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About troutboy

  • Birthday 05/19/1910

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    Thunder bay

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  1. Get a size 4 mepps aglia spinner in fire tiger colour.I use them all the time up north here and get a ton of pigs.
  2. I have a St Croix premier ultra light.Ive been able to sucessfully land brook trout up to 6lbs,and its sensitivity and price ar great.I got mine for about $100.I highly reccomend this rod!
  3. Theres a full aluminum flyreel at can tire for $15,it would probaly be good for creek fishing.
  4. Gulp or power bait leeches work great for eye's.I still prefer live bait,but I keep a few packs around incase of bait shortage.I found out last summer that white scented grubs on a walleye lindy spinner work amazing.
  5. got a few nice northern ont brookies!

  6. I remember being about 5,my father took me fishing off shore at lake down a old bush road.We were fishing for walleye,He helped me cast out my line,about 10 minuites later I was reeling in a small walleye when a large pike hit.He dragged me almost into the lake then my dad got me.We never found out how big it was.I fished that same lake with my father last september,and I caught a 19lb 41'' pike! Never know coulda been the same fish!?
  7. The brookies up north here are still deep and not eating,waters still freezing.Another week and the big boys will be in the shallows feedin' up a storm.Only caught one brookie this year,a chunky four pounder with a perch half way swallowed!
  8. Ouch That sucks
  9. You only need a boaters card for water craft with a motor,excluding eletric motors.You can easyly make a electric motor mount for your canoe.
  10. Get a 330 conibear trap.
  11. 2 stroke,much lighter,better for portaging to a lake.
  12. They're just loosing there winter coats.
  13. Some of my goto spring brookie lures are,mepps aglia,mepps aglia long(size 1-3),williams wobblers,panther martins,rooster tail spinners,little cleos,daredevils,diferent soft plastics(my favorite is a 3inch white tube jig with a pink trout worm trailor.If they are large brookies toss a few firetiger,or perch rapalas.Check out Gord Ellis website,there are articles on brookie fishing there also.Another good bet is a red or pink jig head with a twister tail,minnow bait,or live worm/minnow. http://www.gordellis.com/articles/index.htm Theres the link,just look at the trout articles! Best of luck, Chris
  14. This was not taken in ontario because if you look at the tail of the deer...its a MULE DEER,we dont have mule deer in ontario.But I know for a fact theres cougars in NWO,they are attacking dogs intown,Ive seen 3 down a bush road coming back from fishin'. Chris
  15. Old cars,pile of brush,tree house? Simple things work!
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