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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. Registration is the first step to confiscation. You can call me a right wing tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist all you want. But I know darn well the liberals stance on guns and hunting. In the long run they want it all GONE. its not just our auto loaders they want it's EVERYTHING.
  2. Sounds good to me! Im always down for picking others brains!
  3. Dick Proenekke lived a life most of us will only ever dream about. That guy had some serious cajones
  4. Not sure for Bass, but for Walleye here would be my choices... Vertical Jig Rod- 6'0" or 6'3" Medium Power, fast or extra fast action, and a 2000 or 2500 size reel. Rip and Light Jig- 6'6" Medium Light power, fast or extra fast action. 2500 size reel. Rigging Rod (worm harness and lingy rig)- 7'0" or 7'6" Medium Light power, Fast action. 3000 or 3500 size reel. Crank Bait/Bottom bouncing rod- 7' Medium Heavy power, moderate action CASTING ROD. (your rigging rod can troll or cast lighter crank baits too ) Finesse Rig- 6'6" Light Power, Fast Action with 2000 size reel. Things I have noticed after owning and handling many low and high end rods... Medium and Medium-Heavy rods...I wouldnt hesitate to run a lower end rod (St. Croix EyeCon, Mojo Bass, etc) over the super high end stuff. I own a Croix Legend Walleye 6'3" Medium, Extra Fast with custom recoils and while its stiff/sensitive...I found it hard to say "Man this 300$ custom rod is waaaaay more sensitive then this 100$ Eyecon of the same Power/Action". I'd put my $$$ into the light and medium light rods....these as a Walleye fisherman you'll use a lot (if you fish inland lakes alot...I cant speak for Erie and such). I find that lower end light and med-light rods are very whippy and noodly. To get into highly sensitive lighter action rods, I'd start at St.Croix Legend Tournaments or Loomis' IMX or Walleye series.
  5. Ill be looking on ebay and such alot for used center pins! Well Wiser, your Avid fianlly did me some good .... 7.5 pound hen on a pink floating sack. Turned her around in the current with a 6 pound leader no problem...
  6. I'd say...2 hours into fishing Wisers old Avid I had a large Hen on. Fought here to the shore, went to beach here on the rocks. She did the death roll on me and my Flouro leader scraped the rocks...she flopped back into the water and off she went Jay your Raven better have some good luck coming with it too! So whats everyone thinking for an entry level center pin?
  7. Centerpinning...you know...thats when guys put fly reels on there NOODLE RODS duh...
  8. Navionics Platinum? And sure man I'll pm you my cell number and we'll get out.
  9. Quit posting reports, you're making me jealous Good show man...
  10. Ouch Wanna fish the Basswood opener with moi? We can link our HDS 7's together in your boat...we'll be unstoppable...
  11. Pffft Solo and BillM are hacks anyways...they probably dont even own a center pin
  12. Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to trying out center pins. My Avid just came in from Wiser today, man he gave me a great deal on a MINT rod. I got it ready to rock, I'm gonna head down to the rapids on my 2 hour break from school this afternoon and try it out. I still dont like 2 piece rods though
  13. I was referring to my primer gray 1/4" Plywood box, not the HDS . navionics platinum for the Great Lakes would do a fine job for the North Channel and River I think And don't lie Dara...I seen your shop, you use a piece of yarn with one inch increments Sharpie markered on it as a scale
  14. I didnt know woodworkers knew there were 1/16th inch increments on scales
  15. I made a box too...mines better... http://i54.tinypic.com/311we8w.jpg
  16. Sick report as usual Solo. Hopefully I'll get some steelhead on my PIN this spring
  17. EI hours Im workin the weekend shut downs in the Toob Mill
  18. Wisers 9' Light-Moderate Croix Avid and a Tierra 3500 for Bottom Bouncing/Light duty floating, and Hamiltons 15' Raven IM9 for floating...not sure what center pin I'm going with...thinking an Okuma Aventa
  19. Great job guys! Cant wait to get down there this year for eyes
  20. Jealous....that is what your reports make me...
  21. Been hitting the local rivers each day for an hour or so per day just screwing around for rainbows. Got 2 little shakers bottom bouncing spawn, weathers warming up though and the rivers are rising, so it should start getting good...just in time for my Steelhead rods to show up http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/007.jpg http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/002-2.jpg Me and a buddy headed North of town for some Whitefish action, 2 days ago we went out for 2 hours and went 7 whities caught to 3 lost, also went out tonight and went 4 landed, 3 lost (because I didnt open the hook gap up on my damn tear drops when I started ). All whities where caught on tear drops with wax worms jigged in various depths. Sorry the Whitie pic isnt less "barbaric"...these stupid things start bleeding if you just look at them http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae310/archie_james_c/005.jpg
  22. I absolutely love when people try to protect me from myself... Get a life TSSA...
  23. Very neat stuff, I did not know the advantages of a 'Pin...
  24. I dont like Kool-Aid, more of an Iced Tea guy Tiller...cuz I don't need a training wheel (just kiddin!)
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