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Everything posted by chuckymcd

  1. He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, And chuck as much as a woodchuck would If a woodchuck could chuck wood Chuck
  2. that is crazy
  3. Thanks guys im aware the river is only open untill then end of the month, i live in the area and am not a complete idiot thanks for the help
  4. Hey guys, i know the salmon do eventually come up the river but do steelhead as well? also what other fish are in there? im thinking rainbows and browns?? im fly fishing the river so anybody with any fly patterns that have worked well for them let me know. Im still fairly new to the fly fishing scence so any help would be GREAT!!!!
  5. At Least 8 lbs haha maybe around 3.5
  6. we need to know the weight and what does the winner get lol
  7. i would have to say 5 1/2 no more then that still a big fish tho
  8. hahahaha thats funny stuff right there
  9. Good Fish man but too bad buddy kept the fish, should have thrown it back 2 grow bigger, but eh what can ya do?
  10. lol i dont care about the size i just want to catch one of the buggers Thanks for the info guys im going to do some reading up on them and mybe try my luck this week!
  11. Hey thanks for the quick responses guys!! Alex i sent a PM to ya
  12. Hey guys, i want to fish for some carp but really dont know to much about it. What I need 2 know is where the heck can i go carp fishing in the GTA and actually catch a couple? Im guessing later evening/night fall will produce the best or early morning?? Dont want to know any of your honey holes, just the name of a river or a streatch of the river that will produce for a begginer. Thanks guys, have a good one
  13. haha good stuff, chuck norris does not use a condom, because there is no protection from chuck norris
  14. hahaha nice one GO HABS GO
  15. ive seen this before crazy sick tho
  16. haha thats awsome good pic
  17. ummm lunch LOL
  18. hey thanks guys ill get some pics of it this week end, and ill get the modle number off of the boat.
  19. Hey everyone, I dont know too much about boats but just picked up a 14-foot traveler with a 40 HP johnson on the back. It needs a little bit of work but i figure its a good winter project. Anyone ever heard of this boat before ive tried to look it up and cant find too much info on it. A buddy and me went halves on it $800.00 for boat motor and Trailer I think its a good deal tho. sorry i dont have any pics yet as we just picked it up yesterday! I will keep everyone updated on the transformation Thanks in advance Chuck
  20. yeah the fall is great fishing time
  21. Hey Everyone, I got out last night for an hour and got into a couple bass, i was using a big spinner bait in white with a hint of blue. I love this time of year http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx259/c...cd/IMG00099.jpg http://i761.photobucket.com/albums/xx259/c...cd/IMG00101.jpg BIG BASS AND COLD WEATHER GOTTA LOVE IT
  22. nice fish!!! i would not mind catching a ski, well maybe one day
  23. i dont know if they work for Pickeral but i think they might work for Walleyes LOL
  24. sorry to hear that that, i had to put a puppy down earlier this year its a tough decision but sometimes its for the best
  25. you guys have a $200 bill, i knew there was something strange about our friends across the boarder
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