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Everything posted by siwash

  1. Actually, in the guy's defense, the late John Power used to write an article every year at this time announcing the spawn.. he even stated the exact location to go watch it! Ontario Out of Doors also did the same... some people will poach no matter what.. not much we can do except lay down the law if caught.. and that spot is pretty populated; not exactly wilderness so it'd be risky for a potential poacher... I also enjoy watching spawning runs, be it salmon, trout or walleye... thanks for sharing the info..
  2. Let me guess?? the spit/islands... been fishing it for 15 yrs.. best pike fishery in ontario..
  3. those are good filleted... butter, salt n pepper, some suds to wash it down... yummmy
  4. how come so few are caught? never understood why there isn't a good simcoe walleye fishery
  5. go to the spoonpullers website... they help u for sure... all salmon and trout talk
  6. looks safe 2 me...
  7. holy smokes!!! how come every time i go out there it's slow!! geez! i must suck! good going guys..
  8. "Fishing was tough"!? Hah, we were at Hank's 3 weeks ago and didn't even get a bite so your 3 whitefish is not too bad at all... I would have been happy with 1 fish. Every time I go to Simcoe we pretty much always get skunked... it seems like it's always a "slow day" when we go... "you should have been here last week" is what I often hear.. But i think catching multiple fihs is the exception and not the norm.. just my 2 cents!
  9. Hey there; I fished lake Lanier last March in Georgia. Similar fishery as the shad and herrign are a big part of the Stripper diet in that waterbody. We hooked about a dozen but on landed about 8 or 9. I will post pics... i haven't tried that here yet. Gorgeous fish and good eating too
  10. Went out from JP. Rented a Hank Heyik hut... got skunked targeting lkers and whities.. minnow/spreaders and half/half williams... Consolation: everyone els around us got skunked! Gorgeous day otherwise... good times
  11. Well, we're using a hut cause my dad is 73 and prefers to stay put! Actually, it's more of an excuse to spend time together than to catch... if we catch, great! I am hoping Hank chums his holes or perhaps even moves the huts around around? Don't lakers hold in certain areas? Like along ridges, drop offs? Thanks again!
  12. Thanks... I think we're gonna try Hanks Huts out of JP Let u know how it goes!!
  13. It'll be warm on the top 20' layer then a thermocline sets up below that... this is assuming it's a 'normal summer... it it's really hot, like it's been in recent years the lakes can get pretty warm, even down deep... epecially by August that's a nice lake (Redstone)... and I rente da cottage years ago on Kennesis
  14. Wow, people are still driving their cars out on the ice? Why would you do that? The car isn't insured if it goes through and your life isn't either...
  15. I am looking for a hut operator for Monday... Just called them... Is this a decent area for lakers otherwise? Does he provide u with the equipment? Thanks!
  16. Thanks guys! Was hoping to stick to the west side...
  17. Hello folks, First time poster, long time lurker! Glad to be a part of the community... Ok, so I'd like to take my dad ice-fishing on Monday. We are intending to go up to Simcoe for the day. Can someone out there please advise us on a reputable ice-hut operator in an area of the lake where lakers and whities are being caught... I haven't been up there in years and last I went I didn't even rent. I've tried the Lake Simcoe message board, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to register there... in fact, there is no way to do this now... their system must be fdown... Thanks so very much in advance... looking forward to sharing my fishing adventure here. swordfish
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