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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. She should be OK Tj, by the time she reaches it, it should be reopened...I was going to go to Newmarket this morning but changed my mind....I know there are several alternate routes, but what I have to do there can wait until Monday. Maureen
  2. I recognize some, but not others...thanks Chris. Maureen
  3. Good morning all, just thought I would let those of you who will be heading to work soon that the 400 is closed from Aurora to King Rd. for a fatal accident, will be closed until after rush hour . Might want to take a day off or find another route. I'll save my trip to Newmarket for another day. Maureen
  4. Have a good time Greg, I'll be looking forward to your report. Maureen
  5. My best friends older boy is in his first year at Beavers in Midshurst, what a great group they are, very active. This weekend is the Jamboree, he's very excited to be going for the day today. She on the other hand can already see how tired she's going to be, but I know they'll have a blast. Maureen
  6. Sorry to har things did not work out, but at least you found all that out before closing the deal. As for dnot being on the water...hopefully that's a temporary thing, but hey, at least you have water .... in the pool . As hard as it is, ya gotta look on the bright side of things. Maureen
  7. Bass mostly, but that's because those I fish with prefer that. Honestly, I haven't caught many fish and not many species. I hope to fish for as many different species this year as I can, then I might be able to tell you , I even changed my work schedule so that I'm off Sundays in hopes that someone will take pity on me and invite me out fishing with them . Right now it's for whatever is in season and will take my offerings. Maureen
  8. I wouldn't say that Cliff, today was not a good day for me and the baitcaster , I ended up going with my spin caster after about 10 birds nests . One day I'll master it, Maureen
  9. Congrats Kyla, that's a great looking print....,.if you don't have room for it I'm sure I could find a space on my wal Maureen
  10. I have a Shimano Sahara that I really like, don't know what it's worth money wise as it was a gift. Maureen
  11. Yup, that smile pretty much says it all....great picture, thanks for sharing Maureen
  12. Well Cliff it would really stink if you couldn't make it....you would would be missed greatly.....but I certainly would understand it. I hope you're feeling up to it, but if not, I'll try to find my way to your place at some point. I will have Sundays off for the summer. Maureen
  13. Well my friend Steve called me last night, he thought he might like to go fishing for a couple of hours this morning before work...I was very pleasantly surprised and quickley agreed...had a change a few plans, but these times are so few and far between I grab 'em when I can. We met at the launch a little after 7, and were at our spot around 7:30. Started fishing right away, drifting along the shoreline. Got a little too close so move back out and set down the anchor. The weeds are starting to come up to the surface there, so we figured we were in a good spot. I was sure I was going to get a great fish today as I forgot my camera in my car It may well be a good spot, but neither of us could figure out what they wanted, or they just weren't hungry this morning. After about 40 minutes or so I had a nice follow...large Gar Pike...Steve used to spear them when he was a kid. Couldn't convince him to take the spoon though . Would have been cool to catch him I think, had never seen one up close and personal before, interesting looking creature. After we realized there were Gar Pike around, we decided to go to another spot figuring the Gar Pike had scared away all others, or that's what Steve had been told. Next spot we didn't fair any better, but we did see the OPP out and about. I was happy to see them. They stopped by two boats fishing near by, but for whatever reason they didn't come talk to us I had hoped to see if they had heard of any fish being caught in the area. It was time to go, 10:00 am, Steve had to get back in to get ready for work. All in all it was a nice way to spend the morning...fish or no fish. One day i will figure out Georgian Bay. Maureen
  14. Awesome, he's a great guy for sure, not at all surprised you guys had such a great time. Oh, and welcome to the board... Maureen
  15. Glad you got it all fixed up Cliff, glad they took you in so quick, didn't give you enough time to get good and worried about it. How's Sue doing? Was she ready to put you back in the hospital for not calling her and letting her know what was happening...I know I would have . Ya know, this could be someones way of telling you you are not taking enough time to fish....so hopefully you'll still make it up to Lakair and say hello, and spend some time fishing off your dock would ya Take care Maureen
  16. I haven't been for a very long time, but still rembember year end exams...good luck all.... Maureen
  17. LOL, trust me, it'll be happening again, this is I think the 6th or 7th year? My fourth participating, second actually staying overnight....great time Maureen
  18. I'm sorry to hear this Brian, but keep the faih, this may be one they can beat. Maureen
  19. I was a cub and Scout leader, Troop Scouter also a service scouter and eventually trainer. Used to go to Haliburton with the scouts and at the end and beginning of each season to fix up the buildings, clear new sites, take out deadfall. Some of my best time were in those years. Maureen
  20. Good stuff Lew, glad you're happy with the new motor. Maureen
  21. VEry nice Brian, you know what they say, good things happen to good people. I'm looking forward to your reports this season Maureen
  22. Man this week is going to be tough...I'm off today, tomorrow, and Friday, sadly I have to go to work Saturday ( man that's going to be one long day ) then I'm on VACATION!!!! I'll spend a couple of days getting the house cleaned up, another couple of days making sure my new dog gets to know my mom so she'll let her in the house then Wed. morning, I'm off to Lakair for some much needed R&R Maureen
  23. Good stuff, I hope to get my first this year Maureen
  24. Sorry to hear you were under the weather Bob, glad you're up and about now. Nothing like a good sweat to clean out what ail's ya . Maureen
  25. I'm there for a bit anyway Ok, it's safe to go in now...I'm off to lala land.... Maureen
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