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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Slow fishing or not it's such a beautiful place to spend a week. Sounds like a whole lotta fun.
  2. I'm thinking you should be able to Macgyver one up. Actually the proper term is now "Irishfield" one up. (If you check wikipedia the term has been changed )
  3. Brownie points are always good. I think you picked a good day. The entire week looks fantastic actually with the warm temps. I'm working the Sportsmans Show this week. (Not really complaing, it'll be fun. )
  4. If you have time this spring and want to get out, just ask. Anytime bud.
  5. It's been a long winter for me. I've managed to sneak out here and there, but my work schedule and the arrival of a new puppy in early Jan have conspired to keep me mostly house bound. My sanity was salvaged this past weekend when Bill and I managed to sneak away for a couple of days to a favourite river. She had blown out days earlier and was finally wide open to the lake. Definitely off coloured but eminently fishable. Incredibly over the course of two days we fished entirely by ourselves. An amazing occurence since it's a popular river. We weren't complaining though. I think most people believed the river was too dirty. That combined with the fact the access parking lot wasn't plowed kept the hordes away. Getting in was no problem, but ascending the steep windy hill in my Accord was a bit sketchy on the way out. Made it though. Fishing was spectacular, the numbers of fish were ridiculous. I'd throw out a number but it might be hard to believe. 90% weren't big, but they were bright chrome bluebacked fish that fought with fury even in the cold water. Giant chartreuse bags with a tag of pink yarn were the ticket in the first half of the day on Saturday. As the water cleared small pink and white maribou jigs tipped with either maggots or a pinhead shiner destroyed fish. Many of the takes were breathtaking with the float being ripped under lightning fast. I have a huge number of pic's but I'll just post a few, all the fish look the same anyway. Mixed in with the small chromers were a few larger specimens. This clean looking buck smashed my jig and put up a heckuva tussle: Also caught a handful of fat old egg wagons loaded with loose roe. This one wallowed around like an old sow when I stuck her. Yesterday before we left for home we decided to keep a few of the small chromers to eat. There's not much better table fare imo (well, maybe brook tout ). All in all a truly outstanding trip. There's a few board members who should have been there (Brian, Phil, Craig... ) Next time boys. Things will be real interesting from here on in, lots more opportunities in the next month or so. Cheers, Mike
  6. The smile on your face holding that laker says it all. Very decent fish indeed! Gotta love Tom's reels, the float reel equivolent of a Swiss watch. If you need any help de-virginizing it, drop me a line.
  7. Lake Nipigon is potentially the best multi species drive-to destination in the province. Not too many outfitters though. There's a few few guys that run trips on massive boats with sleeping berths, pulling the fishing boats behind. I'm sure a google search would unearth a few. These guys are located on the east side and offer access to Nipigon as well as some great back lakes: http://www.onamanriverresort.com/
  8. Let me rephrase. If I was single I'd love to do that.
  9. Great opportunity for sure, wish I was single. If I'm not mistaken Jay Hamilton guided up there too.
  10. We're leaving tonight. Bailed on today because of the weather.
  11. I avoid the spotsmans show like the plague for all the reasons mentioned. However....this year I'll be helping out Eddie at his Attawpiskat River Adventures booth. If anyone does happen to be going stop by and say hello.
  12. Are you kidding me? I'll guarantee you the NHL is loving the publicity don't kid yourself.
  13. This reminds of something funny. A few years back my dad had coons invading his backyard every night, ripping up the lawn to get at grubs. He set out live traps and almost every night he'd trap one. Usually on his way to work he'd release the coon far enough away from the house.. One day my mother says to him, "how do you know for sure the same racoons aren't coming back? Are you sure you're releasing them far enough away?" My dad has no answer to that, especially since the racoons weren't really diminishing. So the next one he trapped he gets a can of orange spray paint and sprays a big orange dot on the coons butt. Figures he'll identify it if it does make it back.. So off he goes to work with this angry coon with the orange butt in the back of his truck. Problem was he forgot all about the coon. He had an appointment in downtown Toronto and finally remembered the beast when he pulled into a loading zone in front of a high end mens wear store. Flustered not knowing what to do he opened the cage, let the thing out in the parking lot and went inside the service entrance of the store. About 2 minutes later one of the sales girls comes running in the front screaming about this giant painted racoon that looked like it was rabid. It was running up and down Young Street terrorizing all the yuppies 'till animal control finally came.
  14. Isn't it amazing how much passion hockey inspires? It truly is a part of the fabric of our culture. Whether we agree or disagree it's a glue that helps bind our nation together.
  15. I would agree with that IF the Montreal player was standing still. He wasn't and neither was Chara. Fact is he was trying to blow by Chara along the boards and Chara reacted at high speed by trying to angle him into the boards. The entire episode was played out at high speed. All you guys claiming foul who supposedly have played the game and know it inside out, well you're wrong.
  16. That's a heckuva fish through the ice Tyler! Well done!
  17. Not unexpectedly the league made the correct decision.
  18. None of the talking heads on any of the sports networks believe there was an intent to injure. I feel terrible for the kid though, tough break.
  19. The magical land of Walter? That sounds awesome, I wanna go too!
  20. I've looked at that vid about a dozen times, completely unbiased. Sorry, but it didn't look that bad to me, Chara hit him with his shoulder. It certainly wasn't boarding, or a head shot. The man is so huge and overpowering that an otherwise normal hit has huge consequences for a guy like "patches". And yes, I'd feel exactly the same way if it was Kessel being pummeled. In "patches" case the phrase "live by the sword, die by the sword" comes to mind. Obviously I hope the kid isn't hurt, but hockey is more or less a blood sport. If you find it too rough then don't watch. No way should Chara be suspended.
  21. Thinks are really starting to pick up. Last week was good. Later this week will be incredible.
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