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Homer Is King

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Everything posted by Homer Is King

  1. Thanks for the kid words. I love fishing with the kids, it helps remind me of what fishing is all about. Plus, I get a lot of practice on undoing tangles!
  2. Headed up to my buddies cottage for a little family fishing. There were 3 families - 6 adults and 12 kids, 10 and under. We were the last family to arrive on Friday evening. By the time we finished supper it was almost 8:30. We headed down to the dock to see what the action would be like. The next hours was the craziest fishing of my life!! The rock bass were on fire. They were hitting everything. One kid caught 3 fish in a row on a bare hook! I have no idea how many fish I unhooked or how may we caught but it was pure pandemonium! Then just like that, they turned off, right about 9:30. Here are a couple of the bigger fish. The bigger fish all came on a 1/16 oz white palmered marabou jig. We hit the dock again the next day but it was dead. No fish at all. We then switch to the lake side deck. It had an overhang into the lake and all the rock bass were under that. The kids fished there on and off all day. It was a great spot. It had a railing for safety. The water was gin clear and the kids could see the rockies coming out and hitting their baits. Again, the top producer was the white jig. I like them because I didn't have to keep putting worms on it! Another plus is the jig head helps reduce the gut hooking. That way you don't have to explain why Mr. Rock Bass is floating... We kept a couple of the bigger ones for a snack. We filleted the biggest ones. The smaller ones we just remove the head, gut and scale them. They fry up beautifully and taste great. Right up there with perch and sunfish! All the bigger ones were male. The females where still full of roe. All fish were very clean with no visible parasites at all. We hit the dock again Saturday evening. It was good but nothing like the first night and no hogs. By Sunday even the deck had slowed down and only really small fish were biting. We figured there wasn't a rock bass in the area that hadn't been hooked a half dozen times by now! It was a great weekend. Two kids caught there first fish ever! Several kids got there PB rock bass. At times the bugs were insane but that is all part of the experience! Lake Trout Report - I was hoping to get out to target some lakers but the weather, boat issues, kid fishing commitments, and trying to make it a wife friendly weekend kept me off the lake...next time.
  3. B-E-A-U-tiful!! That looks like an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing.
  4. The "friendly" fishing tournaments are the best! Always a good time, the bragging rights are worth way more than the money!!! Contrats on a good opener.
  5. The MNR website has a FAQ page on fishing regs. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/Enforcement/2ColumnSubPage/198397.html#closed Here is what it says on this very topic: CATCHING FISH DURING THE CLOSED SEASON Question Re: Catch and Release I often see bass in the shallow waters early in the summer but before the season opens. Can I practice catch and release fishing during the closed season as long as I immediately return the fish to the water. Answer: The question is often asked whether or not a person can catch and release fish during the closed season. The answer is no, it is unlawful to target (fish for) closed season fish. Different fish species occupy different habitats and employ different feeding strategies; this is why fishing for bass requires different tackle and methods than fishing for lake trout. Fishers are expected to alter their fishing methods to suit legally targeted species and avoid out of season fish. Occasionally non-target species are caught, when this happens anglers are legally required to release the fish immediately back into the waters where it was caught and in a manner that causes the least harm to the fish. When non-target fish are caught the angler should re-assess the location, tackle and fishing methods they are using. It may be advisable to alter one or more of these variables to avoid catching out of season fish.
  6. How many millions of dollars in damages!!!! Bill Dance - Best Fishing Bloopers EVER!
  7. Beauty Musky!! Great report, that's for sharing all the details.
  8. The other week I joined my daughters Grade 3 class for a field trip. They got to release some Atlantic salmon fry and I want to check it out! First, the background... My daughter school is involved with the Bring Back the Salmom program. Their school had a hatchery supplied by the OFAH (a special temperature controlled fish tank). In this tank they had 100 fertilized Atlantic salmon eggs. The eggs hatched and the students recorded the progress. My daughters school has 95 of 100 eggs hatch which was an excellent ratio. When the fry get to be about 1" long they took the fish to a designated creek and the students get to release them. This is where the field trip come in.... We were meet at the school by a OFAH volunteer. They loaded up the fry and lead us to a small creek that is part of the headwaters of Cobourg Creek. This area was identified as a historical Atlantic salmon creek. It has been rehabilitated to create the perfect conditions for the salmon. The salmon nursery! Each student got to name and release a salmon fry. My daughter named her's Sarah. The OFAH rep then explained the life cycle of the Atlantic salmon. He showed the class a variety of water bugs that the small fish would be feeding on for the next 2 years. He was an excellent presenter and talked to the kids at a level they would understand. Here's my oldest helping my youngest to release her salmon. My daughter holding fresh water shrimp Things I learned: - it takes 4 years for an Atlantic salmon to mature and return to the creek to spawn - the program is 5 years old and they are starting to see salmon return to spawn - Atlantic salmon are multiple spawners. They don't die after spawning, they will return for several years. - People are starting to catch Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario. - I was surprised how much life (small insects) were in this small fast moving stream! I know there is some controversy with this program and I don't have the knowledge to wade into that debate. All I know is that this program has an excellent education section. The kids loved hatching and raising the salmon. My daughter loved the field trip and still talks about the stuff she learned. It sounds like the Atlantic salmon are starting to take hold and that this program may be able to create a self sustaining population. I think it's worth a try!
  9. Oh ya...Before I bought my tinny I always rented. I never had a problem with the suction cup sticking to an aluminum hull. Even at full throttle it never came off.
  10. Great report! Those are some beauty fish! You're a lucky man. Thanks for sharing your story and what's working for you.
  11. I snuck out of work to hit the local CTC. (Hope my boss isn't on this forum! ) I picked up a Phueger President 6735 (25% off), a spool of Suffic 832 (30% off), a 34" Lucky Strike rubber net (42% off) and a couple floats for $114! (I hope my wife isn't on this forum!)
  12. Tupelo, I have one of those units and it does everything you are asking for fairly well. The fish finding is a little weak but everything else is good. Last year I bought a little tinny and it came with a Eagle Fisheasy 350C. It has better resolution and it is the colour version. It is much easier to read and is more sensitive than the 245. If your budget will allow I would recommend going with the 350C.
  13. Awesome catch guys. Looks like a great trip! Your buddy will always remember his first(s)!
  14. X2 on the Pflueuger!!! Great deal on the 832 as well!
  15. Priceless moments like that are what life is all about!! Well done! Great report! That's what fishing is all about, not catching but spending quality time together.
  16. Beauty Cat!
  17. Nice walleye! Nothing wrong with that!
  18. Great post! That's an awesome mix bag of fish to start the soft water season with. Good job! This post has moved the center pin combo up a few spots on my wish list!!
  19. I've rented pontoon boats on Rice a couple of time. They are perfect for a family with young kids. They can stand up and fish right off the side. The railing keeps them nice and safe.
  20. This post will never get stale!! Great post! Love the pics. Beauty Rock bass! Good job on getting the kids out! I've been looking for some smaller panfish rods too. I'll have to check out the Voltaeus. They are build as being "Ultra Durable". Perfect for the kids!
  21. That is a great idea!! How do you let the MNR in on it??
  22. That's always a tough situation. I've seen some piety good arguments over similar issues. Some I even thought were going to come to blows. Your personal safety is more important than a couple of bass. Record all the information including a photo if you can and call the MNR tip line 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) Natural Resources TIPS Reporting Line It might be a case of ignorance, he might not now the regs, letting him know the season might work. If it looks like it's going to get ugly just walk away and make the call. I've heard mixed reviews about the TIP line but it's better than nothing.
  23. I was doing some more research and Google took me to this OFC post! A thread with lots of information on this topic. Lake Trout Fishing Methods - Without a downrigger Irishfield - good tip! Easy way to get a consistent amount of line out! Only 2 more sleeps....
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