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Everything posted by archie_james_c

  1. Fixed it Gavin Don't worry Glynn, GCD been sippin Grandpa's old cough medicine again...
  2. As stated they'll be used in LSPP...but yes I should have listed all the facts first, i'll edit my original post to reflect that.
  3. Round...don't ask how we did LOL. PS, did you get my PM?
  4. Mother of god...is that TJQ?
  5. Totally agree, this is why I doubt I'll be seeing the words "made in china" in this thread. Thats also why I'm asking for advice from the hardcore guys. Not the weekend warriors that walk out onto mom, dad and baby
  6. Well with all the hardcore LSPP'ers on the board I figured we needed a snow shoe thread. I'm hoping to hit lakes in the park hard this season and for that, I need a new set of high-end shoes. I'm looking at GV Widetraks... Let's see what the diehards are runnin' Edit**** Weight- 260 lbs Pack weight- 40lbs max. Snow- fresh powder virgin speck lake kinda stuff Use- Sport every or every second week.
  7. Ask Dr. Sal if theres a lake or two with not enough ice on it
  8. The ugly stick won't break...but don't expect to feel anything through it either Glynn. Think "limp noodle" as an action. HERE is what you need....28 or 32" medium http://stcroixrods.com/product/premier_ice
  9. Little better than we did eh Eazy . Thats one hell of a hike...I've never seen them before, but the balls on your old man are probably massive to be bombin around LSPP like a young lad.
  10. Gav, lets go after some Lunkers...I'll test out the new rigs later
  11. Here's a little review I did over on CanadianGunNutz.com on the topic of augers i have an 8" Finn-bore...love it I've got 3 seasons on the original blades and they're still going strong (although Im going to change them anyways this year). They're no 6" as far as ease of drilling goes, but when you have anything over 4lbs looking to come out of the hole you'll be glad you carried the 8" . I found I can knock through 12" of ice in a minute-ish , mind you thats after you use them for a few weeks and get the muscle memory back . My walleye trip yesterday I managed to punch through 7" in 40ish seconds
  12. That SubZero cross style tip-ups are JUNK. I bought one the other day and tried it out tuesday. What a piece of crap...doesn't sit right in the hole and half the small tabs meant for holding things together snapped off with regular use . I spent 15$ on that pile when I could have bought one of these for 20$ with line and a indicator light..... HT Polar Tip-up...I've owned them before...best, most rugged tip-up ever... http://icefish.com/catalog/inventory.php?fam=110&cat=1
  13. Its a Poolaris, you don't need to sabatoge it...just let it break itself
  14. We have a winner!!!!
  15. you mean you fish fr something other than 'eyes?
  16. ....I see what ya did right there... Wormie is small and womanly...go for him GCD...to remind you of your teenage days he can probably dress as a sheep too
  17. NAMBLA North American Man Boy Love Association...
  18. Almost forgot to report. There is 7" of SOLID ice on Rock right now. As for the fishing...we got skunked...not even a pike. I for one blame Worm Dangler.
  19. Cold? I thought you lived in KissinCuzin, Bama??
  20. Dont know, I dont know junior only the old timer
  21. i vote you stay and show me the secret spot
  22. There must be two Farrels on the lake . We are definitely the next road over
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