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Everything posted by bassmaster4

  1. as a long time leaf fan its sad to see kabby go. however i think this was a good move clearing up some more cap space and acquiring a top prospect as well as their first round pick back (correct me if i am wrong but that is the leafs pick that they got back from the kessel trade?).
  2. thank you everyone for voicing your opinions to those saying my story is bogus think what you want, i am not going to file a report because there was no harm done to me and the cop was just trying to do his job like others have stated. bassmaster4
  3. this guy had his badge attached to his belt under all of his baggy clothes
  4. yes i am 100% sure he was a police officer he showed me a badge and began talking on his radio after he had pulled the gun
  5. Hey OFC, i had quite the scare today an undercover police officer ran up on me today as i was parked at a little caesars with my buddy having lunch. He suspected us of having drugs and he walked over and before anything was even said there was a glock 9 in my face. We were searched and we were clean and he left after appologizing. Was what he did legal? I am 17 years old.
  6. coming from a leaf fan that is funny but a thread just for bashing the leafs? would you be so kind as to disclose your favorite team?
  7. i think the "fire wilson" chants are taking it a bit too far sure a lot of us may want him gone but give it some time, you never know how things will play out.
  8. musky matt you really seem to like to rip the leafs up is it because we have a better history than your team? or because we have knocked your beloved sens out of the playoffs countless times? it seems that your dislike of the leafs goes beyond the make up of the organization, its what our organization has done to yours in the past!
  9. They can be expecting a card from me thats for sure!
  10. The leafs team that we are watching right now are not the same, in the first four games they were confident making good passes and getting shots through to the net! They need to do that again they have made the game way too complicated with their stretch passes, that have resulted in countless give aways and countless odd man rushes. Also they need to start one timing again, am i the only one who noticed that when they are set up in the offensive zone when they receive a pass it is almost as if they wait for everyone on the defensive side to get in position to either block the shot or poke check it away from them. BRING BACK THE ONE TIMERS AND GET BODIES IN FRONT OF THE NET and the team will be back on track. Also dont make stupid passes. IMO the problem is not with the coaching staff or the management its the team itself making bad choices of how they play the game. The playoffs are still a long time away so all those habs and sens fans dont get too cozy in your playoff spots because you never know what will happen besides we beat you both. Bassmaster 4 GO LEAFS GO
  11. I am 16 and ive been watching the leafs ever since i can remember, watching their games is like a religion to me and no matter how poor they are playing i will always bleed blue and white, they will always be my team and i will always support them no matter what. GO LEAFS GO! through thick and thin
  12. going to the ACC this saturday for leafs vs sabres should be a good one!
  13. thats only because they have nothing to cheer for in their own team just a bunch of pansies. Slumps are going to happen whether you like it or not. Im not making up any excuses for the leafs but they seem to be in a goal scoring slump. The habs on the other hand are on a hot streak thats all it is. Im sure the habs will be fighting for a playoff spot this year just as much as the leafs will, so keep on chirping well see who comes out on top when all is said and done.
  14. thats a nice haul! way to go man
  15. musky matt im getting sick and tired of your chirping if your going to chirp a team make sure your team is doing better before you go and run your mouth. Thank you
  16. poor defensive play by the leafs tonight. way too many odd man rushes given up on bad pinches by the defensemen i noticed that against the rangers as well, last three games have been hard to watch. Has me thinking what if those first four games were just a fluke.
  17. i agree with you lebda is not looking good at all. I am getting frustrated watching him play he makes poor decisions and takes untimely penalties.
  18. man, i dont know about calling the police the guy took responsibility thats probably what he was trying to avoid.
  19. oooh so impressive maybe if they actually had a cup under their belt you could say something and as for you ripping up the leafs, ottawa got spanked by them just last week
  20. pumpkin and lemon meringue
  21. make the playoffs out in the second round
  22. it was just an ugly stik from wal mart i think
  23. I was fishing an area of water that is about 40 meters wide last night with my buddy, it flows into lake ontario my buddy was fishing with a worm with the sinker below his bait. Out of nowhere the rod got dragged into the water and darted out into the lake. I have no idea what it was but im thinking it was a salmon.
  24. when is action angling tv going to put up some new episodes?
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