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Everything posted by Loonietoon

  1. I need somebody to let me know of the dates so I can get back into things,... missed too many up there
  2. Happy New Year to you my Friend
  3. Great on you buddy Happy New Year
  4. Well daughter & son in law invited me over for Chinese or should I say (ordered) me to be there... KIDS worried about Dad HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY oh my head hurts sorry
  5. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Diane my friend, Hope all is well with Diane... And to all my family here .. MERRY CHRISTMAS..
  6. Merry Christmas to all my FAMILY on OFC
  7. No problem at all Dave,, Always fun to be with friends and I guess we had an early reception for Johnny the extra beer & wings were Good
  8. It is with great sadness that we inform the board of Old Ironmaker's presumed passing. While not yet confirmed, it is believed that he has now passed from this mortal coil into the ether of eternity. We will miss you as we now have no-one left to tease about not making dates. This in saying he did not make the GTG and he stated that we should check out the Obits Monday
  9. thats what happens when the winds blow in Lake Erie
  10. Yes I know Lew.. going to try for the French this year,,, got to check my schedule and need a date
  11. Going to miss not seeing you my friend
  12. 7 hours and counting looking forward to meeting my friends again
  13. That a great one Cliff now I hope others remember to return the cab
  14. Wayne, I don't know what else to say but hang in there for Jen & Leah My prayers I keep working on my Friend
  15. 1 night to go then I will be there around 7.00 pm with a cold beer in hand
  16. Well looks like 8-9 people next Saturday
  17. I know how you feel that was my mothers dish for me and my wife always made short bread cookies the old Scotch way from her Great grand mother that was passed down and now my daughter has promised to make some for her dad i can hardly wait
  18. John that is not a problem I will buy Barb a pound of Wings for her BIRTHDAY
  19. If you were closer you would be more than welcome.... this is why we have these GTG so we can all meet just like we use to at the Fire Hall.. Ah yes the Fire Hall,,, Chicken Wings and Beer ... Good Old Days as many will remember
  20. What is there no more coming out.. everybody complains that we don't GTG and when we do only a few show up
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