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Everything posted by cl_fishin

  1. Great report, nice fish and awesome shirt!!
  2. Nice fish, fun to watch them eat it WTG
  3. Great report, great fish, lots of memories for sure!
  4. Really nice Smallies, great colour, WTG
  5. Some of my family and friends went north on the weekend and my brother made this video. I thought it was worth a share even though I had to stay home and work. PS Bass are in season where they were....just saying Fathers Day Trip Video
  6. Nice fish Dana, welcome back!
  7. I will miss the opener, but hope to get out shortly after. Good Luck and 50 inchers to all who get out.
  8. Clothing- Fifty Inch Apparel http://www.50InchCrew.com CL Fishin (Baits) http://www.clfishin.com
  9. Thanks guys, it was a great experience, hope to do it again someday
  10. Yes the rule is one fish, released or kept and you are done, per day. You can fish again the next day provided you ate or released the fish previously
  11. I caught him on a fixed float rig with the bait suspended about 4 feet down casting it right up close (almost into) the biggest laydown tree, on the steepest bank in the lake. Focused our fishing during prime times, low light morning and evening when they were most active. I really thought they would be easier to catch like Brookies but the were actually pretty tough, probably got alot of fishing pressure, and the lake was thick with minnows.
  12. We tried to document our quest for an Aurora Trout last fall including the getting to and from adventure part. Was disappointed with what was useable (not enough actual fishing) and the video quality, but it is what it is, and I did what I could with it. Not much video of these fish out there so I thought I would share it anyway. I will be upgrading my video cam this season. Hope you enjoy I have a few more adventures to share once the are edited Aurora Trout Adventure
  13. Aaron Martens
  14. Alot of Ebay/online only guys are so cheap because they are selling it out of their basements with no overhead like rent, staff, heat, hydro,insurance,etc...not always a fair playing field for the bricks and mortar type shops and alot of manufacturers are now getting selective with what onliners they deal with. That being said it is the new reality and there are plenty of excellent online shops like eTackle.
  15. Nice Brown WTG!!
  16. Jan 26th will be 7 years smoke free for me, couldn't pay me to start again, don't miss it at all.
  17. Heres a few of my more recent PB's including Aurora Trout, LMB, SMB, Brook Trout and my near record 191 Gross NT Black Powder Buck
  18. Great pics, scenery and fish!
  19. Thanks guys, it really is alot of fun, great warm up for steelhead season @BillM I think this is pretty common in northern lakes with good populations of Whities. These fish will spawn later Oct/Nov on rocky points /shoals etc.., but I believe the fish we are catching in Sept are just taking advantage of cooler temps and shallow water forage (nymphs,leeches, minnows etc) that they can't access when the water is warm in the summer (they like it cold like trout). We catch them in soft bottom mucky bays 12-15ft down over 15-18FOW. There is occasionally a Caddis hatch on the lake in Sept but it is sporatic and the fish rarely target them like they do Mayflies in June @Grimace... It is an American made pressure cooker but I am not sure the make
  20. A little slow in posting these but,..every September we head up to the Chapleau area to warm up our centerpin outfits on some Whitefish. These fish start to move shallow in big numbers and we target them with slip floats and ice jigs tipped with a waxie. The fish average around 4lbs and we have gotten them up to 9lbs, they fight hard, and are good eating. This year we canned some as well and its excellent. I also have some video we shot that I will post whenever I get it edited
  21. Very nice WTG, Simcoe sure produces some giants!!
  22. Sorry for your loss Mike, looks like you have lots of pics and memories you can hold onto.
  23. I have never fished them in rivers, but we plan a trip every Sept to target Whitefish in a northern lake. There we fish them with our centerpin rods and slip floats set about 12 inches off bottom with a small ice jig and waxworm. It is critical to load up the float so it goes down with the slightest movement as these fish bite very very lightly, the float will often just "squat" in the water. You gotta keep your eye on it so you don't miss them. I have alot of pics and some video I will post when I have some more time. They are an absolute blast to catch and pretty good eating too! I suspect you can transfer some of these tips to river fishing as well.
  24. Nice fish, late season bassin is the best!
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