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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. I only use double cinch knots on my braids and even though a palomar is recommended I have yet to snap a knot. ..........but I don't catch very big fish
  2. Hey look at this...someone who didnt just jump to "LEAVE IT THE HELL ALONE" or "JUST BUY IT FROM THE FACTORY" As Drifter says, there is a right and wrong way to do it. Am I ever going to do this mod to my boat? Not likely. None the less is it entertaining for everyone to discuss this? Probably... Flame suit on...
  3. I assume they would use a sub frame under the floor. I am waiting for Princecraft to email me back about this. ****This is not something I plan to do right here right now.....it's more less just a small thought in the back of my mind.****** If I ever want to go to an open concept boat I will more than likely just sell this one and get the boat I want. I am just discussing a hot topic to occupy my (our) minds till the soft water season . Think of it as...cabin fever
  4. Sorry I meant marine grade
  5. So how is it that princecraft made the DLX model on the same hull?
  6. Randy this is EXACTLY what I was looking for and what I had in mind!! My plan for the casting deck is a big honkin livewell and a baitwell. add a pedistal seat mount and a bow mounted trolling motor off the front. The "factory bow mount plate" looks fairly easy to replicate. i was thinking of using 1/2" pressure treated plywood covered in marine vinyl coloured to match the inside of the hull. What do you think about the wood?
  7. Im sure it was a package. But even still if you cut that price in HALF, its still *twice* as much as what I paid for my Holiday And yes, I'm aware that removing the seat would more than likely void the warranty. Let's just say this is more of something thats been bouncing around in my head, NOT a 100% set in stone gameplan .
  8. thanks for the advice guys. my plan is to put a flat floor and casting deck on it. I was hoping to be able to rid myself of the bench seat somewhere down the road and put in a full flat floor and side rod lockers and storage. As for the advice of "selling yours and getting the DLX", well...mine was 4000$ even and the DLX is 16, 800$ .
  9. I know there probably won't be alot of advice on this topic, but I am getting my new boat in a couple weeks. A Princecraft Holiday. What I would like to know is if anyone has had experience removing the middle bench seat of their boats. I've been toying around with this idea so I could do an open concept floor design like the Holiday DLX. Has anyone tried this on their boats and did you find that you lost any hull integrity? I can't imagine it would lose any durability as the 2005 Holiday DLX was the exact same hull as the standard Holiday but as said, without the damn ugly bench seats. Here's some pics to show what I mean. Standard 2005 Princecraft Holiday (measures 16' 4"L and 83" W) 2005 Holiday DLX (full open floor and pedistal seats)
  10. I've landed walleye, pike and bass on them like no other rapala i've used. I usually am ANTI-Rapala, but for bass and pike they seemed to be magnets when worked properly in the water. I havent done anything spectacualr with them for Walleye but they do work well I know that. As for the paint stripping I havent had one problem with this. One mans opinion
  11. tagged for interest
  12. He's talking about the 161 Smoker Craft
  13. I've ran Power Pro, Ugly Braid, Fireline Tracer, and Power Pro and Suffix ICE line. All 10 and 15lb test. Power Pro worked great, the line stayed "firm" for quite a few uses, and was pretty hard to fray. Ugly Braid went limp after only a couple uses and lost all its graphite lube (or whatever the hell braided's are coated with), BUT was exceptionally resistant to abrasion. Fireline Tracer looked cool, but went limp soon and frayed easily. I had alot of knot problems with this line. Power Pro ICE worked great, really the same exact way the sot water stuff ran. Suffix works great and looks good but is the ONLY spool of braid I have had spin on my spool. I unspooled it and taped my spool with a piece of electrical tape, voila! **These are NOT scientific test's so I don't need someone saying "WHAT MAN?? Power Pro worked like crap for me!!!" or something to that tune**
  14. I suppose this would be a never ending discussion just like it was/is on CGN... Im throwin' in the towel.
  15. Which is why the standard "sniper" round is a 168 or 175 grain Boat Tailed HOLLOW POINT Sierra Matchking right?
  16. Or...they are designed to tumble when they hit a human body and make a DEVASTATING wound channel and kill the person....for a guy who is a CGN regular...I'd have thought you'd know this stuff..
  17. Also for the OP...3 good sites that have almost ENDLESS info on this subject are the following... canadiangunnutz.com huntingbc.ca predatorhuntingcanada.ca I think you'll find the guys very* friendly, intelligent and un-redneck....
  18. I'd bet that one pair of my hunting pants have more technology loaded into them then any of your rods. Trying to call hunters and gun enthusiasts "rednecks" is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. I know gun owners that would out-class you any day of the week you Troll.
  19. Very cool report and I'm waiting to hear all about these sub species of 'eye's
  20. Looks like you got a little slice of heaven there
  21. Once again Sal owns the backwoods . I only wish I could catch specks half as good as you guys EDIT- Looks like the video shows a couple BRIGHT coloured guys niiice
  22. Excellent report Len!!! Man I really need to get up to Ranger more often
  23. tagged for interest
  24. whatever the other guy brought
  25. That guy up there is sober when he does stuff like that ...straaaaaaaaange folks...only worm danglers friends
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