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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. Once again, we worked our buts off for those fish. I don't thing we know how to do it any other way.
  2. You got it. Full of Bass. What an awesome place.
  3. I wish I had more time for a more elaborate report. Considering we dealt with HOT! temps, Sunny skies, Winds and a crazy Algae Bloom we got a few fish and had a great time. The pics... Fidel with the largest Walleye of the trip. Must say buddy, your the master of the slash baits. The Nasty Off we were to find clean, clear water... We found some and where there was clear water, there were Smallies! Feeling great after a much overdue trip up north. Nature really is amazing! Feel free to add a couple pics Fidel. Till the next battle which I'm sure will involve some STEEL.
  4. Thanks Spiel!
  5. PM SENT.
  6. #1) Why mention the river your fishing on a forum with so many members? #2) After mentioning the river, why mention the specific tiny town you were fishing it in? I grew up in that area. The amount of guys fishing there now is crazy compared to when I was a kid. It's sad to see. So much litter along the banks and at the main parking spots.
  7. Please don't tell me this is Ultyma saying wack stuff on my topics again??? I thought those days were long gone.
  8. Excitement has gotten the better of me I guess. Take Off in 10 hours...
  9. Highdrifter (Fidel) and myself are taking off Sunday early morning for a 4 day mission northbound. Will report back on Thursday... Stay Tuned.
  10. Hit the river yesterday evening for a bit with my buddy Dan. The Carp were out to play once again taking any fly we put in front of their faces. Dan with 1 of 5 he caught. Now, moving on to some trout...
  11. Carp fishing has never really been my thing but sight fishing for them on a fly rod is pretty wicked and somewhat restores my faith in the river behind my place that I previously deemed useless. This guy observed my lacking fly skills for a bit. The Approach... The Pay Off...
  12. Camera was missing in action. I was only expecting to get into a couple chub.
  13. Had a couple hours to kill after work so I hit the river behind my place to practise my casting. Did pretty well considering the river is as nasty as it is. 3 Chub 4 Sunfish 4 Rockbass I approached this one stretch to find 5 or 6 carp chillin' just below the surface. First cast lands right in front of ones face and...BAM...FISH ON! Was about 6 pounds and it put the 4wt to it's limits. I wasn't even expecting to catch anything. Hilarious!
  14. Yes...Green Heron. I've seen the highest number of those this year behind my place along the Humber River. Great White Egret's are also present for the first time this year.
  15. I keep hearing that the fishing in the West Arm of Nipissing is REALLY BAD this year. Can some of you that have been up there this year pipe in and shed some light on this? My expectations are never crazy high when fishing Nipissing but a few decent size Smallies (15"-19") and Pike in the 26"-32" range is enough to keep me happy...along with beautiful scenery and time to chill.
  16. I've never punched someone in the face in my adult life but last year I seriously considered it many times during the salmon run. One day walking my dog along the Humber I saw 2 guys wading in the water in steel toe boots wearing work jeans casting into the dam with 5 foot light action rods snagging fish. Cave men came to mind.
  17. I didn't know that about downrigging for Steel. Good to know. Thanks.
  18. Wow. You must LOVE!!! eating steelhead.
  19. I'll be fishing 80% of the time so a small cottage is fine. They have a fishing Kayak for rent. Not sure what kind. I may rent a boat/motor instead.
  20. Booked Cottage #9 at Lakair Lodge for Aug. 29th to Sept. 1st. This will be my first time fishing The West Arm section of Nipissing. Questions... Anyone stay in that cottage before? Will a fishing Kayak get me to good fishing structure in that area? Thanks Laz
  21. I want to catch fish. I'll message you when the time comes. Thanks. For now I have to actually get through to Algonquin via telephone. Busy all day the last two days.
  22. I was thinking day 1 would be spent getting there, setting up and day 4 spent taking down camp and getting back leaving only 2 days. This is my only holiday of the entire summer so I was wanting to max out fishing time.
  23. I have 4-5 days for an Alogonquin trip during the first week of September. Don't think I'll be portaging to a camping spot with such limited time. Any suggestions for a Camp Site I can park my car at that is within a 1-2 hour hike of some good smallie or brookie fishing? Personal Message me if you can offer any help. Thanks A Million!
  24. Alarm went of at 4:15am. Sleeping just felt too good. Stayed in bed. 21 days and counting since the last time I fished.
  25. Does the night temps going down to 16 help this any or is it just too hot during the day right now for that to have enough of an impact?
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