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Everything posted by Canuck2fan

  1. If you have a really small spinner of any kind and let the current do the work you can have a blast. If you can find a spot where just holding the spinner in the current allows it to turn you might be surprised at how far from the edge or from under a log a speck will dart to nail it after a couple of minutes.... If you can get to such a spot without spooking the fish first you really will have earned what you catch.
  2. No actually it is still the 4th Saturday this year they have never had it as the 5th Saturday. I edited this because I thought it said the last Saturday in June which was wrong on my part my apologies.... June only has 30 days so it will only be not the last Saturday like once every 11 or 12 years .... OOS bass fishing seems to be so low on the list of priorities for the CO's and so the people who will take advantage of that do, because why should they care when the Ministry and Politicans don't? The worst part is if you really stand up to these poachers you are the one who will probably find yourself in deeper trouble with the law. (read charged with assault here...) VERY SAD indeed.
  3. I can understand the locals not enjoying it very much. It was interesting though to hear on the radio that EVERY organized charity in Norfolk county makes more on this one day than they do canvassing for the whole rest of the year..... So more power to them I say but then I am not there fighting the crowds LOL.
  4. If you buy anything from the U.S. just a word of advice unless they tell you the brokerage fees are included from a shipping quote with UPS expect to pay up to 25% of the total at the door or on an invoice from UPS.... Cabelas and Bass Pro the fee is included but a lot of other retailers from the U.S. it isn't and can be HUGE surprise at the door. Or in the case of Fedex you get an invoice in the mail up to a month later..... USPS the brokerage is paid by you but is only 5.00 dollars + tax and whatever the import tariff is on the item if it is made in North America no tariff. USPS much better for Canadians as a shipping option.
  5. I don't know what is better and can't add anything to what has already been mentioned. However if you are looking at 13ft rods do yourself a favour and look at a Streamside for about 100 bucks it will blow you away. Very similar in quality and features to rods costing up 4X as much.... They only come in 2pc but might just change you mind about what you need to spend. Josh in Woostock has them and highly recommends them when he could sell you a much more expensive rod.
  6. I will be at work delivering until about 9AM, but I will finish just down the street from my favourite fishing hole. So by about 9:30AM or so I will have caught five to ten smallies.....
  7. It just goes to show you there is no cure for stupid never has been in the food service industry and never will be. How do you take an act of charity like that which should be good for your business and screw it up this badly? Doesn't anyone in management think anymore? How the heck did she raise so much money? Probably by being popular with folks from working there.... so then you turn around and slap the public that donated the money in the face by "firing" her. How could someone not clue in? If she lost her hair due to cancer would she still be fired if she wanted or need to work? More importantly, I wonder would this "upscale city eatery" allow patrons who were female going through radiation treatments in the doors if they were bald? Places like that just give the whole industry a bad name. I am glad the owners are nervous wrecks they deserve to be.
  8. I am not in the field I just know that you can't pass an energy audit as stated by Tinman with duct tape on your ducts. On the other hand it is the handyman's secret weapon.... so it is still useful for lots of things. Just apparently not what is named for LOL.
  9. UM duct tape is NOT meant to seal up ducts it is porous and will not provide an air tight seal..... Also if you can see your ducts insulate them it will save you a fortune in both winter and summer. To see where you need to use a sealant around ducting use a smoke pen. Then use a product like this NOT DUCT TAPE to seal the joints. http://www.durodynecanada.ca/canada/produc...ves/spec_s2.pdf
  10. +1 for fishing for perch off the pier where all the other fisher persons are..... Don't forget to pack a lunch because you likely aren't going to catch it. You might get lucky though and nail a few. Stay out of the river until bass opens though because in reality you are just messing up the spawn if you fish the river.
  11. I spent the afternoon visiting my Grandmother who I believe still had the heat on.... I did come home to try old air conditioner just to see if it would work or if I would be going to Sears early tomorrow. BTW 99% of cars made in the last 10 years get better fuel economy with the windows up and the A/C than with the windows down at over 80KPH. Less wind resistance.... is the main reason.
  12. You can't beat the overall versatility and price of an ugly stick..... The things it will do outweigh a lot of the short comings. If you can't get a good hookset with one try using that $4.00 hook sharpener you bought because your grand dad had one and you wanted to be just like him. A sharp hook makes a good hook set a lot easier. I don't want to offend the previous posters but working out the arms a little can help in developing the speed to get a good hook set too ;o) The other day I was using a crappy old berkley 10ft trout rod and another angler right beside me was using a Fenwick medium/heavy action 7 1/2ft H something. Anyhow we were both fishing pike with minnows under a float I landed 5 pike to his 2 and he had about 6 get off. When he asked how I was managing to land all of mine I handed him my hook sharpener. Bingo all of a sudden he is actually catching pike instead of just feeding them his very expensive minnows. He really looked stunned when he was asking what hooks I was using and I showed him I was just using the big hooks that came with the .50 cent pickerel rigs I got at Walmart. I had just taken a minute to sharpened them up. It is only pike fishing I told him no need to go spend any money on good hooks....
  13. Yeah and in 1939 they couldn't split the atom..... things do change. I still think cold fusion "worked" in the lab though so what do I know? LOL
  14. OK but umm why is it going to go DOWN to 1.30 at midnight?
  15. If they can ever develop a process for getting hydrogen that is better than engery neutral through a chemical reaction or cold fusion (which I still believe is possible)it still won't make sense to burn that hydrogen in cars. It would make more sense to burn the hydrogen to produce electricity to run our cars on. Electricity is easier to transport and much safer. Also it would be MUCH cheaper to IMPROVE the exsisting electric grid to handle this and most of the kinks have already been worked out of the electric car certainly for city commutes. They were pretty close to having long commutes whipped with the EV1 then it got scrapped. If GM had of kept at it instead of stopping who knows where the technology would be now?
  16. Don't hold back netting some either just because you aren't going fishing for a while. Net and salt em if you ever go perch fishing you will thank yourself later. Last year a few times fishing Lake Erie couldn't catch em or buy em so the salted ones were very handy to have. Just remember though salted ones do count toward your limit of 120.
  17. I have to take exception to one thing you said.... any auto mechanics I know DON'T make 75.00 bucks an hour.... the garage does not the mechanic.
  18. Why don't you just buy some maize and ferment that a little...... If then like alcohol so much that should work too. Much cheaper too. I actually had some canned corn I forgot about in tupperware container in the car for a few days and it was bubbling and the fish didn't seem to mind.
  19. I pity you if you have to go the Cabelas route the taxes shipping and handling fees can easily increase the cost by 50% or more...... The days of deals using cross border shipping seem to long gone anytime I price anything from BPS or Cabelas these days. LeBarons is awesome to order from because in Ontario you don't pay PST most times that covers the bulk of the shipping for me and with gas the price it is not having a three hour return trip is just another bonus.
  20. My next door neighbour buys knives all the time from the U.S. He has never had a problem and has bought about 25 so far.
  21. A perfect cheap renewable source of energy to convert water into to hydrogen is tidal power. You then use the hydrogen to produce more electricity then you use electric cars.... Two problems it cuts out the oil companies so it ain't going to happen and the second reason is it would take a lot of co-operation between the provinces to run the extra power grids and we are just too stupid as Canadians to worry about ourselves first. The coastal provinces could produce the electricity. Quebec and Ontario could make the vehicles. Alberta, Saskatchewan could still export their oil to the U.S. Manitoba well they still have the peg and polar bear tours in Churchill so they are covered. All the technology is available it all works so what is the problem holding us back.. Lack of leadership. The only crop that makes any sense for bio fuel is hemp and you don't won't ever hear Harper talking about using marijuana for fuel so that is out too....
  22. I have to agree the store owner is trying to save you a lot of grief, when your trout rod is in a couple of extra pieces. I have 5 rods just for trout never mind the other species....
  23. I was going to go pike fishing but when the weather was cold wet and windy. I went into work for 5 hrs at my part time job so I bascially have to work about 12 hours from now till Friday at both jobs. I considered it a good investment of time on account of the weather today.
  24. Thanks for letting me know about the chance to win 500 bucks for the biggest fish of the day. Which is what the post was about. Adding some fish porn just made it better!!!!
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