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Everything posted by smally21

  1. ford has the best selling truck for 32 years because chevy splits their brands ford sells around 600,000 chevy sells around 550,000 gm sells around 550,000 ford ends up finishing #1 year after year even though chevrolet sold almost twice as many trucks, a common misconception among ford guys that say ford is best selling truck. you can look it up, the numbers might not be bang on but the principle is there. and yes ive been at work all night and have nothing else to do right now
  2. you shouldn't be allowed to post such volatile topics. i was going to stop reading if i read something like 'real man's truck'. we had a silverado go 600k towing boat trailers for our trailer business. i've had a pile of sierras i liked the style and they took everything i thru at them. had some mechanical and service issues with the newer ones. in a doublcab tacoma right now probably wont go back - starting to see hydro, rail and landscapers go with tundras... im not a huge dodge fan either, no reason really, i think they are big for the sake of being big. fords and shevys are priced right these days, if you're leasing who cares what you buy you give it back in three years anyway, good luck!
  3. yes i checked the previous posts just about to order a wack of new maps, anyone have any experience with these facts of fishing maps? most specifically how are they for preplanning routes and coordinates. thanks guys.
  4. from this and your previous reports i would think people should be rubbing up against you for luck!
  5. all kawartha lakes? nothing unique to rice im guessing. you are describign a bit of a swamp....im a northern lakes kinda guy and the weeds and algae are new to me - and to my boat!!
  6. thanks fellas. seemed a little early to be threatening my fishing trips....
  7. recently heard that late august early sept the lakes turn, particularly rice lake, the water changes color and clarity and the fihsing drips off. is this just rice lake or throughout the area? i know all lakes will do it with a temperature drop just wondering how severe and when in the kawarthas
  8. obviously you lowballers buy more than you sell - LOL
  9. ive used the rapala rechargeable, loved it. i believe it may even be the "bomb-diggity" i thought it might not be good for small fish as it isn't as sensitive as a razor thin knife but it did work well for bigger stuff. cuts rightr thru the ribs if you choose, quite unstoppable.
  10. i recognize that fish and i know where he lives.
  11. are you guys all in the same group! search lake temagami there has been some threads lately of temagami and cross lake. if you have more questions pm me ive fished cross lake quite a bit over the last few summers. welcome to the board bythe way ive just joined myself.
  12. anyone who knows the derby results from sunday i am interested to see as i fished scugog wednesday and thursday and want to see if they had the same kinda days i did! sloppy weather but fishable. scattered fish, no big bass. walleye caught in 2.5', perch caught on 5" x-raps in 3.5'. seemed like anything but what i expected. nice lookin lake great time thanks philly ill be back in august!
  13. tc do you use alot of duct tape around the house?
  14. biggest ive seen was in temagami 2006 @ 57 lbs. it seems as these fish get bigger they just get fatter, not longer. kinda like people, they dont get taller do they?
  15. i cant see a private retailer helping you after 4 years, i beleive shimanos warranty is 1 yr on rods, and the retailer wont hold the bag for something they will probably say you damaged yourself. ive had great luck with my sedonas, great reel for the money. i suppose you have tried removing the spool and cleaning and lubricating the interior? this may assist the smooth action of the reel. sedonas are on a clearance at lebaron as well as stimula rods if youre looking for a replacement. good luck
  16. going to scugog for the first time today. Fishing this afternoon and staying at goreski's landing, then fishing in the morning. any reports or advice of late! hoping to bass fish this afternoon, jig in the evening and topwater in the morning??
  17. i had a fogging up issue of my umminbirds first season. ontario repairs are handled thru bay distributors in north bay. not sure what happens after warranty but the guy there, george i think, did a great repair job and shipped them back to me. you can also download software upgrades from humminbids site and they might have some troubleshooting advice???
  18. a fellow fisherman on lake temagami had lost a rod and gave me some basic (terrible) directions to it. as luck would have it i found it right away on my first dive, in this back bay. while i was down there i catch a gleam and find a zippo lighter. i return the rod to the guy, he tips me 20$. the outfitter sees me playing with lighter and says - thats mine i lost it over the side over a year ago. pretty remarkable considering temagami is 50 miles long.
  19. nice way to welcome a guy to the board.
  20. i have a 2006 saltwater 115, great engine, 2 year warranty. as stated BRP still around. ive had it serviced and small problems looked at without issue, it is essentialy an evinrude etec with a different cowling. very small, quite efficient engine. a bit loud possibly but well rated.
  21. look up the rodzuka, an expandable rod holder that will take about 8 rods. i think it is about 40$ but will last forever, sold just about everwhere i think. just a slick version of what you are about to make.
  22. shimano sedona best value for the money shimano stimula and berkely cherrywood on sale at le baron for around 20. these rods will be replacemenets for my expensive spinning rods on the future
  23. i have no idea what you guys are talking about but people that like to stir the pot love it when people talk about them. the crap disturbers i know would love to be talked about for page after page. wait a second...i'm doing the same thing!! and when i was sixteen i slayed fish in my canoe every day! now i have a kickass boat and 200 fishing rods and i read the internet every day, and i cant catch a cold!
  24. that fish would lose a beauty contest to an old tire. congrats on catching the ugliest fish ever!
  25. walleye fishing is tough on temagami. lots of good fish running to 30"+ but temagami is huge and fish can hide anywhere. jigging at 25-40' with minnows or worms that late in season is normal. bass are hot and cold late summer their bellies are full of crayfish. its all rocky up there, weed beds are very rare. fish seem very weather sensitive and shut off easily. 50 million miles of shoreline to fish in the morning but topwater action is over quick. never caught a fish passed 9pm. big pike hang out in deep channels in the narrows between islands. white fish are scattered in large bays but we catch them trolling for pike and walleye. get the basic temagami map it highlights some fishing spots. i fish the south arm and the cross lake area is best. dont know anything about the north arm. surprising regular visits by the opp by the way, watch the booze!
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