I can't see the bearing in the power head being affected much by "jolting" if you will but who knows...
as for laying the power head down....everyone I know does this and their augers seem to run fine . If its that much of a concern then take the auger off it each time you move...
Thats you!
And yah Hank in concert is pretty wild...he doesn't play his songs the way they were recorded he improvs alot of stuff.
He is and will be my hero for a long time...well besides you there Grey Bush .
And this whole time I've been thinking you're a useless twit. Then you go and post this!!!
Maybe you're alright Grey Bush...I'll see your CDB and raise you some of this...
You should sell some of that gear and raise funds for a sweater from this decade pops .
Slick set Dara...but did the guy have to stuff all his junk wood strips in the box?
You hit the nail on the head on that one Rich! Worst was ...my buddy stops over to the house for a visit and says "Hey lets go to the tackle shop and do some window shopping." I say "NO!...I'll friggin buy something...", "Ah no you won't don't worry I won't let you."....we get there and he says "Hey look Arch theres that reel you wanted...OH and its in the size you wanted too!!!"......
What are friends for LOL.
Hey if I fished for Bass all 80 years of my life like you did, I'd accidentally catch a few Walldo's like that.
...Blue Catfish bait???
Catfish, Tuna, and bass...WOW .
See now this is what I'm talking about guys its gear porn for us poor buggers that can't be fishing right now!!! Lets see your latest and greatest...you too GCD you toothless hillbilly!
Wiser that units got quite the heavy duty bail system on it.
Sounds like it could be a fun experience. But think about this...you are working at your butchers shop in your hometown. You get laid off and later instead of getting a call back they bring in some shmuck from another country to do your job. How would you feel about that?
Thanks alot I'll keep an eye on it.
You gotta lay the reel **gently** on the ground . And no...the only reason this type of handle was invented was to make me look cool on the water...because we all know, if you don't look cool you ain't catching fish. The same rules apply for hunting...