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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Hey guys me and our fishing club Big Otter creek fishing club are having our second annual river clean up this sunday if anyone is in the area and wants to help let me know and I will send you directions.
  2. I will check that out I was looking for the the stuff they put in new boats but no one carries it and the marinas I called can't even get it.
  3. Aplumma I will have game of roe sham boe with ya but I'm going first LOL.
  4. Very creative love the pics.
  5. Thanks guys I just priced out new carpet and the parts I need to put a livewell in her. Unfortunately I have to rebuild the carb it sat to long the vacuum line was plugged so I replaced it gonna replace all the gas lines and filters and rebuild the carb fires right up when I put gas in the carb but won't draw any through the lines might rebuild the the vacuum pump thing to (don't know if that's what its really called LOL)just to be safe can't wait to get it done and out on the water.
  6. I will do that its a couple months still and I will have tried the riggers for pike out at bluffs bar by then. I know quite a few guys around here so I will know where they are. And hopefully I will be able to get some fish entered soon if I don't get out I'm gonna go nuts. Thanks Dan B if ya see me on the bay come say hi.
  7. ya I'm thinking the kicker will be a off season purchase cause I will mostly be fishing pike and bass out of it this year proly only make it out trolling a couple times she come with riggers and rods,boards and dipsies now I just have to figure out how to use them LOL gotta put a new feul filter in and get it serviced before she hits the water but I'm sure I will like it and the wife and kid will be alot safer .
  8. just picked up my new to me boat she's old but doesn't show her age
  9. Its to bad none of us could catch anything lol but we did look the part hope we do it again this year. As for the OP I have a problem its an addiction really if I can't go fishing atleast here I can read about it and occasionally see guys go postal on the net LOL (SF) this is a great site with a bunch of good guys for the most part hopefully I will actually be able to give a fishing report one day can't seem to get out lately I'm starting to have withdrawl.
  10. Wow that was a waste of time! interesting how stuborn you are about the centerpin fishing Eh SF (milty) is that why your not on floatfishing .net anymore, can't believe how badly you disrespect so many members over such a stupid bull headed opinion .
  11. I tried it for pike was using 65lb and it was snapping on the cast and firing lures out into the lake lost 3 and put that rod down I took it back to the shop I got it from and they replaced it with courtland braid and I was very happy with it works great but I normally use PP for bass and pike and the invisabraid is way easier to see under water than any moss green braided line IMO.
  12. There was a bunch of newly framed houses got blown down in the london area. Thought my gazeebo was gonna take off.
  13. Man that 20,10 is a sick tiller.
  14. Wow u weren't kidding when you said nice keepers on 6-8
  15. That's not ideal but it will work just fine get some dewies and roe and giver !
  16. Nice I gotta get out soon this fish porns killing me
  17. Can't wait I have the week after off and the weekend after is my first tourny of the year (pike) nothing like bows one day and gators the next.
  18. I'm heading out in a couple weeks for pike I hate perch fishing my father-inlaw gives me all the perch I need. So I can focus on the toothy critters and bucket mouths (when they open)can't wait to get out on the bay.
  19. Were you guys out front of old cut/PP around 1ish I fished the channels for pike with no luck I couldn't imagine the pain of the shrinkage you went through lol.
  20. I have broke ribs a few times most was 4 at a time and everytime I was told not to wrap them and take pain killers go to shoppers drug mart and get mercendal not sure if that's spelt right but its kept behind the counter its a tylenol with codeine like a tylenol2.
  21. Nice I gotta get out there one of these days.
  22. I use the handle all the time unless its a wacky rig hook (they don't stay very good) I find that bullet weights and large offset hooks ding the blank quite often.
  23. MTBF Hook your lures on the hndle of your BC reel no scrathes and they are easier to carry a few at a time without hooking yourself I always leave my rods rigged prolly shouldn't but this way protects the blank and reel from getting scratched to crap . nice stix by the way.
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