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Everything posted by F_ast

  1. Trying to book a little bit of a last minute trip to French River Wolseley bay area. I have stayed at the Wolseley lodge several times, but time to change it up this time. Has anyone stayed at the Bryer Lodge? Any feedback on it would be great. Thanks
  2. The problem that I have with Manufacturer specified oils is that they typically are a much lighter viscosity that that aftermarket products tested to the same standards for the same applications. This basically means that you end up consuming dramatically more oil. Just because you use more oil does not mean that you have better protection either. With the Optis, the engine are DFI (direct fuel injection) and you need to make sure that you run a DFI oil at all times. With Amsoil, you best options are the HP or the Interceptor (interceptor is specially made for applications with powervalve engines). Just leaves less gummy deposits. I have been through this before with sleds... Your dealer cannot deny you warranty for not using their spec manufacturers oil, but you do have to make sure you are using the proper oil for the application.
  3. Water logged is the best for sure. With new ones, I scribe a few lines in the bottom of them and sit them in my fosh tank a few days before my trips. By the end of a 5 day trip, our suicks can run as deep as 8-10ft. Seem to be deadly at that depth. Suicks will produce when nothing else will...
  4. I understand the static issue but not sure what you are complaining about... 3 day turn around is fantastic. Have you ever tried to deal with Lowrance. That is something to fall on the ground and laugh about. Sounds like HB fixed you right up. Maybe they should install whatever they did on all units, but I'd say that the average boater with VHF radio vs with is only like 1 in 100. Maybe less. Humminbird makes some of the best stuff on the planet IMO.
  5. Going to a cousins Cottage early October for just a family guys weekend. I have never fished the aMea before, but is there a decent muskie population or is it not even worth my time to try? His cottage is in the Picton area and I beleive he said South bay...? I am an avid muskie fisherman through the Kawartha's, Muskoka's and up into the French. If there is an opportunity for some late season Muskie action, I'd like to hit it up. Thanks,
  6. I cannot remember the launch being very busy. Maybe because a number of my trips have been in October. But the launch is very steep with an S bend to it right beside a building. It is tight and steep, and for that reason they launch the boat. They are very good at it and I trust them with my boat. As Rich mentioned, Wanapitei bay is riddle with hidden danger. Take it slow rolling through there the first few times until you have a safe route. If I recall, the west shore "channel" pretty safe for high speed travel. If you do a google maps search of the area and put it on a satellite image and zoom in, you can see the hidden dangers that we are taking about as the rock piles beneath the surface a visible.
  7. I have not been to that side in the last few years, but really want to go back. Saw one of the biggest muskies of my life out there. I have stayed at the French River Lodge a few times, but never Bears Den. One thing you will want to know is parking. You have to park and launch at the Hartly Bay marine. They have to launch the boat for you... and you will see why when you get there. Parking and launch fees will run you about $70 for the week... but that was a few years ago. Could be more now. Just a heads up as I was not sure what the expect the first time I was there. I think you will be happy with the fishing. They are some awesome Muskie waters that is for sure.
  8. Common guys, no reason to be so harsh. Tough for guys to want to get back to the board if when you have to sift though a hole bunch of "board etiquette" stuff some one to add something if value towards the question. Think some of you just like to see your high reply counts. Anyways, perch or walleye colours are good producers. Black bucktails with orange blades work well too. I personally do not spend much time on the pickerel, but spend quite a bit of time on the French. The area can be tough, but combination of rock and weed will be your best bet... all typical muskie stuff. One thing to look for is gradual shorelines into the water (not steep) with gravel beach. It is tough to pick out areas where weeds grow as times, but this has been the tell tail sigh of weedbeds when scouting for a place the try. I will fish jagged rock points, but I just cannot come to casting a jagged rock shoreline. There just ins't enough "prime structure" to target... its like fishing for a needle in a haystack, especially if you are not marking any bait fish.
  9. This is off the Optix site Amber lens: The optimum lens for freshwater fishing and high-performance boat racing. Delivers high contrast and improved depth perception. Dark Grey:The preferred lens for offshore fishing and general water activities. Offers true color perception in moderate to bright conditions. Dark Grey with silver Flash:Silver top gradient flash coating helps provide extra protection from harsh overhead light
  10. I am another H2Optix guy. I actually have 3 pairs or H2Optix. 2 amber lenses pairs and 1 smoke pair. The H2Optix are not easy to find anymore. I beleive they were bought by Bolle or Sarengetti. I typically just use Amber all the time. I just like the contrast and the brightness they provide. Just my prefferense. I also have a pair of Spy Mach II w/ polarized lenses that are very very dark. These are my everyday glasses, but I have used them fishing before. Spy offers a good polarized lens. Just remember, you only get one set of eyes. Good glasses are well worth the price tag. For great savings, check out ebay. I got 2 pairs of h2Optixs for $60 on a closeout sale from a place in Ohio last year.
  11. For the price, the Compre is a great rod. I use Loomis and St.Croix rods now, but my old compres have held up to hundreds of fish. Another great rod that is not very expensive (any more) are the Fenwick HMG AV rods. Not sure if they are still being made, but they can be found as old inventory items. I think when I first got one, the rods were between $160 and $200. Think I saw a bunch at JBs fishing depot for like $80 in the fall.
  12. Does Shimano still make the CORE?
  13. I'd be looking at the rating tag on the transom to find out if there is a call out for engine weight and hp. If there is just a call out spec for max hp, then call Lund right away. If there is both weight and hp, look up the engine weight specs on that motor and see make sure you are in compliance. Those Honda engines are bears. There are quite a few boats out there that have 2 stroke and 4 stoke ratings based on engine weight. For instance, my 06 Lund Outfitter 1750 ss calls out 90hp max or 435lb max engine weight and I beleive some of the Skeeter boats will list a max hp (2 stroke) at 150hp and max hp (4 stroke) at 90hp. Lund has a great reputation for service, warranty and repair, however, I beleive their closes repair shop is in Manitoba. Here is the lund boats canada site; http://www.allbrandsboatrepair.com/
  14. Here... this will help. Speak to Harold (lodge owner) for hot spots and what to watch out for. The French can be a lower unit eater, so stick to the routes Harold mentions and note his locations for dangerous rocks. He will also provide you with a map of the area that he marks up for different types of structure, drop offs, weedbeds and spots were guys have had success.
  15. Jail time for sure.
  16. All I can say, in comparison, IMO, the PP does not compare. I used the PP for 2 weekends; I ruined 3 shirts that due to green dye stains and had to clean my reels each weekend due to an abundance of green fiber build-up all over everything. I really do not like have green hands at the end of a day of fishing. In comparison to P-line Spectex, the PowerPro frays like crazy, screams on the rod guides and bring back much more water. As for flouro leads, maybe I just dont feel comfortable with a gouge out for the line. I pick my flouro leaders up from JB's and they sell their stuff for $5.99 each i beleive (12" @130lbs), so I dont mind throwing them away. I have never given it the old pull test... but maybe I will give it a try. I have broken a few Ti leaders ( i exclusively use Terminator - Zero kink even with pliers), but the failure point in always either the swivel or the loop above it. We are taking on a leader that sees 100 days of fishing though.
  17. Think of it as a pedestrian on the street, ya, they should not be there, but doesn't mean you can "run them off the road". As a boater, you need to be in compete control of your craft. Even in control of your craft, if rolling at 60mph the guy in the anchors boat gets nervous fires up and just happens to go the wrong way... then what? The fact that most people these days simply are not courteous to others on the water is just blatantly obvious.
  18. Best piece of advice I can give. Bass dont really "HIT", jigs. They usually just pick them up, and sit. Typical keep it in there mouth and grind it. Not usually much weight on the line. Just a sort of pop and vibration. I use a 7-6 Crucial with a Calcutta TE 200GT as my flippen stick. The more sensitive the rod the better.
  19. That is just it though... It is wrong. Pick up a boaters hand guide dude. Anchored fisherman have the right of way. Fisherman that are not in operation of their powered engine have the right of way. Same as canoers, sailboats and swimmers. If your actions were seen by an OPP, you would be ticketed I am sure. Channel or not. If there were people in a canoe paddling in the channel, do you blast within feet of them too? ... Well, after reading some of the OPP stories on here maybe not. You are still in the wrong. Channel or not.
  20. Not all line is created equal either. A lot of guy use PowerPro, but IMO, it is garbage. Best muskie braids on the market that are easy to find here locally are: P-Line Spectrex (I best I have found to date) Suffix 832 Cortland Masterbraid Reason I dislike the PowerPro is it bleeds its pigments all over your hands, close, rod, reel. It also seems to carry a lot of water back with it and you litteraly get soaked in comparison to the rest. I find that the P-line Spectrex and the Suffix have a much tighter braid and smaller diameter to them than the PowerPro as well. 85# Spectrex is about the same diameter as 50#PP. For leaders, I like Titanium. I use 12 and 18" Terminator leaders. I have also used Floro leaders 150# +, but you need to inspect them all the time. If you have even a knick in the line, trash it.
  21. ewwwww.... trolling. Not a fan. LOL I have to get out to the Tri-lakes one of these days. Skdds, Jakes and Grandma lures are basically the same bait. http://www.muskymania.com/products/jake.php http://www.jacksonlures.com/commerce2/Grandma.htm Believer's can be either mono body or jointed. http://driftertackle.com/products/believer.php Both the Believer and Jake catch fish. I am a huge fan of Perch patterns. They will work just about anywhere in North America.
  22. Heard Leo Stakos (FishTV) got big fish... That True?
  23. WOW, really suprised Suick hasn't been names yet. Here are my favorite baits for the style of bait. 10" Weighted Suick - Perch Red hot thriller (Glider of choice) >>>I lost what would have smashed my PB muskie by a mile on this bait last year. Bionic Gold bladed spinner (Spinner of choice) <<<Gold blades are killer on Kawartha lakes. Hair colour is not as big of a deal. >>> I like Bionic spinner bait (it's a little smaller profile than I like, so I mod every one I get)>>> My largest; 53.5" Muskie in Late October 07. Mepps Muskie killer (In-line spinner of choice) >>>4 of 5 largest Muskies I have caught have all come on the original Mepps Muskie Killer (one with the 2 trebles). 52", (2)51", (2) 50.5".... has been my highest numbers lure. Great choice as a high speed troll bait... But I hate trolling. You can get a good 6mph or so without bulging. At least 100 fish on it in the last 12 years I have fished muskie. Hellhounds (Jerk bait of Choice) Weagle (Topwater of choice) 10" Jakes/ Grandma (Fall) (Crank bait or choice)
  24. Found it.... http://www.bridgenorthsportsandmarine.com/tackle.htm
  25. You guys tried the shop in Bridge North? I have not been there in years but I was could not beleive what they used to have in there ... and for the prices they have. I really have no idea the name of the place though.
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