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Everything posted by PatB

  1. Fishing Lake "O" some years ago and pulled up a pay phone, change was all gone.
  2. I agree with Fishndevil, start shallow, where I fish for specks live bait is not allowed except for worms, I set up a rod with a worm then a few feet deeper I use a small ice jig (Bad Dog ice jig) works well for me.
  3. First ice report, awsome, can't wait till we get some ice a little south of you, about 4hrs. south......
  4. Had to learn to swim when I was a pup, my dad wouldn't let go fishing until I could swim. Did my bronze medalion, life savings 1 & 2, also have my"C" card for shallow water diving.
  5. That is one amazing paint job.
  6. Nice to see the report, the skyway bridge pic looks great.
  7. Did I miss something????? Where are the reports?????
  8. Awsome fish, them are walleye's
  9. Neoprene waiters, Wide Spread Panic. All about fishing, they have a few other songs about fishing, but do you think I can find the CD. Nope.
  10. Those are some mighty nice fish. 4/5 that is a awsome day. WTG.
  11. Welcome aboard Tallboy.... That was nice welcome TJ....
  12. I do most of the cooking around the place, the wife only eats that green stuff. She won't touch my venison, elk or caribou even fish she leaves that to me. I love cooking, trying different things. Our Christmas lunch at work we all to take in something, this year is dessert. Chocolate Turtle Cheese Cake.....
  13. Bancroft area for some sqaure tails, Simcoe for the finst perch, and a little north for crappie
  14. Haven't had a subscription for a couple of years now. Time to get a new one. There are so many out there, need to find a good one that has a multi-spices in it. Any suggestion????
  15. I'll be Friday, unless the majority picks Tuesday, I'll there too.
  16. What a haul, great pics of the walleye, you guy's will be telling great stories of this day for years. WTG.
  17. Gerrit, Cory, Thanks for all info, tried everything just couldn't get to work, ended up installing a new sound card. Everything is back to normal. Thankss again.
  18. Nice report Raf, sweet pike.
  19. Nelly, what you talking about cabin fever, month and half, ice fishing.....
  20. Hey Cory, Thanks for the link, down loaded it, still don't have a fix. What do you think if I insatlled a seperate sound card would it work???? The sound card I have is a part of the motherboard.
  21. 1 Rapala J-7 jointed Great for walleye 2 Spinnerbait black with a pork trailer 3 Smithwick Rouge 4 If I don't catch anything on these go home and have a few cocktails... LOL 5 For got to add, Husk Jerks for them spring time walleye.
  22. Good looking slabs, can't wait for the ice slabs, come on cold weather......
  23. On the old board I was JD, this new board I thought is was a good time to change my name, so I went with my real name Pat, I was going to change it to the Toolman, because I have more tools than Home Dept has, but I thouhgt my real name would be best.
  24. Thanks Gerritt, I'll let you know how it turns out.
  25. Hi Gerritt , Inot running SP2, it's an internal sound card, HP Pavilion 540n
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