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Everything posted by bassassin

  1. Should have hit Contau....
  2. daves good people head on down to city... He will treat you right!
  3. im one of those people the hull is only covered for 5 years now because of all the problems they have had! our sentre seam gave so it had to be welded from front to back from the inside!!!! If your a good brother you would inform him of all the issues to protect his $$$
  4. You have a puppy a boat and a cottage! tough life buddy!
  5. other than the grime shes a beauty! imsure you can do her up nice Skipper!
  6. haters gonna hate......
  7. krown at lakeshore and cawthra ask for Igor and they will treat you right!!!!
  8. Look at my ad in the misc... classifieds for cheap ballasts!!!!
  9. if you have t12's i would consider going to LEDs the consumption per 2 lamp 4' fixture goes from 81 watts to 36 watts thats a savings of 45 watts. Assuming you use the lamps 12 hours a day and factoring the cost of electricity to your house is appx. 11 cents per killowatt hour this results in a financial savings of $21.68 annually thus the 2 leds would have an ROI of 20%... I really have to start leaving my work at work Im going ice fishing in the morning LOL!!!
  10. I do energy efficient retrofits in the multi residential market so believe me i have alot of background with T8's. Don't waist your time with T5's they are dead in the water! The newer T8's consume a fraction more when it comes to electricity and cost 75% less per lamp! New t8's are rated for 30-36,000 hours dependent on how often you switch them on and off! The only thing all fluorescent lighting doesn't like is the cold! even though T8's and the soon to be unattainable T12's have in common is the size of the bracket that holds them! thus when changing lamps from t12 to t8 you must change the ballast from the old style magnetic variety to the newer electronic ballasts. Just for the record a 2 lamp 4' t8 consumes 59 watts total with 16% more lumens output than a T12 of the same length but the T12's consume a whopping 81 watts! If colour rendering isnt an issue for you and you want maximum light output then go to a 6000k lamp also known as arctic white! of if you like let me know and I can get you LED t8 lamps rated for 50,000hrs plus that only consume 18 watts each and no ballast! just wire direct to on of the end brackets put in the lamps and your done! Oh did i mention each 4' LED is $55 oooopppppsss!! Take it easy!
  11. Stop being a Nancy.....
  12. Lorimer is beautiful too! cant wait to start playing around up there.
  13. no need to round up .6" jk, that's a monster you can fish for jumbos for the rest of your life and never even tie that fish in size never mind surpassing it! As far as perch are concerned that fish can not be beat! Jason
  14. there's a transformer between this lot and the lot next to it!
  15. Message sent...
  16. Good idea that means i only need to cough up $2500...
  17. i plan on building a 10' x 10' bunkie to start off!! Heres a local guys catches on the lake my lot is on: http://www.ontarioanglerawards.com/Entry/Details.cfm?EntryID=28640 http://www.ontarioanglerawards.com/Entry/Details.cfm?EntryID=30369
  18. lake herring large mouth small mouth lake sucker pike and it was stocked with walleye which apparently didnt take, but i plan to find them...
  19. the only issue with building lies in the docking, must use a floating dock other than that im good to build when i can afford to ! Apparently you can only have a trailer on the site for no more than 30 days. I figure i'll be able to afford to build on it just in time for my kids to be too old to want to hang out with their old man.
  20. I stand corrected! Apparently they are on Laird now no longer on Matheson!
  21. Several months back I posed a question as to whether or not i can find a lakefront property for appx. 100k? It turns out after a year of searching I purchased 2 acres of lakefront property with 290' of shoreline on Shawanaga lake. What i'm trying to say is perseverance pays of! I went above my budget by a whopping 10k LOL! the lake is 9km long and pretty beautiful i must say. Has any one fished this lake? its right above Lorimer lake just north of parry sound, off of hwy 124. Now the fun begins, i have to figure out how to put in a driveway clear the lot and build a cottage on a budget of 5k. This hurdle may prove to be impossible to clear! LOL...
  22. I used to work there from 2000 - 2002 they are all good people there! its called Navico now but the same rules apply people... Just call them and they'll take good care of you! Jason
  23. Tracker offers a lifetime warranty on all thier welds or 5 years whatever comes first!!!!Believe me we got burned on that one! Just ask Hookerdown. we are currently taking the floor out of a $25,000 boat that is 5.5 years old and the only way they would fix the centre beam weld running from the bow straight back to the transom is if we brought the boat to Missouri which is a hell of a trek from Mississauga. Stick with a trusted brand with longevity like a Lund or Princecraft. Stay away from Tracker. Did I mention the boat was 25K and we are currently taking the floors and floatation material out of it to fix the welds from the inside cause tracker wont help us out cause the warranty is a whopping 5 months out of the 5 year expiry date! No were not too bitter!!!!
  24. I figured i would share a vid my buddy took of us laying the beatdown on some late July Kings out of PC. Took these 2 newbs and all i did that evening is bust my ass to make sure there is no way they could loose their fish! It worked out pretty well, excuse the language, and turn up the volume as we take the piss out of each other while battling big ole silver bullets! The second video includes me getting hit in the head with a magnum dipsey while netting a high 20's Nook. Enjoy! 23lbs+ http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t9/jfps6/?action=view&current=VID00023-20110715-2023.mp4 27lbs+ http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t9/jfps6/?action=view&current=VID00022-20110715-1917.mp4 Jason Out!
  25. eh relax people just saying you hook the gills you should eat the fish, thats all, he said he kept it thus,he made the right decision! RRRREEEEELLLLAAAAXXXXX!!
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