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Everything posted by douG

  1. Corn critters, yum. I somehow can't face greens for breakfast.
  2. I think double click is a function of the skin. Roll down to the left, at the bottom, and choose anything other than CLUB. This seems to work for me on generously proportioned or IE, no double click on the back button. That is funny right there. I typed F_F, and got 'generously proportioned'. Of course, I meant F_F = FireFox. Not you, Fudgeon Pisher, you generously proportioned.
  3. Fabulous, Joanne. Thanks for taking the pictures and writing such a great report.
  4. Wow. I know nothing about this stuff, but I get the idea now of what you do. Impressive.
  5. Excellent. Thanks for sharing, and goodonya for getting out for some fresh air and sunshine.
  6. douG


    I was wondering if your post dinner romance might need some first aid afterwards, like baby powder. It helps with the chapping.
  7. They sure seem to like that sommersault thing.
  8. Congratulations, Paul, very nice whities. Goodonya.
  9. Ya, too. When I fish, I walrus fish with my home colours. I could fish with others than red, white, and blue, but then I would be embarrassed to use orange stuff after all that. Mostley I use grey.
  10. douG


    Brian, lookin right some jaisus fine right dere. Is your middle name Alfred? I recommend some baby powder for your parts later, see if the Missus can help with the application. You will have to be strong during this.
  11. Wow, youse guys are just beautiful *sniff*. Verklempt I am now.
  12. Brian, that is a basic and delicious recipe for noodles, with many great variations. Consider this: use pesto instead of curry, oregano instead of hoisin, and red wine instead of fish or soy sauce. Add some slivered sundried tomatoes for a slap of flavour. Substitute linguine for the rice noodles, and lose the rooster sauce. Keep the canned tomatoes, evoo and garlic, onions, peppers and mushrooms, but do the same process. Adjust salt and pepper (please grind it fresh). Add a grating of stinky cheese on top, like parmigiano reggiano, crotonese or piave, and you have another fabulous meal, this one with a more continental appeal. Serve with olives, and a fresh crusty bread. Some chianti goes nice with this one. For all of my cooking that uses any kind of meat, I always try to flour and fry in evoo (I had to google that, Brian, impressed) because that is how you add meat flavour to your sauce. As for cooking being woman's work, I would be about 25 lbs lighter if I really believed that. Gentle guidance to SWMBO will continue, as required. *Shhhhhhhhhhh.* I have always enjoyed being able to look after this here self. I think it is amazing that so many cultures do the same food: ravioli, perogies and potstickers for e.g.
  13. I'm sorry, I would be just as flummoxed as you with that problem. Can you leave things as is, and drill and tap another hole? Can you try another ez out from the other side? I dunno.
  14. Addikted, it might sound like you need to read Grimace's complaint again. The OFC search leads him to womens magazines, identified with text about snowmobile clubs. This is what led Terry and others to suggest that his browser might be getting hijacked.
  15. If I google OFSC, I get at least four full pages of snowmobile sites, with nary a mention of Womens' Day or Elle magazines in the suggested links. If that's what you get too, Addikted, there is something screwy there.
  16. 'Aphrodisiac', now I'm getting all hungry, or something.
  17. Looks delicious, and pretty adventurous for a b'y off The Rock. That rooster sauce is hot, but the Vietnamese and Thai use it like ketchup. Thanks for another simple and delicious recipe. After all, it's all about the flavour.
  18. I've had success calling to the fish, as in 'Here fishy fishy', and repeat, so I think noise actually helps at times. Often, 'Salut, mon vieux, par ici,' works better, usually on Nippissing.
  19. It appears that you might be the one with advice to offer! Nice fish, and welcome.
  20. Attaboy, Emil. You just don't quit, do you? Your perseverance paid off one more time.
  21. The first fish I ever posted here, mebbe 6 or 7 years ago, was caught using a piece of wiener. Someone must have a shot of that huge fish.
  22. Are the promises made and action tasks, like, done, er wha'? There are some folks that claimed to need work on their alarms, and inquiring minds need to know that the stuff has been done. I know that I have replaced and tested 3 smoke alarms since Christmas, and they all check out fine. CO detectors - we have one near the furnace and one on the bedroom floor- have also been thrown out and replaced. Remember the part about me being the idiot. Anyone is welcome for their turn next. This is one of the jobs you will never be thanked for doing. Just imagine the downside on the alternative. If you don't do this important maintenance, Lew and the Firefighter crew will be stopping by, and they might speak sharply. I can deal with the muddy boots, but it's the mustaches and great big axes that are really scary, let me tell you.
  23. Habitant Pea Soup, add a cut up wiener or 2. Cut up some pieces of cheddar for the side plate, and some bread to wipe the bowl. Cuppa tea and a Crispy Crunch, good to go. Or just bring gweeches.
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