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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. Haven't fished for three weeks now but will be searching for Browns and Bows Monday very early morning for a few hours before work. That's all for now... Will report back.
  2. Ida - Weimaraner Full of energy and always ready to go!
  3. Thanks Roy. I'm thinking that's what it was. I've seen them before but this is the first I've seen in this area.
  4. The other morning, I saw what looked exactly like a Great Blue Heron, except it was pure white in colour. Does anyone know how common that is or if it was infact a different type of bird all together? Thanks
  5. I found it to be interesting. Must admit to feeling as if we are very 'stupid' overall as a race but seem to view ourselves as the opposite. No question the major point made in the film,(which is to no longer depend on oil for energy) is a must. Can this be done quickly, I don't think so. Over the next 50 years...I think it can be done. Have you seen it?
  6. Just finished watching this documentary and was wondering how many of you have seen it. If you have...thoughts please...
  7. Looking forward to eating my fresh tomato salad topped with garlic, salt, black pepper, balsamic, olive oil, bocconcini and basil. YUM!
  8. Everyone's shocked that Lebron went about this in a stupid way? Not a shock at all to me. The guys been babied ever since he was 13.
  9. Should be interesting. Could go either way. Depends on the pieces they put around those players.
  10. Cottages #10 - #14 are all really great.
  11. Cottages - Good Boats - Good Service - OK Location - Bad I stayed there once and the biggest reason I didn't go back is because it's right beside a main road and the cottages don't have their own fire pits. If you want something somewhat more private or remote look elsewhere. That entire end of the lake is shallow and weedy so small pike are everywhere. Some good spots for largies. Deeper water is a good 20-25 minute boat ride away. WATCH OUT FOR THE ROCKS / SHOALS!!! One great thing about that section of the lake is that the entire south shore has very few cottages on it. Overall - 6 out of 10
  12. Went with the Temple Forks 8' 6" 4wt 2pc Rod - Signature Series Temple Forks Prism 3/4 Reel. Floating Line A variety of flies, leaders and tippet. Will report back when the rivers clear up a bit...
  13. The water is high but I can't resist putting my new set up into use. Hitting the river to practise casting but the chance of catching a fish is very low. Here we go...
  14. Thanks for reminding me that I need a float tube. I have some spots I still need to share with you man.
  15. Your reports are always filled with very small fish but I still enjoy them very much :/ JOKES! Nicely done once again.
  16. I don't support what went down today in T.O. at all but I must say that young people do feel helpless against certain issues which does influence radical behavior. eg: BP Oil Spill (how many days now) and Corporate Takeover. Yes it's wrong what they did and it will not help solve any problems but they are young, angry & probably not very smart. Regardless, the government also needs to look within to ask why their actions cause these reactions as stupid as they are.
  17. Picking up my first fly rod / reel Sunday. Don't have to be into work on Monday until 2pm. Hmmm...what to do Monday morning???
  18. Let me get this right. We approach the perfect hole as the sun is slowly rising behind the tree line. We both know there's a beautiful brown in there just waiting to be tamed. Now your going to be content with teaching me how to cast? HAHA! I may be picking up my set up on Sunday!!!
  19. I tried casting my friends fly rod a few days ago and it does seem a little easier then starting out with a centerpin. Still have trouble with the wallis cast. A few more days and I should be set up and ready to hit the water!
  20. Your right...it is...but the amount of litter is unbelievable. Drives me mad.
  21. I take my dog for a walk almost everyday back in the ravine. I know exactly where your talking about. In the winter they are everywhere! A few months back I saw a group of 9. I see coyote scat back there all the time but have yet to see or hear one. With the million rabbits, groudhogs and squirrels back there you think you'd see them from time to time. Less common species I've seen back there are: Green Heron Great Horned Owl Mink Orioles
  22. As I'm drinking my morning coffee, sitting at my computer before I go to work, I look out the window facing the ravine (Humber) behind my house. Out of the corner of my eye I see some movement. What do I see...a doe grazing on the hill with her tiny fawn running all around her. Awesome! And this is just 20 minutes from downtown Toronto (HWY 27 / Rexdale). After 3 years here, that's the first fawn I've seen.
  23. You know the answer is YES!
  24. 5 months ago my wife Anna and I had our first baby. I'm really looking forward to teaching her about the outdoors and fishing. I know girls generally don't have as much of an interest in angling as boys do. Which of you moms and dads have daughters that love to fish??? Eliana 'Poops' Csordas...
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