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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. Had an itch Friday night... You know the one!! Crepped into the rivah before first light and stayed off the beaten path. My calf muscles are still taught from all the wading.. She was fast, but gin clear.. STELLAR!! What a day.. Almost every pool, pocket, run, and seam held fish.. Caught my fill, lost some HAWGS too. Must remember to go heavier on the tipet. Enjoy!! cheers everybody! H to the Dizzow. Solo budday... we're waiting!!
  3. JHC.. Those pics make me cringe. That's most likely a female too. I hope you agree with me that that fish coulda been handled better!!
  4. Wish I had a scanner, I still have the pictures. Was a warm day in November no? Mark Heaton and Doug Forder were there that morning. I had on that red white and blue tommy shirt. We also did a little electro fishing afterwards.. If that's the first weir I'm thinking about, we were both there!!
  5. That's a pimp new ride dudette. Paul ain't no scrub for shizzle. any pics of you behind the wheel sug?! HD
  6. Congratulations!! I worked for Tomahawk myself... You'll be working for their biggest competitors.. You'll be fishing Dog Bone Reef a lot.. If you take a family out, there's an island not far from there that has a nesting pair of bald eagles.. A good way to make an extra tip is to chuck a wounded perch close to the boat. Tell the folk in your boat to sit still and get their cameras ready.. The sound of an eagle circling your boat to take a fish will make your jaw drop!! Good luck out there and don't forget your maps. I got lost more than once!! Good luck dude! HD
  7. I remember the day we notched that first weir.. I was volunteering with Ontario Streams as a wee lad. Always gives me a good feeling when I see the fish make it over.. Thanks for that! HD
  8. Lemme know when bud. I'll give ya a buzz this weekend. Toi aussi t'es un charmeur!! Faut soit virer une bonne brosse ou une bonne pêche ensemble..
  9. I was desperate to hook into something LOL.. Something with a straight V-6 woulda been a hoot! Great link up guys. Maybe next week we'll get our fill.. Ya'll can have your chuckles, you'll be slobbering on your keyboards next time!
  10. Thought that pile of drift wood in the first pick was just cleared from the ice breakers.. The city outta do a better job of keeping those ice breakers clear.. Can someone explain to me what they're there for? Seems to me that they're doing more harm than good.
  11. Doozie report Wayne!! You sure know how to put people on to fish.. wicked! cheers HD
  12. Shweet!! I've still got that stupid grin on my face.. I've got a lot to smile about though. What a riot hahaah! Here's to many more epic trips! cheers HD
  13. yayyooo!! Nice feesh brah!
  14. Working hard eh?! Your missus said to call you at work, said you might be busy on the hour... HAHAAH!! Awesome report buddy. Beauties!! I'm begging Tanya for the car on Wednesday... I'm really really trying.. I'll try harder later. cheers HD
  15. OOhh dems some tantalizing esox waters UF... Betcha you hit it when the conditions are right and you'll hook into some godduns! sweeeet HD
  16. Nice one ol budday!
  17. Awesome! He's got your cheek bones... Looks like you'll be restricted to back yard trips for a while. Congrats!! HD
  18. OH That's it I'm telling on you! Your days are numbered you slime ball.
  19. By the way, for the mod that deleted my first reply. merdeux means lucky.. and is neither a swear nor is it offensive. Literal translation: You can't be any luckier!! What the heck?!! Who's got it in for me?
  20. HAHAH!! Careful doode, I hear Glen's real handy with a Skein Dhu!! HD
  21. Ya outta add some funky beats to that and make it in to a workout video!! cheers HD
  22. Sa mérite un bonne claque par le boss. Bien joué gros! HD
  23. mmmm VERY NOICE! thank you for making us eat mud. HD
  24. See it every morning on my way to the office... She's still frozen over. Looked sketchy too. If you're planning on heading that way, ya might as well check out the lake side. You'll have open water even in the sheltered areas, where you'll most likely find them. Any flats with good weed growth will hold pike this time of year too. Happy piking! HD
  25. Season started early for ya up in Simcoe eh? The old man's ran away for a few days and got prego in the process, that was back in December... Something on your mind Terry?!
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