Great job those are some really nice walleye!
  10. Congrat's to Pitt, the best team won this year. Great game 7!
  11. The question of ownership in this specific stretch of water has already been answered in previous replies.
  12. Actually the landowners do fish there. Not sure about now but they used to employ a riverkeeper to watch over their stretch of river.
  13. It's a nice piece of water. Just upstream is a small dam that always holds trout. I used to know someone who had access to fish it and it was always really good, caught some huge browns in there. The last time I was there I was hiking upstream climbing over some jumbled up broken pieces of concrete and jumped about 3' down onto another slab. Unfortunately I didn't notice the 4" spike sticking straight up embedded in the concrete. Landed on it with my left foot, full force. It went right through the sole of my hip waders, through my foot then out the top. Painful isn't a strong enough adjective LOL! Nevertheless I was soooo close to the dam so I pulled my foot off the spike and hobbled the last 200yds to the spot and on the first cast nailed a 17" brown. True story.
  14. Uhh Bill you said in your post west of hwy 6 is that right? West is downstream. There's only one bridge that crosses the river downstream of 6 before it flows into the Saugeen. I can tell you unequivocally that everything both upstream and down from that bridge including the streambed is privately owned. There is a tiny public allowance right at the bridge but that's it dude.
  15. I believe the outpost camp operation is called Midnorth, that may be confusing some people. http://www.midnorthflyincamps.com/index-outpost.htm I'm assuming you're talking about the fly in outposts as you mentioned Lloyd flying out of Chapleau... Anyhow I've been considering them for a couple years now as I'm sure the fishing is decent but have shied away because of the price. (Yes I'm cheap. ) I almost booked their Embarass lake camp for this year then managed to get a booking at another fly in outpost in the same area for $200 less per man... So that's it, not much info. I'd personally like to know how you make out if you decide to go.
  16. Ah yes porcupine quills. Methinks you're a closet steelheader Roy. Nice goin' Simon!
  17. Welcome and good luck at the Moon.
  18. My Gawd man you better alert the villages living at your feet before that thing blows!! Whaaa? It was removed? Nevermind.
  19. Fabulous trip despite the weather! Thanks for posting it's always nice to see pic's from that neck of the woods. So I take it the eye is okay or were you squintin' at 'em all week? Speaking of Smokey where the heck is he? Just realized when his name was mentioned that he's been conspicuous by his absence. What gives, anyone know?
  20. Billy!!! I was wondering if someone would bring up that point. I guess all the pros who compete in distance casting competions are doing it all wrong eh?
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