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Everything posted by RuNnYoOzE

  1. drove through northern ontario twice ! didnt see 1 moose..great pics!
  2. ...basically it boils down to this..Boss's are just that a Boss..he treats his employees harsh ..alot do but survival mode kicks in and like a kick in the nuts ..extra money for a Sunday Morning Drive is worth It !!!!
  3. chad go enjoy them with film....umm frayed rope Velcro..eeeps I'l stick to rock bass hiding under the dock.....had 1 campground with huge bass thick as thieves...have to admit I was quite in fishing heaven! oooh must go to Paris conservation area..yes we must!
  4. I'll take advice off the back of a sugar packet! ( figuratively speaking)
  5. the guys a tool
  6. eel
  7. Spam dressed like hog meat
  8. eeeps ummmm yea Rain sucks..but tis a beautiful day..never know
  9. nice report ROB ...hope to hook up again soon~@!
  10. I was out with this guy and his 30 went kaputs on opener weekend and here we go trying to paddle this guy boat with the wind against us..tried the 9hp motor was moving at a snails~pace and oooh yea the shoreline on rice lake all looked the same ...thank goodness he got the 30 hp motor back up and going!!!! Word to the wise..compass and map and line of direction..especially rice lake hehe could mean alot especially with the sun going down!
  11. looked like an amazing trip and great report! I caught a sunfish yesterday lol
  12. yea so lets go fishing~ ok I just noticed you live in NY the cranks won't let me over the border without a passport..ooh well Happy fishing everyone....Im going Sunday with my nephew fishing!
  13. Gee thanks I guess there is bias when it comes to flaming......great thanks ..wow
  14. Toronto is lovely downtown until the sun sets and "things" emerge.
  15. all my posts were deleted@ well I guess that was done "manually" oooh well . done
  16. love to try wild turkey ....are they more leaner than grain fed?
  17. run around nakid with smeared butter all over and maybe set new world record!
  18. goody good less anglers from the city!! eat them my pretties!
  19. "loves the bugs" GOOOOOOOOOOO Bugs bite'em Bite'em rah rah lol put mustard on your skin atleast then you know the bugs who hate mustard will leave you alone..then gradually switch to BBQ sauce then ketchup sooner or later you will be nice and tastey!
  20. bring a beef heart they will leave you alone then
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