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Everything posted by laszlo

  1. I go to 4 different tackle shops depending on what type of fishing I plan on doing that weekend.
  2. Any predictions for the Conference Finals? Chicago killed Miami last night! I'm hoping for a Chicago / OKC final but this may be the year for Dirk to win it all. I just don't want Miami to win it the first year they put this team together.
  3. I'm hoping to get my first brookies on the fly this year. Nice job Mike!
  4. Thanks guys. Most anglers hate on carp. I myself can't sit still long enough to fish for them the traditional style but on the fly set up, the action is fast and you see the takes. They're decent fighters too. Don't get me wrong though...if there were trout directly behind my place...I'd be after them.
  5. First off, I walk out of my backyard to see this guy. Who says there isn't wildlife in the city. 15 minutes from downtown T.O. I only had 30 minutes to spare before I had to get ready for work so I had to move fast. As I approach the river I see 3 Carp feeding. First cast into a mud cloud and...fish on!!! Got him on a black/orange egg sucking leech. Fidel...This carps for you buddy.
  6. Got another one this morning before going in to work! I'll post a couple pics tonight.
  7. I got my first Carp on the fly this evening. I use a 4wt for smaller ones that live in the river behind my house. It took a black / orange egg sucking leech. The fish was about 4-5lbs.
  8. Way to go Tyler. Spring has been difficult for me so far. My last 'great' day of steelheading dates back to last fall in November. I'm hoping my Pontoon adventures change that next week while on vacation!!! Keep up the good work.
  9. The forecast will probably change five times before the weekend arrives. My plans...putting my new Pontoon to the test on a few different rivers. Can't wait! But I'll wait until Monday.
  10. Oh Snap!
  11. This is great...but it's the report you make when you get back from south that I'm really looking forward too. I still can't believe you got those browns! Awesome.
  12. Here's a link to a post I put up here over a year ago with lots of info. I was just starting out at the time. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37430&st=0
  13. Sight fishing with a Woolly Worm Fly is my favorite bait/technigue. The only down side to this method is that the conditions have to be perfect. 1) Proper depth of water so you can see them stiring up bottom - 1 to 3 feet 2) The water can't to be too clear or dirty 3) A very slow moving pool 3) The carp should to be in feeding mode The perfect spot. I use my 4wt to target the smaller fish in the 2-5lb range. This year I may get a 7wt to go after the big guys and will also use the same set up for Steelhead. The entire year is ahead of us! Tight Lines everyone. Laszlo
  14. Only got out a few times during the winter but managed a few... Now bring on Spring and a fresh run of fish!!!
  15. Correction: That fish did not touch my hands :/
  16. BUSTED!!!
  17. You may want to stay silent since you were my main partner in crime during this violation.
  18. Funny you say that because this one was foul hooked as well.
  19. I think your right.
  20. Anyone ever catch one of these before? I caught this one on Sunday.
  21. Love it! Brings back some great memories buddy. It was a great year.
  22. Got it! Outcast Wave 8 just ordered. I'm already daydreaming about a spring time river camp out trip.
  23. I plan on buying a new Pontoon Boat next month. What should I be looking for when buying one? I'm talking about the Pontoons that are for floating down rivers. Any info would be great. Thanks
  24. Merry Christmas to you too buddy. All the best in the new year. I'm really happy we made that early morning mission to Loyalist in fall of 09. It was a conduit to many more adventures with a lot more to come.
  25. Way to go Leechman!
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