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Everything posted by F_ast

  1. I know, once upon a time Sparrow was a great muskie fishing lake, but at least a few years ago it had gone way down hill with all the fishing pressure and over abundance of pike. It is good to still see fish coming out of there like this, but why keep them all the time? Typically, these muskie are a Simcoe strain (yes i know there arnt muskie left in Simcoe) not really G bay strain and definetly not kawartha strain, but these fish tend to cruise the upper Trent from Sparrow, Glouster and out to Gbay. But both are fantastic fish. Definetly have not seen a muskie that big out of Sparrow in a while though.
  2. I have had no problems with my Viking 2 from Marks work wearhouse. Grey jacket and pant and a wicked price. Tons of colour options too.
  3. These fish also commonly have a second spawn a few weeks later in the season as well. Another factor that seems to be common of these co-excisting mu7skie species is behavioural. These muskie (most commonly the wisconsin strain - spotted and also Georgian bay strain) run in larger numbers, in a tighter area like a pack. Creating muskie areas and pike areas. I fish G bay and the frech river areas for muskie a few times a year. They have both Pike and Muskie, and these seperated areas are quite evident. You can catch pike on any lure at any time of day on any weedy spot, but you will not catch a muskie when you are catching pike. And when you are on a prime spot and stop catching pike, where is a good chance you are now in a muskie area... these muskie areas are typically more of the main lake big waters areas too. IMO, catching pike vs catching muskie is a huge difference. I am a muskie enthousiest and an absolute diehard, and when a non native species threatens the top game fish of the area, naurally people are going to get upset. Now, these changes are hapening naturally so there really is not much that is going to change or stop the infiltration of Pike into the Kaws. Its a wide open river system that any species can travel. Pike have already whiped out the any and all muskie populations in Lake Simcoe and they are just progressing east from there. The biggest pain with the pike is that there are so many that their typical size stays nothing more than a few pounds.
  4. I have seen several 30"+ pike in Balsam this year... not good. Needles to say, they are no longer swimming in Balsam. Muskies seem to be harder to find this year too. Another not good
  5. There seem to be an unusual amount of monster muskies coming from the southern Ontario regions this year. LSC, L.Onatrio, Georgian and Nippissing... Usually seeing these caliber of fish coming from NW areas like LOTW and Eagle... Good job by all down here representing. My musky bite has been a little off this year, but so has my time on the water. Apparently getting married is taking more time out of my sced than i was anticipating. It starts already. Guess its time to lay down the law
  6. For what it is worth, this is a very good post. And I too beleive these this to be accurate.
  7. Again, I am not complaining or agruing the fact that their locations are secret or that "someone rubbing their sucess in someones face", I value the opinions and concerns of the people that are trying to preserving natural and wild gems. I get it. But, any time you post up a topic names "Lake of a Million Walleye", ya you are going to get questions and comments and hell have someone ask you for your secret spot, colour pattern, time of day time of year... whatever. Just asking that you not carp about it. Solo, I am not really directing this at you becasue i know you are just trying to relay a concern felt by others, as well as yourself, and i understand these areas are precious to many. BillM, I am sorry that I do not have enough posts for you to recognize me as someone with something to share; I didnt realize that 50 post was the time you were able to contribute of give comments. Thats unfortunite. I do frequent these forums, more purpose/ species driven than this one. I am a new member to this particular forum though. Excuse me for not replying to every new topic with a response of "great job". But I tend to spend more of my time constructively doing the things I love... not so much reading about them. ^^^ look the equivilant of 100 posts right there.
  8. I totally understand wanting to keep a lid on your top secret spot, or you little piece of tranquility... but why bother posting about and writting up a review? Keep it to yourslef if you and others dont want people to know about it. If you are going to go on about a place, dont be so negative to people who want to learn of you discovery. Not fighting you, just a suggestion.
  9. I would release it. The only way to guarrentee there will be trophic fish four the generations is to always put them back. If every trophic that was caught was kept, all you would ever see who be hammer handles. There is something special about slipping a giant fish back into the water and watching it disapear. As for mounting, there are more than enough companies out there that can generate replicas without needing the fish. The ministry unfortunitely will not grant it to be a new world record without the fish though unfortunitely... if they did, the new world record would have been caught by Dale MacNair last November 28 of of the St.Lawrance near Gananoque Ontario. Pretty sure it was a 57x33.
  10. wow, Dark fish... she is huge. Congrates
  11. wow, unbeleivable fish right there... That is fantastic. Full moons phases produce fish like that... thats why muskie waters are so busy this during these times
  12. She is a beauty. Super rare dog right there. From what i remember they are suppost to be one of the, if not the best temperment and behavioural dogs there are.
  13. Nice Dog... Is it a weinemeiner? Not exactly sure how to spell it, but you know.
  14. Any word on how far this storm traveled? My parents left the cottage yesterday morning... Hope everything is alright there.
  15. Seems like all the musky I have come across this year have been extra fat and girthy this year too. I am also finding most of my fish suspended and cruzing breaklines.. almost as if the fish think its fall already. Beauty fish BTW.... what lake?
  16. I have stayed there several time over the past few seasons. It is literaly right in the middle of where you want to be. There cabins as stated above could use a little work, but they do the job. They are comfortable, but the bare plywood walls leave you little to look at. There power is generated with a big diesel generator that they should off at 11 and back ion at 7 or 8. Doesnt always give you that much time to charge the batteries. But, you really cant beat their location... and with fishing, location is everything. One of the most beautiful scenary around There is an early morning pic right from the cabin steps
  17. Hey guys, heading to the frech for a few days of muskie fishing the first week of August (Full moon on the 6th ). I have fished the french with good success that last few years, but always on the Hartley bay side of 69. I am heading east and staying at the Wolseley Lodge. Any one have any experience fishing this area? Not looking for your secret spot, but just point in the right direction. A little hard to scout these areas since non of the french is really mapped on GPS... at least not on my garmin. Any help would be good... even colours that have worked well. I have found walleye pattern, jail bird and white have worked well on the other side. You can PM if you wish too. Thanks
  18. by marina do you mean Rosedale? That hole channel is pretty good for bass and walleye. There are a few nice shoals and weedlines right near the mouth of the river there.
  19. Nice fish, but whats with blacking, sorry greying out the back ground and even your boat? weird
  20. I dont typically pitch right into heavy cover with Jigs. I tend to drop fanned opening, into trees, at stumps and docks, pads and over rock piles. My profile of choice is a standard tear drop head 3/4oz green with a green and black skirt... but pretty much use a contrast colour plastic, like brown, reds and white. Flooder heads and and swimmer flippin jigs work alright too for getting farther into cover, like under docks and into downed trees. thick and heavy (slop) cover i tend to through weedless topwater stuff
  21. If Muskie are your target, south bay is where i go. We often hit walleye/ pickeral and 6lb bass fishing the weed line for Muskie in south bay. All the weed lines are pretty distictive and typically there is a heavy break line from 16 FOW up to the weed line edge of 12FOW... these weeds stretch up to about 1-2ft under the surface. Black/ Silver spinners and Yellow/ Bronze are good choices. Plus anything perch colour
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