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Everything posted by graftongal

  1. Enjoy Joey, and be sure to let us know how it went!
  2. That is awesome news Marsha! I mean Joey! You must be soooo excited! We can't wait to see your smilin' mug on TV!
  3. Cool, thanks Raf!
  4. Hello everyone, Just wondering if there is anyone here who does winter camping? We would like to try it this year and are looking for suggestions in terms of parks to try. We were thinking Algonquin, but upon checking, noticed that ice fishing is not permitted. Any help would be much appreciated! Snady
  5. Strangely enough I had a copy in the mail too, but I don't have a subscription! But believe me, I ain't complainin!
  6. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! Joey, Joey, Joey! Geeze, I'm starting to feel like Jan Brady here! Just kidding, and way to go Joey!!!
  7. Hmmm... she reminds me of someone....
  8. Hey Ron, You can mark us down for two tickets, just let us know about the payment. Snady
  9. Geeze, in case anyone is listening... I'd like a new Ford Excursion. Just thought I'd throw that out there! Very nice Joey! Whoever it was, they seemed to know your curves pretty well!
  10. Has a date been set in stone yet? Looks as though it will be the 29th?
  11. If there isn't already such a thing as undercover CO's, there should be. I think that would have positive results for crap like this.
  12. Thanks everyone! My heart broke this morning when we had to leave him for work. Hopefully he's not too sad today.
  13. After a long wait Reefhawg and I finally picked up our new baby on Friday night. He's been an incredibly good puppy thus far, no separation anxiety from being away from his family. He seems very observant and is even walking well with a leash for his first time. I have never seen such a docile puppy before! Things will probably be a far different story though on Monday morning when we have to go to work. We picked him up from Baby Duck Labs in Chatsworth near Owen Sound. Mike Lafond is the guy's name and he was excellent, really knows his stuff. He's still got a couple of pups that are unspoken for and is offering them at an excellent price if anyone is looking for a pup. Feel free to message me and I'll give you his info. Here he is, Baby Duck's Esox Masquinongy "Dax":
  14. Great job guys, everything is awesome!
  15. And not only that Pete, but apparently we've got mice too!
  16. That's too funny Ron! We saw them too. I can't believe the blatant ignorance some people have. I took pictures of them too hoping they'd get the hint. Apparently not!
  17. Things went downhill as soon as they let Pete in here Mike!
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