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Everything posted by NAW

  1. It's because you pulled up a very old thread from 6 years ago!
  2. Nicely done Brian!! This weekend was solid for you!
  3. I did mine in beer batter. I don't normally, but we bought some to try to easy our 8 year old in to eating Tue fishy's that she caught. She loves store bought, but refuses to eat fresh fish that ive cleaned and cooked. ! Strong willed one she is... I just fried my fish up and am heading over to the hospital to give my girlfriend a good fresh fish fry dinner. She brought her fishing attire to work, and is getting geared up after her night shift at 6am. Meeting me at the launch and going to fish for a few hours.. Officially addicted!!
  4. Great morning on the ice for sure. Back at her tomorrow! This time, I'm setting up on Brian's door step!!! Thanks for chopping the holes for us Brian, and for the extra help this morning!!
  5. Gunna give it a honest effort this weekend Heading out Saturday and Sunday to attempt the allusive (for me!!) Simcoe white fish! Or at least to see Jer hoist a big one. Those are great pics Emil!
  6. Who knows! I've hammered them in 8', and in 40. Havnt really tried for them this year. And I really don't know how the weird season will effect them. It hasn't effected my crappie spots at all.
  7. I have a short track. It was given to me for free. Amazing little sled, but the short tracks do get stuck pretty easy. I've investigated doing some modifications to it. Buying a long track and long track suspension. Building many of my own parts and sheet metal work... But. The reality is, I don't get stuck enough to make it worth all the time and effort I would rather buy a quad . Lake Simcoe (when it freezes) is great 75% of the winter with a quad.
  8. Hahaha. No, I'm 32. But the brain punishment started when I was about 17! Approximately. I can't remember!
  9. I'm glad you are all enjoying the report! And I sure hope the kids remember these little day trips. I know the 8 year old will. It's funny someone one mentioned earlier this this thread that at 3 years old, they will remember this trip. Because Sam and I had a bit of a conversation debating weather the youngsters will keep this in their memory for a life time? I don't have to many memories of trips like this at the age of three. But I have punished my brain way to much in the last 15 years to have a healthy functioning memory!!
  10. I love sunny warm days on the ice!
  11. Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone!! I forgot the specs. All the fish where caught in 30fow, with small buckshot tipped with salted minnows, on Barbie and lightning mcqueen rods!!
  12. Cast master Macho minnow There's a few brands and names that are nearly identical
  13. I've wanted to get my family out on the ice all winter. I had high hopes for family day weekend. But it was just a little to cold to take (2x) 3 year olds, and a 8 year old. This weekend, we tried to make the best of the warm weather, by making a massive snowman. Then going ice fishing!!! The snowman was the tallest I have ever made! I needed a ladder to put the top 2 balls on. And I had to cut some of them in to smaller pieces with a machete, then re-assemble them once they where in place. A quick back ground.. My girlfriend and I rent the main floor of this house, and the upperlevel is rented by two girls. After I built this epic snowman, I realized that is may have creeped out the poor girls in the upstairs apartment! Peeping snowman!. The fishing was great! The ice conditions, not so much. There was a solid 5" everywhere. Some places where 8". But it was a little wet. I started out in 20' close to shore. But we didn't mark anything. So as I was pondering moving to the 30' range, what happens? My 3 year old son jumps off his chair, and steps in a hole!! He's soaked past his knee on his right leg. And screaming his head off!!! You can see me in one of the pictures, coming back from my SUV with a bag in my hand. Which I used to put over his foot. The little trooper didn't complain once. After we got him calmed down, and everyone situated. I took off to poke some holes and check the ice conditions further out. Everything was OK, so we made the move out to 30'. we set the hut up to get out of the wind. This was the first time fishing with the entire family in the hut. And it was GREAT!! We where able to set up the chairs such that the kids could fish, with Sam's help, and I was sitting at their rod tips baiting hooks steady! This is my view! The schools of herring where coming through pretty good for an hour or two. And we managed to catch our limit for 5 people in under 2 hours. Tossed a few really small ones back. The kids had an absolute blast! And so did Sam and I! It sure is great to have extra hands for pulling gear in and out! We had a great fish fry for dinner. I have to admit. I really love the taste of Simcoe herring. Breaded and fried in oil. As good, if not better than Crappie. Still not as good as perch though.... And the kids loved it too! This was the first time we have all gone out together, and actually had good fishing! I think they are addicted now!
  14. I didn't think they would be that thick!! I'm never going to pass by s cheek again in my life!
  15. Wicked!! What part of the fish are those small chunks of meat?
  16. I found a school when I first got there. And was hoisting dink perch pretty steady. my finder was a wall of black for the bottom 10' actually. But as soon as the sun went down they all went somewhere else. Just the occasional fish after that. None of which would bite. I'm going to try it again a few times, and see if I can figure them out.
  17. I've had all my gear in the back of my SUV since Sunday... So last minute decisions to try an evening fish are very easy! My girlfriend worked until 6 at the hospital. And I was working from home all morning, then the college in the afternoon, which is just down the road from the hospital. So I just dropped off all my girlfriends gear at the hospital on my way in to the college. The plans actually worked out pretty well! The plan was for me to finish up at the college at 4. Head down town, and run and gun for a school of perch. Then set up the hut on top of them. Once my girlfriend Sam was done work, she would gear up and meet me out at the hut. Timing for the evening worked out perfect! But the fish just did not cooperate! We caught lots of tiny little dink perch. One got hooked deep, so I kept it. And we also caught one herring, on the smaller end of the scale for Simcoe. Regardless of the slow night. After working a few 12 hour shifts, Sam really enjoyed a few hours of relaxing in the hut. The weather was great. And we had a little fish fry with a few glasses of wine when we got home! A few pics from the evening. I post these pics showing obvious locations..... Because the next time I try a night bite in Kemp, it sure won't be in this location!!
  18. I have been running a salus endurance class float suite for about 6 years now, and am very happy with it. One thing I would caution you on about salus. They don't seem to be designed for heavy set folks. and it's hard (impossible) to fit a pair of Baffin titans on and actually fully zip the ankle zippers. My two cents. I am a strong salus supporter. But you kind of need to be fit to wear one.
  19. I could see a 16" perch being caught on Simcoe. Assuming things aren't photoshopped. Congrats to whomever caught it. Must have been quite the suprise! I've hoisted some in the 14" range, and let me tell you, the happy dance is in full force! I couldn't imagine yanking that hog up a 6" hole!!
  20. Great way to spend a day off!!! Nice fishin Jer
  21. I just sent you a PM with a picture and a map. And for the record, I would have passed by this post, had you not been my life insurance agent! There are NO fish in 6-mile
  22. The ice is not safe is some spots on 6-Mile. Where is your friends cottage. If you give me the road name at least, I will be able to tell you where the unsafe ice is in the area. Are you going to be walking? Depending on where the cottage is, I may be able to give you some starting points. PM me the address if you'd prefer that. I've been fishing 6-mile for 25 years.
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